Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting November 3rd, 2021

Board of Directors Meeting Nov 3, 2021

Burt Schultz Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.



Kent Ochs W9KAO Charlene Treve K9CMZ John Douglas  KD9KSH
John Zietlow K9WIC Barry  Friedman K9FMB Burt Schultz AB9CV
Ed Lishka  AC9SD Cliff Sowka K9QD


Secretary’s Report:

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Ed Lishka AC9SD moved to Approve, John Douglas KD9KSH seconded. So Moved.

Treasurer’s Report:

  John Zietlow K9WIC provides the following report:


Bank Balance                     1-Oct                                     $7,630.70

INCOME memo                                                                $   127.35

6-Oct     Dues xfr PayPal                                                 $     80.07

28-Oct Dues xfr PayPal                                                 $     47.28


DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                               $   167.52

10/18    Data Line                                                             $   167.52

Checks outstanding                                                         $     25.00

Deposit not included                                                      $       0.00

Account Balance                                                               $7,565.53


Bank Statement                1-Nov                                    $7,590.53

Checks outstanding                                                         $     25.00

Adjusted balance                                                             $7,565.53

Checkbook balance                                                         $7,565.53

Petty Cash                                                                           $   151.20

PayPal                                                                                   $       0.00

+petty cash – spec. acc. Funds Available                                 $7,716.73


113 members on roster


Cliff K9QD moved to approve, Kent Ochs W9KAO seconded. So Moved.

 Public Service:

  Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.


 John Zietlow K9WIC reports there is no activity planned in the near-term.


 Rob Glowacki N9MVO and Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ Repeater Committee:  Rob contributed by phone:


Our twisted-pair Dataline switch-over from ATT to DSLextreme is being scheduled to occur sometime in the next several weeks.  Rob will be contacting Abby of DSLextreme to arrange their visit to 2626 Small Drive.  Modem setup and proof of service continuation is the first step.  Subsequently any configuration needed to interface their service drop to our controller can then be accomplished.  John K9WIC negotiated a monthly fee of $60.87 to replace ATT’s fee of $167.52.


Our club purchased an FTM-300DR machine in the spring.  While configured and operational it is not currently residing at the repeater site but is planned to be moved and physically installed into our equipment cabinet in the pump house.

 Construction Project (CP):


Attendance continues to recover from release of January’s COVID headcount restrictions.  Sessions have resumed with current gatherings approaching ~20 people.

VE Testing

 Ed Lishka AC9SD VE reported the team is expecting one candidate as of this moment for Saturday’s testing session.


  Barry K9FMB Net Chairman reported weekly log-ins continue in a healthy 24~26 range.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG:

  Mike K9KMV No Report.

Recurring Calendar:

 Absentee Ballot Requests for our November Election have been mailed.  Four have been returned to our PO Box as of today and will remain un-opened and secured in the van out in the parking lot until election night.


A club member has stepped-forward to inquire about what duties are required to become Membership Chair.  If the activity is something that member can support, we may be able to announce new leadership shortly.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chair not present.


John KD9KSH has selected Lucky Monk on Barrington Road for our annual Holiday Party:

  • Sunday January 16th at 6PM.
  • It is possible SARC may again provide appetizers this year.
  • Attendees will be able to select and individually pay from a limited menu as in past.
  • John was able to negotiate-away the $800 non-refundable advance fee.
  • Room occupancy is limited to 35.


 Leo N9NBH not present.  Leo previously reported that Hoffman Estates Library is confirmed for our Technician Class beginning January 8th, 2022.  Set for a 10-week Technician course with class held from 10:30AM to 12:30PM.


 Doug May W9YFC informed he can make available a guest speaker for future meeting(s).  SARC Board appreciates the offer and will likely be able to utilize the resource once the new administration is installed after the January Holiday Party.

Program for November is likely to be a ~10 minute video of a Russian engineer who broke into and climbed the now-defunct DUGA over-the-horizon antenna array near Chernobyl.  This will help to cover meeting inactivity while waiting for the vote tabulation effort to be completed.

Old Business:

Ed Liska AC9SD noticed a peculiar US Mail receipt offering to renew our domain.  Good news is we’re automatically renewed in November, a full month before December’s expiration.

New Business:





Submitted November 4, 2021.  Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary