Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting June 1st, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting June 1, 2022


Ed Lishka AC9SD Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:51 PM.




Ed Lishka  AC9SD Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK John Douglas  KD9KSH
John Zietlow K9WIC John Schofield AC9JS Barry Friedman K9FMB
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Cliff Sowka K9QD Scott DeSantis KB9VRW
John Logisz KD9URP Charlene Treve K9CMZ Kent Ochs W9KAO


Secretary’s Report


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Ed Lishka AC9SD moved to approve the May BOD Minutes as published in the RHG.  John Douglas KD9KSH seconded. So Moved.


Correction to May minutes: Field Day GOTA Captain assignment not reported correctly.


Treasurer’s Report:


Barry Friedman K9FMB provides the following:


Checkbook Balance 30-Apr                                                           $6,793.29

INCOME MEMO                                                                                $   499.39

Check deposit 4-May Dues William Gisseler                          $     20.00

PayPal transfer 1-May EFT transfer                                           $   165.48

Petty cash 26-May Bank deposit                                                $   305.00

Amazon Smile 31-May EFT deposit                                           $       8.91

DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                                              $   212.82

Check 1264 4-May John Douglas Picnic cabin                       $   150.00

ACH 6-Apr AT&T DSL                                                                       $     62.82


Checks Outstanding

Deposit not included

Account Balance                                                                               $7,079.86

31-May Bank Statement                                                               $7,079.86

Statement unavailable at time of authoring

Adjusted balance                                                                             $7,079.86

31-May Checkbook balance                                                         $7,079.86

Petty Cash 31-May                                                                           $   106.00

Pay Pal 31-May                                                                                 $     36.62

+ Petty cash – special accounts Funds Available                   $7,222.48


121 members on roster


Barry reports the internal Audit was finished with only pennies (~$0.44?) unaccounted for.  He thinks he may be able to find the error.


Cliff Sowka k9QD moved to approve the report.  Ed Lishka AC9SD seconded.  So moved.


Public Service 


Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.




John Zietlow K9WIC reported ChicagoLand Marathon Hot Wash was conducted May 26th with event organizers: Governmental agencies very pleased with SARC’s support and contribution to the success of the event.




Repeater Committee began installing the club’s equipment for Wires-X at the Barrington Road facility and finds there are configuration challenges with ‘Room’ Assignments.  Additional programming will be accomplished to bring the system up.


Construction Project (CP)


Cliff Sowka K9QD reports attendance is dropping as summer begins. We had about 6 attendees last week while SARC-in-the-Park also had about 6 attendees.  One member brought some surplus equipment to donate and was greeted by the front counter team with ´Oh no, not more junk in the basement’.   Unhappy indicators from the Park District clerical team must be resolved quickly.

VE Testing


John Schofield AC9JS reported no candidates are currently scheduled for this Saturday.




Barry Friedman K9FMB reports Nets continue to be well attended.  We are in need of a host for the second Tuesday of the month TechNet.  Our introduction script needs to be updated.


Radio Hill Gazette RHG 


Mike K9KMV No Report.




Scott DeSantis KB9VRW is now SARC Membership Chair.




Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman spoke with Superintendent of Facilities Operations, Schaumburg Park District (SPD).


  • Replacement for Summer Krones hired.  Dennis will reach out to him in a couple of weeks.
  • Sent eMail recapping conversation & how SARC uses SPD facilities.
  • Also notified Tennis Plus to let them know we will be picking up tables for Field Day.
  • Roof renewal has not started at the Tennis Plus Club. SPD is aware of SARC wanting to replace an antenna, but will not allow SARC on the roof.  We supply the equipment, discuss with SPD & contractors – they will mount.
  • Schaumburg TriAthalon is canceled.  There may be another event later this year.
  • Superintendent knows about our role in providing eyes & ears for Public Safety & Event organizers.


For Field Day:  Dennis crafted a Visitor Sign-In Sheet.  ARRL-formatted invite will be communicated to targeted invitees.  About $25 printing expense is needed; John Shofield AC9JS moved to authorize Dennis to purchase needed materials.  Barry Friedman K9FMB seconded.  So moved.  Board also approved Dennis’ authority for ARRL FD Site Locator.



Summer Picnic July 23rd Noon ~ 4PM.


John Douglas KD9KSH reports our summer picnic is set for Saturday July 23rd.  Event will be Noon~4PM.  Plan is to include Fox Hunt activity during the picnic.  Planning for food and refreshment will be discussed as we get closer to July.




Leo N9NBH not present.




John Zietlow K9WIC reports the June presentation will cover Field Day procedures:  operating, logging, etc.


Old Business


Field Day: Danny Kafka KD9HIL needs closure on Field Day Safety Officer.  Requests our website post requirements to assist her effort in recruiting volunteers to cover the 24-hour time period.


ARRL Field Day Safety Officer Checklist

 To qualify for the 100-point Safety Officer bonus (for Class A stations), a group must appoint a qualified person/s who are present at their site from the beginning of set-up until the end of break-down.


The Safety Officer/s certify by submitting this form that due diligence was made to provide a safe operation.

o Safety Officer/s or qualified designated assistant/s was on site for the duration of the event.

o Fuel for generator properly stored.

o Fire extinguisher on hand and appropriately located.

o First Aid kit on hand.

o First Aid – CPR – AED versed else trained participant/s on site for full Field Day period.

o Access to NWS alerts to monitor for inclement weather.

o Tent stakes properly installed and marked.

o Temporary antenna structures properly secured and marked.

o Site secured from tripping hazards.

o Site is set up in a neat and orderly manner to reduce hazards.

o Stations and equipment properly grounded.

o Access to a means to contact police/fire/rescue if needed.

o Safety Officer is designated point of contact for public safety officials.

o Minimize risks and control hazards to ensure no injuries to public.

o As necessary, monitoring participants for hydration and ensuring an adequate water

supply is available.

__________________________________________________________ __________________

signature(s) / call(s)                                                                        date

Revised 3/2022


New Business


We need to purchase Coax/Connectors/Suppressors for our eventual antenna renewal at STP once the roof renewal is completed sometime this summer.  Since 1318 costs ~$1.50 per foot, a materials-purchase request will be crafted before the July 3rd budget deadline.  Cliff and Dennis will survey the site during the next CP gathering.


Medical Notice:  There was discussion regarding potential medical incidents during club activities.  The RED ENVELOPE method was determined to be efficient for employee/employer situations but nothing we could implement without potential exposure to HIPPA violations.  Therefore it’s advised that members anticipating such needs could include notifications similar to medical bracelets.


CP Storage Cabinets: Park District employees have negatively commented about the surplus equipment that is against the wall, not in the cabinets, and strewn-about on the floor near the fire exit.  We want to preserve our good standing with STP staff.  The Board of Directors will refund the $300 lot-payment previously received for those unsold items and take any remaining items to Hamfests over the summer months.


John Zietlow K9WIC moved and Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK seconded.  So moved.


Field Day


Danny Kafka KD9HIL continues organization efforts.  Welcome Table was discussed; should not have any chairs so that our greeters can introduce the event at eye-level and be ready to offer a site tour.


Certified Climbers have been confirmed.  Kent Ochs W9KAO moved we provide $25 honorarium to each climber.  Ed Lishka AC9SD seconded.  So moved.


$1,000 FD Food Budget was moved by John Zietlow K9WIC and seconded by Danny KD9HIL.  So moved.


Danny suggested pump house storage status be checked directly after Maxfield’s Breakfast this coming Saturday.


Adjourn 8:46 PM.


Submitted June 2, 2022  Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary