Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors December 4, 2024


Board of Directors Meeting December 4, 202

Robert Kocourek W9RKK Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00PM

12/07/2025: Corrected Holiday Party to Saturday Jan 18th, 2025


Robert Kocourek W9RKK

Don Dewar KD9NJR

Howard Mitchell KD9WSV

Danny Kafka KD9HIL

Paul Burkett KD9FMN

Bill Reiss KW9WR

Cliff Sowka K9QD

Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK

Elliot Libner N9EPA

John Schofield AC9JS

Bob Benwitz N9JAX

Bill McGovern W9WEM

Secretary’s Report               

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  November BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:  John Schofield AC9JS moved to approve and Bill Reiss KW9WR.  Motion Adopted. 

Treasurer’s Report                                           

Chris Brewer AC9GN reports: 


November 2024

Report generated on 12/3/2024

Checkbook Balance






2 Zelle deposits



2 Dues

1 Teller deposit



1 Dues + $46 SK parts sales









Account Balance



Bank Statement


Petty Cash


Original balance



New balance









Funds Available


108 members on roster

 AT&T dataline charges are changing in both directions and our records are devoid of our original password to enable Customer Service’s ability to investigate our account. 

·       Cliff Sowka K9QD moved to approve and Paul Burkett KD9FMN seconded.  Motion Adopted.

 Public Service  

Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present. 


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK is our acting Chairman until someone may step-up to assume the role.  


Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.  

Board requests a detailed Scope of Work from TOWERWORKS in replacing our 2M StationMaster.  Rob N9MVO is working with the vendor; no report at the moment. 

Construction Project (CP) 

Cliff Sowka K9QD reports there will be a special 2-Hour gathering at CP this Saturday to allow SK Bid Winners to pick-up their items.  

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG) 

Eliot Libner N9EPA Editor is continuously updating our main page with items of interest derived from internal postings of our membership.  This allows our site’s visitors to learn of activities that may normally be only visible inside our club. 

VE Testing:   

John Schofield AC9JS, Session Manager reports there are two (2) candidates for this coming Saturday. 

 Next examination date: December 7th, 2024 


Attendance remains enthusiastic.  Don Dewar KD9NJR reports it would be appreciated if additional members would come forward to handle Net Control at times. 


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present. 


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman reports: 

January Technician Class at Schaumburg Township District Library, Hoffman Estates Branch: 

·         As of 12/03/2024 4 enrolled, 11 seats available 

·         Submitted to & published on ARRL Web Site

·         Posted on Facebook page

·         Published on N9RJV 

·         Submitted to Daily Herald Events and Calendar.    Waiting for confirmation email.  Copy sent to sarc-bd separately. 

SARC presentation for the Village of Schaumburg Emergency Preparedness meeting posted to the Village web site at  

Silent Key Auction:  

  • Bids under minimum were rejected.  New, Lower reserves will be listed and Auction repeated
  • Bids for items blocked for donation pool?  Policy not resolved yet.
  • Items not sold – hold for HamFests? Offer for sale on eBay? (It’s a lot of work!)  Will Stage a second round at reserve price reduction

Schaumburg Park District Facility Utilization Request

  • It’s time for the annual letter to SPD.  Some personnel changes at SPD. 
  • Request will be sent to current employees.
  • Add to “Construction Project”: Desire a total of Ten tables, 30 – 35 chairs
  • Need to confirm dates, including Winter Field Day.
  • Need a current copy of our insurance letter.  Strongly encourage having the Schaumburg Park District named as an additional insured. 

Education Request:

  • WinLink Classes.  Could be set up in the West area of the Tennis Plus Club basement, OR held on a different day – 3rd Saturday of the month OR held at a different location such as the Schaumburg Township District Library (Hoffman Estates Branch, on Main Library.  Not sure if the Hanover Park Branch has rooms available).  We have a couple of members with expertise with WinLink, including Daryl Jenks KB9RHR and others.  We need someone willing to take charge.
  • Several members have suggested holding Extra License classes.  In discussions with those inquiring, I’ve suggested a Study Group, rather than a class.  Members of the study group would be assigned a specific topic and then teach it to the group before a discussion / question / answer period.  Again, the interest is there, we just need someone to take charge.


  • Still looking for someone to take over. 


John Douglas KD9KSH (not present) is temporarily continuing his leadership role and has reserved Pollyanna facility in Roselle for our Holiday Party: 

·                                                              Saturday January 18th 2025 6~9PM.  

John will be sending periodic reminders over the next several weeks. 


Leo N9NBH not present.  Leo Ribordy (N9NBH) has secured dates for the next Technician class to be held at the Schaumburg Township District Library (Hoffman Estates Branch).  

The classes will start on Saturday January 11, 2025 and continue each Saturday until Saturday March 15th.  Classes are published on the Library website ( 


Don Dewar KD9NJR: working on Program Schedule for February start.  There are plans to host DX Engineering during the early months of 2025. 

Old Business 

Cliff Sowka K9QD moved for $200 budget request to purchase tables/chairs for Construction Project.  Robert Kocourek W9RKK moved to approve and Bill Reiss KW9WR seconded.  Motion Adopted. 

Don Dewar KD9NJR suggested we plan better room rental agreement/clarification for meeting reservations.  Since SARC is a non-revenue entity for the Park District, they maintain their options for alternant room placement and will vary our meeting locations as needed. 

New Business 

Don Dewar KD9NJR discussed possible SARC support for Salvation Army meeting facility access.  

Adjourn 8:17 PM 

Submitted Dec 6, 2024 with help from Howard Mitchell KD9WSV

Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary