Reminder: Last SITP of 2019

September 9, 2019
By: Mike Griffiths, KD9KMV Please join us at the last SARC in the Park of the year on Saturday September 14th.  Weather permitting, of course, we will be setting up and operating our portable radio equipment.  It starts at 8 am under the picnic shelter next to the Bocce Ball court at the Schaumburg Community Recreation Center.

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting August 15th, 2019

August 31, 2019
Schaumburg Business Meeting      15 August 19, 2019 Vice President Danny Kafka KD9HIL called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Tonight’s question was; what got you into ham radio? Rebecca KA9EFE continues to provide the Club with wonderful snacks. Attendees: Danny Kafka KD9hil///Mel Luxenberg W9FRT///Bill Crockett KD9AUP John Douglas KD9KSH///John Zietlow K9WIC///Jim Campbell KB9RGU///Frank Giampa N9QPD Ed … Continue reading "Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting August 15th, 2019"