May 1, 2018
We’ve completed two public service events, and there are two more left for the club this summer. And there are plenty of other ones in the area. Most of the clubs in our area support a lot of the same events that we support, parades, charity walks and the like. If you’re interested in helping …
Continue reading "President’s Report May 2018"
April 30, 2018
Matt Walsh AC9IG President opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. Attendees: Leo Ribordy N9NBH Dennis Calvey KD9HIK Cliff Sowka K9QD Matt Walsh AC9IG Kent Ochs W9KAO Frank Giampa N9QPD Dirk Smith W0RI Rob Glowacki N9MVO Danny Kafka KD9HIL Robert Kocourek W9RKK Burt Shultz AB9CV Steve Karson …
Continue reading "Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting April 19, 2018"
April 30, 2018
Frank Giampa N9QPD Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. Attendees: Leo Ribordy N9NBH Dennis Calvey KD9HIK Cliff Sowka K9QD Matt Walsh AC9IG Kent Ochs W9KAO Frank Giampa N9QPD Dirk Smith W0RI Chris Brewer AC9GN Treasurer’s report: Chris Brewer AC9GN reports: beginning balance $4,932.21. Income was $23.97. Expense …
Continue reading "Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting April 4, 2018"
April 29, 2018
Our message board recently had a great discussion about how to properly size a battery when operating remote. Robert W9RKK asked: I’m looking to buy a deep cycle battery for SARC in the Park. What kind of ampere hour rating would be sufficient? I have an Elecraft K3. Rob N9MVO replied: The question is: How …
Continue reading "Battery Size for Portable Operation"
April 28, 2018
This week we repaired a Motorola service monitor, tested the SWR of an antenna, programmed a HT and used 4nec2 to confirm 2m antenna dimensions.