Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting March 20,2025

Business Meeting February 20, 2025 

Don Dewar KD9NJR President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Don Dewar KD9NJR

Danny Kafka KD9HIL

Chris Brewer AC9GN

Bill McGovern W9WEM

Cliff Sowka K9QD

Jim Neumann W9JWN

Rob Glowacki N9MVO

Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK

Robert Kocourek W9RKK

Tom O’Boyle N96UN

Guy Stanek KE9AIA

Howard Mitchell KD9WSV

Steve Epstein WA9FZB

Tom Kraus N9HWV

Paul Burkett KD9FMN 

Kirk Musselman K9MSG

Burch Seymour KE9BEI

Chuck Gold KC9VO

Bob Benwitz N9JAX

Rich Dickens KY0Q

Roger Young WB9NBA

Leo Ribordy N9NBH

Roberto Beltramelli WA9E

John Thornton KD9VZJ

  ZOOM Virtual Attendees: 

Jim Campbell KB9RGU

Steve Karson AC9EM

Joe Barela KB9RCR

Paul Bocci K9NO

 Secretary’s Report:  Howard Mitchell KD9WSV

 February Meeting Minutes as published by Howard Mitchell KD9WSV in the RHG:

Leo Ribordy N9NBH moved to approve minutes, Bill McGovern seconded. Motion Adopted

  Treasurer’s Report   Chris Brewer AC9GN

Danny Kafka KD9HIL moved to approve minutes, Guy Stanek KE9AIA seconded. Motion Adopted

 VE Testing  John Schofield AC9JC not present

John Schofield AC9JC FCC Volunteer Examiner (VE) Session Chair previously provided the following report for the Board meeting:

VE Tests Results for March 1, 2025




Construction Project – Cliff Sowka K9QD

Only 3 more sessions remaining until replaced by SARC in the Park. Cliff is looking for photos for a wall of honor he is mounting in the basement of the Schaumburg Tennis Plus where the construction projects are held. He also showed framed letters from Tracy Raimondo and the Schaumburg Chief of Police commending SARC participation at the SeptemberFest which will also be displayed.

Don Dewar KD9NJR added that he is putting together a list of materials and costs for building Fox Hunt slide rule antennas as has been requested by a number of members.



Public Service – Rob Glowacki N9MVO

Rob reported on initial information regarding the MS Walk activity in May which will be moved to Hamilton Lakes. He anticipates needing additional volunteers as it’s schedule (7:30 to 2:00) may now include 2 shifts. He will solicit volunteers when he gets additional information and requests volunteers simply reply to his invite rather than send independent emails.

He also mentioned:

  • 4th of July parade is still likely
  • Potential event July 6th at Busse Woods
  • Schaumburg SeptemberFest

Repeaters – Rob Glowacki N9MVO

Continuing to try to get detailed quote from company targeted for new antenna installation for the 2M repeater.

Education: – Leo Ribordy N9NBH

Technician level class been completed: will need to wait to see how many participants take the exam for a license. There has been some initial discussion of possibly offering a General level class.

EmComm – Howard Mitchell KD9WSV

A very successful meeting was held with Tracy Raimondo, (Schaumburg Emergency Management and Accreditation) at the Schaumburg EOC attended by Howard, Kirk Musselman K9WSV and Dennis Calvey KD9HIK. As requested by Tracy, Howard sent her a one page summary of SARC and what services we can offer to the Village of Schaumburg. It was also agreed that a new Memo of Understanding (MOU) was needed and a first draft is ready to send to the Village for their input.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK no additional report


Old Business: No reports

New Business

Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK expressed concerns about potential competition for spectrum use. He suggested the club create a legislative review committee that would coordinate SARC responses to anticipated FCC requests for comments on such legislation. The Board will take up this item at its next session.

Dennis also suggested setting up a digital vault to store club documentation. Several members have since discussed how this can be done and will likely offer a proposal for review.

Howard Mitchell KD9WSV organized a video conference call with Kent Ochs W9KAO, Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Mariusz Szpryngacz AD9DU, Oleg Harizanov KD9ZZN and Richard France N9PAN to discuss the architecture of our current repeaters. It is hoped that new members such as Marius, Richard, and Oleg, who have a good technical backgrounds and experience, will participate in thinking through improvements to our current repeater setup as well as backing up Kent and Rob over time. The discussion was excellent and a date was set for a visit to both repeater sites.

Tom Boyle discussed coordinating a casual club bike ride with radios. A number of members have expressed interest.

Don Dewar, KD9NJR indicated that the Zoom interface used for remote member participation at the monthly business meetings, despite best efforts, continues to have issues. We will do the best we can but in-person attendance is still recommended.

Adjourn7:57 PM

Presentation:  Post adjournment: John Thornton, KD9VZJ gave a slide show presentation on solar power capture and storage equipment he has been using and some thoughts on how interested members could get started in this capability.


 Submitted February 21,2025

 Howard Mitchell KD9WSV
