Upcoming Online Ham Radio Events

Mike Sorensen K9KQX

At tonight’s net [July 30, 2020 – Ed.] I mentioned a few items and thought I’d share some links about a virtual Hamfest with various keynote speakers.  The topics actually look pretty interesting so for the newer hams this might be worthwhile.  The event is free, just register on the web site prior to the event which starts next weekend August 8 and 9th.

https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/ [A schedule of topics can be found at the web site. -Ed.]

On another note the ARRL is having a new series of  webinars. Look on the main page for “Webinars-NEW’ under the main scrolling pictures, or go to this url

http://www.arrl.org/arrl-learning-network [ARRL membership required – Ed.]