Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting April 18, 2024

Business Meeting April 18, 2024

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:17 PM.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK John Schofield AC9JS
Steve Karson AC9EM Paul Burkett KD9FMN Kevin Willard KB9QVX
Kirk  M K9MSG Charlene Treve K9CMZ Don Dewar KD9NJR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Danny Meyers K9LDM Daryl Jenks KB9RHR
WA9FZB Steve Epstein Leo Ribordy N9NBH Rob Glowacki N9MVO
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Joe Barela KB9RCR Roger Young WB9NBA
KE9AHI Jihyuk Park Alex Suptela W7DNA KC9VZH Jim Broduicki
AC9GN Chris Brewer KC9VO Charles Gold W9TMX Jorge Carillo
KW9WR Bill Riess KE9AIA Ovy Stanek KD8ZZN Oleg Harizanov
W9DXR Bob McIntyre

 ZOOM Attendees: 

Scott KB9VRW Pierre Berube K9EYE Russ KC9NUV
Bill KD9RGX Bates N9UVI John Thornton KD9VZJ
Roberto WA9E

 Secretary’s Report:

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  not present

Treasurer’s Report:  Chris Brewer ( AC9GN.

Funds Available    $7,275,81

Members on Roster        118

Motion to Approve by Danny K9LDM 2nd: Kevin KB9QVX.

Motion Adopted.

Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO: (

QST MS Walk May 5

  • Event will be entirely held on campus of Harper College.
  • About 10 volunteers required. Report to campus at 8:30.
  • Walk begins 10AM.


 John Zietlow K9WIC not present. Chicagoland Marathon staffing:

Call Sign               First Name          Last Name           Comments 

KD9HIL                  DANNY                 KAFKA

W9WEM              BILL                        McGovern          BIKE MOBILE

W9VTD                 DAVE                     CARPENTER        BIKE MOBILE

KD9WSV              HOWARD             MITCHELL

K9MSG                 KIRK                       MUSSELMAN

KD9HIK                 DENNIS                CALVEY

KW9KR                 BILL                        RIESS

KD9GOL               TYLER                    BUCHINGER                       CP

KB9RHR                DARYL                   JENKS

WA9PEB               TONY                     JEDLINSKI                            CP

N9NBH                 LEO                         RIBORDY              MED TENT

KC9UFB               JIM                         McGALLA            BIKE MOBILE

KD9ZZG                ALEX                      SANABRIA


VE Testing 

John Schofield AC9JS Session Manager

Results for April 6, 2024


Name Call Class
Alexander W2DNA General
David K9LLC General
Robert KE9AHS Technician
Gerald KD9YGI General
Russel KE9ADR General
David KE9AHZ Technician
Guy KE9AIA Technician
Kenneth KB9LIP General


Technician 3
General 5
Extra 0
Total 8

Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):

Bill Davies K9WKD
Steve Karson AC9EM
James Migalla KC9UFB
Neil Ormos N9NL
William Riess KW9WR
John Schofield AC9JS

For license upgrades, the information was in the FCC ULS System on Thursday, 04-11-24.  For new licenses, the information was in the FCC ULS System on Saturday, 04-11-24.  The delay was due to the inability of the FCC ULS System to accept the new information.

Next examination date: May 4, 2024


Don needs Net Control operators, especially on Tuesday. Rob: “this would be good practice for getting Callsigns”.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG): 

 Mike K9KMV:  Not present.

Special Events:

Volunteers and materials in place for STEM fair on May 2. Leo requested and received a corner table.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW: No report.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK:

  • Traffic continues to build on the SARC Facebook page.  Roberto (WA9E) is the most frequent contributor. Posts to the site drive visits, and site visits lead to engagement.  While anyone can view the site, posting is restricted to SARC members in good standing, within the guidelines presented in the SARC Charter.  Enrollment can be requested thru John Script N9IJS or Dennis Calvey (
  • Saturday April 20th will provide two opportunities for SARC members to get involved in Amateur radio activities:
  • John Zietlow (K9WIC) will be holding a planning meeting from 09:00 AM to 12:000 Noon at the Hoffman Estates Police Department for the May 5th Chicagoland Marathon.  We need more operators to provide the level of coverage we  have provided in the past.  Please contact John at if you’re interested in volunteering. PLEASE NOTE:  Participation is coordinated with the Village of Schaumburg, not the event organizers.  SARC benefits from a close relationship with the Village – this is a great way to reinforce that relationship.
  • Don Dewar (KD9NJR) is coordinating support of the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) at the Mount Prospect Emergency Management Expo.  The expo will be held at Mount Prospect Fire Station 14, 2000 E. Kensington Road in Mt. Prospect, and will run from 10:00AM (09:00 AM setup) until 2:00 PM.  Please contact Don at for more information.

Thursday May 2nd, Leo Ribordy (N9NBH) is coordinating SARC’s participation in a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Expo at Anne Fox Elementary School in Hanover Park.

Anne Fox School is in School District 54, with a student population of about 325 students, Kindergarten thru 6th grade.

Leo, Daryl Jenks (KB9RHR), Bill Riess (KW9WR), Robert Benwitz (N9JAX) and myself will be setting up demonstrations of QRP operation, Raspberry Pi, FT8 and local repeater operations.

Leo has arranged to get free promotional materials from the ARRL, and I’ll be handing out copies of QST and CQ magazines.

Right now it looks like we’ve got sufficient representation, but we welcome any suggestions for additional activities.

Social:  Chair open


 Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No report


Old Business:


New Business: 

Danny Kafka KD9HIL

Field Day

  • Permit application submitted April 16.
  • We have our 2nd tower climber (Jorge), with thanks to Paul for describing what this entails)
  • Robert RKK will be SSB tent captain
  • Daryl will provide a 2nd generator and donate a laptop.
  • Leo, John VZJ and Daryl will transport tables and chairs.

Adjourn:  7:40 PM


Don KD9NJR presented information about Skywarn, especially when and when not to report storm conditions.

Posted April 23, 2024 as transcribed from KD9HIL notes.

Cliff Sowka  K9QD Secretary