Websites Recommended by Club Members

March 24, 2018
Each month we present a new list of websites that club members find interesting. We’ll share these with you.   If you find something of interest that’s Ham Radio, or technology related, ie electronics, science, engineering, computers, kit building etc, please feel free to send submission to Mike K9KQX. ARRL Repurposes AM Transmitter for HAM Radio … Continue reading "Websites Recommended by Club Members"


March 24, 2018
by Dave Sims K9KBM (Copied from Ad) When was the last time you used a radio you had built? The BITX40 board is a two board, 40 meter SSB transceiver module kit with digital control! Inside an evening, you can be on-air with this digital SSB transceiver, chatting with the local gang or chasing DX … Continue reading "BITX40 SSB Kit"

CQ Worked All Prefix Contest

March 24, 2018
From 7pm Friday, March 23 until 7pm Sunday March 25 you can work countries around the world on HF SSB. The goal of this contest is to work as many prefixes as possible, with more points earned for countries on a different continent than you. The exchange for this contest is very simple, 59 and … Continue reading "CQ Worked All Prefix Contest"