Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors February 5, 2025


Board of Directors Meeting February 5, 2025

Chairman Bill McGovern, W9WEM, called the meeting to order at 7:00PM



Bill McGovern W9WEM

Don Dewar KD9NJR Chris Brewer AC9GN
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Paul Burkett KD9FMN Bill Reiss KW9WR
Kent Ochs W9KAO Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Elliot Libner N9EPA
Cliff Sowka K9QD Bob Benwitz N9JAX Cliff Sowka K9QD
Robert Kocourek W9RKK 


Secretary’s Report               

Members asked for any comments or questions regarding the January BOD Meeting Minutes (Amended) as published on the web site by Howard Mitchell KD9WSV: None heard, Bill Reiss KW9WR moved for approval and Bob Benwitz N9JAX seconded.  Motion Adopted. 

Treasurer’s Report                                           

Chris Brewer AC9GN presented the below report:

Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present

Robert Kocourek W9RKK will send a reminder via SARC-ALL about the March MS Walk in Itasca.


Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.  

Board continues to request a detailed Scope of Work from TOWERWORKS in replacing our 2M StationMaster antenna.  Rob N9MVO is working with the vendor, no report at the moment. 

Kent Ochs W9KAO summarized options to modify the automated announcements made by Echolink on the 2M repeater. Following discussion on this topic, Howard KD9WSV made a motion that the Echolink automated announcements be turned off. Bob Benwitz N9JAX seconded, and the motion was Approved.

(Repeater discussion continued- see New Business section of these minutes)

Construction Project

Cliff Sowka K9QD: Attendance continues to be very good. Additional tables have been supplied by the Schaumburg Tennis Plus as requested. The only items remaining from the recent auction are the quarantined radios, being held for availability to New Hams, and miscellaneous very small items of little to no dollar value. Cliff will dispose of these small items as he sees fit.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG) 

Eliot Libner N9EPA. Editor, continues to update RHG including ability to add photos.

VE Testing:   

John Schofield AC9JC FCC Volunteer Examiner (VE) Session Chair not present

 Next examination date: March 1, 2025


Don Dewar KD9NJR reports attendance continues to be very good and he plans to update the script sightlyAs he previously has indicated, the club needs more members to come forward to handle Net Control for the Tech Net. 


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present. 


Dennis Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman report:

  • Kirk Musselman’s (K9MSG) report on Simplex Nets posted to Facebook and published on SARC-ALL by Kirk.. Either Kirk or Dennis will publish results to ARRL

Facebook Page has 172 followers

Plans to publish an article on Facebook regarding the monthly breakfast at Maxfields including a comment about tipping kitchen staff.


see New Business section for additional information


John Douglas KD9KSH was not present but all agreed the club holiday party at the Pollyanna facility in Roselle on January 18th was a great success and appreciated the time and effort by John to make this a fun evening.  We were honored by having two Shaumburg Officers attend for a short period and thanked them as representing our on-going excellent relationship with Schaumburg.


Leo N9NBH not present. 

Technician classes started on Saturday January 11, 2025, and continue each Saturday until Saturday March 15th. 


Don Dewar KD9NJR: A program topic has been arranged for February. A potential subject regarding satellite communication was proposed.

Unfinished Business 

No additional items discussed

New Business 

1) Howard, KD9WSV has been appointed by the President as EMCOMM Chairman and was approved by the full Board of Directors. Howard presented his partnership with Dennis Calvey KD9HIK as Vice-chair, Served Agency Liaison and Kirk Mussleman K9MSG as Vice-chair, EMCOMM Education and Training. Howard discussed three objectives:

  • Educate volunteer members on EMCOMM basics including on-line courses
  • Participate in Government initiated requests for Amateur Radio participation
  • Act as a “feeder” to EMCOMM groups such as ARES, SATERN, AUXCOMM, etc.

Significant proposed updates to the SARC website concerning EMCOMM were supplied to all Board members and Officers prior to the meeting. A motion to approve these changes was made by Bill McGovern W9WEM and seconded by Bill Reiss KW9WR. The motion was Approved.

2) Discussion led by Don Dewar KD9NJR regarding updates and or changes to the club repeater systems. It was concluded that we need to assemble a small team to recommend what changes ought to be planned for including possible replacement of some of the repeater equipment. He will open this up for discussion at the March 20th Club meeting, encouraging some of our newest members with applicable technical background be included in this activity.

3) Don Dewar KD9NJR and Dennis Calvey KD9HIK have both documented their thoughts about how we can better accommodate a small number of ZOOM users at our club meetings recognizing the limitations at the community center and our intent to encourage in-person attendance. Dennis will document how this will be handled in the future and distribute to all club members.

4} It is recognized that the memo of understanding (MOU) between the Radio Club and the town of Schaumburg needs to be updated. Dennis Calvey KD9HIK will explore who are the appropriate people we should initiate discussions with in Schaumburg.

5) Don Dewar KD9NJR Made a motion to amend the November 22nd, 2024, minutes relating to the club elections changing “special” meeting to “annual” meeting as was intended and is consistent with our club Bylaws. Robert Kocourek W9RKK seconded, and the motion was Adopted See the amendment below:


All SARC Members,

There has been some discussion and internet chatter recently about some of the wording in the minutes. Some members were concerned about the legality of our actions as a corporation, and also the possible impact of the wording if left as published. This concern is regarding the wording only and has no impact on the actual procedures that were correctly followed. If you look up the definition of “Meeting Minutes” you will see that minutes are not meant to be a verbatim transcript of the meeting, but a summary of what was done and by whom. Our minutes are correct; it is just the title of the meeting that needs to be changed. That being said, our club will amend the meeting minutes to the title in the minutes to address this mistake and re-publish the corrected minutes.


Adjourn 8:44 PM 

Submitted February 6, 2025

Howard Mitchell KD9WSV, Secretary