Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting February 21, 2019

February 28, 2019
Geoff Stevens KA9QGH President called the meeting to order at 7:17 PM. Rebecca KA9EFE brought some bakery items tonight that disappeared quickly. Attendees Mel Luxenberg W9FRT Danny Kafka VP KD9HIL Geoff Stevens KA9QGH Kent Ochs W9KAO Rob Glowacki N9MVO Burt Shultz AB9CV Rick Cook KC9PLO Geoff Stevens KA9QGH Doug May W9YFC Dick Mirdell Mike Griffiths … Continue reading "Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting February 21, 2019"

From the President February 2019

February 28, 2019
From the President, So the February meeting came off without hitch. Except for starting a half an hour late, we had some spirited discussion. Talk consisted of field strength meters, contesting, Emcomm, and imaginary numbers i = (√-1)  or more simply i2=-1. Simply stated an imaginary number is a complex number that can be written … Continue reading "From the President February 2019"

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting February 6, 2019

February 28, 2019
Leo Ribordy N9NBH Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. Attendees Leo Ribordy N9NBH Dirk Smith W0RI Cliff Sowka K9QD Frank Giampa N9QPD John Zietlow K9WIC Geoff Stevens KA9QGH Edward Lishka AC9SD Chris Brewer AC9GN Peter Maziuk N9POL Treasurer’s Report Chris Brewer AC9GN reported current financials: Beginning Balance           $5,133.26 Income                                 $              0 Expense                               $   106.97  … Continue reading "Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting February 6, 2019"

Winter Field Day Deployment

February 13, 2019
By: Mike KD9KMV On January 26th 2019, aka Winter Field Day, I decided to deploy a portable station at the Moraine Hills State Park, in Illinois (map). I chose this location because, as a bonus, it is also a Parks On The Air (POTA) recognized location, so I would be able to take part in … Continue reading "Winter Field Day Deployment"