Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting December 20, 2018

Frank Giampa N9QPD called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Rebecca KA9EFE asked her friend to bring banana bread and brownies.


Leo Ribordy N9NBH Danny Kafka KD9HIL Geoff Stevens KA9QGH
Ken Krzywicki KD9HIJ Rob Glowacki N9MVO Frank Giampa N9QPD
Jim Campbell KB9RGU Geoff Stevens KA9QGH Doug May W9YFC
Cliff Sowka K9QD John Douglas KD9KSH Robert Kocourek W9RKK
John Zietlow K9WIC Ken Krzywicki KD9HIJ Terry Jarholm AE9TJ
Edward Lishka AC9SD Dirk Smith W0RI Larry Oatman KD9AFY
Chris Brewer AC9GN Bill Crockett KD9AUP Kevin Willard KB9QVX

Treasurer’s Report

Chris Brewer AC9GN reported: beginning balance $5,169.92.  Income was $116.18.  Expense was $92.42 consisting of $60.42 data line and a $32 Harris Bank chargeback for a bounced membership submission. Ending balance $5,193.68.  Paid membership is currently 73.
President’s Report

Matt AC9IG not present but provided the following report: Don’t forget next month’s meeting is replaced with the holiday party. Same time but at Buona Beef in Hoffman Estates. Bring a ~$10 gift for the grab bag. Prizes for checking in to the net will be raffled off!


Thanks to Mike KD9KMV for filling in as net control at the last minute on Tuesday. Christmas day and New Year’s Day tech nets will be cancelled. Your last few chances to get entered in the net check in raffle are coming up on Thursdays through 1/10. Get on the air!


Also mentioned by Leo: The DuPage club is running classes for all three license levels early next year. A link can be found on our website.


Dennis Calvey KD9HIK not present.

SARC Repeaters

Terry reported the effort to secure spare parts for our three machines is underway with the Board already approving a $400 budget. Current a new Link Controller is purchased but the Raspberry Pi should not be ordered until he can specifically identify the correct version.

Membership Bob

Benwitz N9JAX
No report.

Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Approval of Meeting Minutes as published on our website. So moved.


John Zietlow K9WIC reports SARC EmComm Trusted Village Radio Volunteers were treated to an appreciation dinner this week. Upcoming on June 21st there will be a National organization hosting a Wide Area Unified Command exercise by Ham Radio Operators.
At the meeting we were given a heads-up that there will be a joint exercise involving multiple communities and agencies during the week of June 17-21, 2019. This exercise will likely include amateur radio participation. It should be noted that this is the week leading up to Field Day.
On another note, I received an email from the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc. discussing the FCC NPRM Docket Number 16-239. This proposal would eliminate the 300 baud limit for digital communications and replace it with a 2.8 kHz limit instead. The focus is on allowing Pactor 4 communications in the US. This mode is already being used by MARS communications.
Apparently, a ham named Theodore Rappaport has been leading a campaign to have the FCC outlaw all digital communications requiring proprietary codec schemes. If he is successful, this would eliminate Winlink, D-STAR, DMR, Fusion, and all connected modes. This would have a major impact on emergency communications. For more information, visit

Construction Project (CP)

Meeting this coming Saturday is on schedule.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK did contact Buena Beef for the January meeting night. The January club party will include: Net Check-in Raffle, Special Acknowledgement Awards for Member of the Year as well as the Bill Smead K9IIM Memorial Construction Project contributor. These special acknowledgement awards were submitted on the Election Ballots this evening and will be ready for the January event.


Leo N9NBH reported winter General Class has concluded with two students already taking their exam. Potential for Tech Class in the spring but Leo has to notify and reserve the Library about 60 days in advance.

VE Testing

John AC9JS reports VE Tests Results for December 1, 2018

Name Call Class
Bechtol, Keith KC9MCJ Technician
Puccia, Michael KC9MCK Technician
Korus, Philip KC9MCL Technician
Krzyicki, Kenneth KD9HIJ General
Radakovic, Dushan KD9HVU General
Technician 3
General 2
Extra 0
Total                      5

Next examination date: January 5, 2018


Matt AC9IG has been publishing club meeting minutes and activities on his newly-designed website.

Public Service

Rob N9MVO reported MS Walk is moving all the way to Roselle this spring and set for the first weekend of May. July events HE Fourth and Schaumburg Triathalon Chicagoland Marathon will be handled by the EMCOMM team.


Cliff Sowka K9QD reports no presentation is planned for January due to the Holiday Party. A new Program Chair will be needed for 2019. Dirk Smith W0RI presented digital modes tonight.


2M Machine is working fine.

Ebay Sales

No eBay sales to report

Old Business


New Business

Winter Field Day: There appears to be enough interest for the SARC in the Park setting set for Jan 26th.

Adjourn 7:42 PM
Submitted: December 21, 2018  Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary.