WA9BLP Tower Project

April 4, 2018
The club recently helped Ray WA9BLP refurbish his tower, antennas and shack. A full write up can be found in the March 2018 RHG. Kevin K9AAB provided this video documenting the process.

From the President

April 3, 2018
Some exciting things have happened relating to our new web site. It is proving to be a great tool for communicating our events, and for showing others who may be interested in the club what we do. I urge all of you to help us keep things fresh on the web site. It’s fairly easy. … Continue reading "From the President"

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Director March 7, 2018

March 24, 2018
Frank Giampa N9QPD Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. Attendees Leo Ribordy N9NBH Dennis Calvey KD9HIK Cliff Sowka K9QD Matt Walsh AC9IG Kent Ochs W9KAO Russ Schmidt KC9NUV Frank Giampa N9QPD Dirk Smith W0RI Chris Brewer AC9GN Treasurer’s report Chris Brewer AC9GN reports: beginning balance $4,992.50.  Income was $0.  Expense was $60.29 for data … Continue reading "Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Director March 7, 2018"