Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting March 6, 2019

Leo Ribordy N9NBH Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.


Leo Ribordy N9NBH Dirk Smith W0RI Cliff Sowka K9QD
Frank Giampa N9QPD John Zietlow K9WIC Danny Kafka KD9HIL
Edward Lishka AC9SD Geoff Stevens KA9QGH Chris Brewer AC9GN
Dennis C Calvey KD9HIK Mel Luxenberg W9FRT Russ Schmidt KC9NUV
Kent Ochs W9KAO

Treasurer’s Report

Chris Brewer AC9GN reported current financials:

Beginning Balance           $5,026.29

Income                                 $    378.00

Expense                               $      96.53  ($60.42 Data Line, State of Ill Annual Report, $46.55 club plaque).

Ending Balance                  $5,307.76

Current fully-paid membership: 75

President’s Report

Geoff KA9QGH related the late start of our February meeting was due to the Park District losing our regular meeting schedule when an older database was transported to their new scheduling system.

John K9WIC fortunately discovered the error earlier in the day and Facilities was directed to bring chairs to the classroom once the previous group ended their session.

The meeting addressed Field Strength Meters, imaginary numbers for impedance calculations as appear on the Extra exams.  Fall Class offering discussed and Geoff surveyed the group for interest in Extra class training but nobody showed interest.  Therefore our fall class offering will continue with Technician level.


Dennis Calvey KD9HIK said there was nothing specific to report but asked the Board for publicity ideas to pursue.  Suggested we utilize local newspapers with simple press releases, maybe capture the Winter Field Day article from last year as published in the Daily Herald to help inform the community or our public service contributions.  Field Day activity allows the club to invite local village management and provides us the opportunity to reinforce our contribution to the Fire Department, Park District, EMCOMM preparedness exercise support.

SARC Repeaters

Rob N9MVO and Terry AE9TJ not present. Chis AC9GN hasn’t been contacted for reimbursement of newly-authorized SPARES purchases at the moment but we believe some equipment has already been procured with more to be acquired.  The Board had previously approved expenditures for various Repeater items such as Lightning suppressors, controller modules, etc.

Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:   Approval of February’s BOD Minutes as published on our website.

State of Illinois Agent of Record is currently K9QD and will need to transition to KD9HIJ when he returns later this quarter.


John Zietlow K9WIC EMCOMM Chairman reported:

The following events should be listed on the SARC Calendar

  • Simulated Emergency Test April 27, 2019
  • Chicagoland Marathon May 19, 2019

IEMA is in the process of implementing a COML orientation course.  This course will provide an overview of the COML position in four hours whereas the full course is twenty hours.  Bob Langsfeld, WB9TZC was part of the rollout group and is a certified instructor for the course.  When the dates for local courses are established, they will be announced through SARC.

Members are encouraged to review the new ARRL ARES Plan on the ARRL.ORG web site.

LINK:  New Plan Aligns ARES with the Needs of Served Agencies.  Search for ARES Plan.

There is a new ARRL EC-001 class on the Introduction to Emergency Communications.  It is free and information is available on the ARRL web site.

The March EmComm report will focus on Skywarn activities and the desired communications’ concepts of the four W’s and the three C’s.  While these concepts are published in the Indiana Skywarn pamphlet and others, they are key concepts for any radio communications, especially when under duress.

Construction Project (CP)

Robert W9RKK not present.

Cliff K9QD found 9 plastic-sided versions of parts cabinets with larger bottom drawers and will be ready for the next CP gathering.  Cheap Chinese store had an ‘everything must go’ sale so the purchase was triggered.  Goal is to organize the larger components such as relays and power resistors that are now scattered across several coffee cans.

The current Park District Free-Rental Agreement for the basement facility needs to be renewed.  Vince K. has retired and the ladies at the front desk of the Tennis Club told us Richard W. was the new Superintendent.  We will need to renew our insurance rider as well now that Kent W9KAO was notified insurance policy renewal is due for 2019.


John Douglas KD9KSH will assume Social Chairman Role for 2019.


Leo N9NBH is planning a Technician Class with the Library District for the fall timeframe.  Library requires 6 months advance notice so Leo will submit his class announcement in March.

VE Testing

VE Tests Results for March, 2019

Dirk Smith W0RI reported 14 students for March.  Passed 3 Technician, 2 General, 1 Extra.  Dirk always hears the same questions:  “What radio do I buy?” and “How do I handle Logging?”  Suggestions include Ham Radio Deluxe, an entry-level 2Meter HT or 2M Mobile.  Some students have been obtaining their Amateur License to support legal operation of commercial drones.


Matt AC9IG continues editor role until a new editor for 2019 can be appointed.

Membership Committee

Bob Benwitz N9JAX

The following were contacted via phone and/or email during the month of February.

2/1   Mike C. (no call sign)  more general info about the club

2/19 Mike C.  (additional follow up and meeting location information)

2/23 Mike C.  (more follow up with club membership information and “Elmer-ing” suggestions)


Leo N9NBH reported the NETS have been conducted as planned.

Public Service

Rob N9MVO not present but previously reported the MS Walk has changed the venue for the event in 2019.  More details will become known as the spring approaches for the Roselle event May 5th.


Cliff Sowka K9QD reminded a new SARC Program Chair will need to be selected for 2019.  Nothing is scheduled for the March Business meeting at the moment.

Ebay Sales

No eBay sales to report.

Old Business

A new Committee has been formed to consider a Bylaw mechanism that allows the club to remove an undesirable member(s).

30 Day advance notice for proposed Bylaw changes to be subsequently affirmed in a future Special Session.

Two separate proposals:

Article III Section 5

Revocation of Membership for cause will be considered in a method specified by the Board of Directors

Article VIII   Section 3

No member shall act in an official capacity on behalf of SARC or allocate/order emergency funding without having prior approval of three (3) members of the Board of Directors.

For clarification in triggering an actual member removal incident under newly-proposed Article III Section 5 (if ratified by the Membership in April) for cause, Frank N9QPD moved the Board of Directors shall receive such complaint in writing.  So moved.

New Business

Leo N9NBH asked for ideas to encourage more NET activity.

Mel W9FRT related a story of fellow ham’s widow’s request for help in vacating an antenna farm; looking to find someone to dismantle antennas and patch her home’s siding once the coax cables are removed.  Such calls for assistance could be added to the weekly Nets to inform the membership of opportunity to help the radio community.  Additionally, SARC-ALL could be used to enlist resources such as when Dirk W0RI organized an antenna tower/rotor restoration for a disabled club member.

Leo N9NBH suggested we install Wires-X on the Amita Fusion repeater on Barrington Road.

He will ‘git-er-done’ with the hospital’s facilities management.

Adjourn 8:44 PM

Submitted:  March 7, 2019 by Cliff Sowka K9QD during the prearranged absence of Ken Krzywicki KD9HIJ, Secretary.