Miscellaneous Updates

March 23, 2018
Construction Project   Gary N9VU Next CP meeting will be Saturday, April 14th and 28th from 8am till noon. Location is at the Schaumburg Tennis Plus, 1416 Payne Rd, Schaumburg, IL EMCOMM  Bob Langsfeld WB9TZC Leo N9NBH reported exercise of the Sunday night Net and the Peoria-based ARES 3.905 MHz test 4:30PM conducted for all districts … Continue reading "Miscellaneous Updates"

From the President

March 23, 2018
I am always thoroughly impressed when I hear the attendance numbers for the construction project. Very often above 20. This is great. It’s unfortunate that my schedule doesn’t allow me to make it to them very often. I also enjoy the photos from the construction project that show up on SARC All from time to … Continue reading "From the President"

From the Editor

March 23, 2018
Happy Easter to all, Spring is here, though as I write this it’s supposed to snow Friday, but Spring should be here soon.  So in this edition we have a couple of member profiles to share, a part 2 on Ray Buchicchio’s antenna project, and an article on the BITX40 transceiver kit. Enjoy this months … Continue reading "From the Editor"

Upcoming Class

March 19, 2018
Our club neighbors, the York Radio Club in Elmhurst, are sponsoring a Technician level class. This is a fast paced class including a license exam at the end of day two. The class is free, there is a $14 fee to take the exam. April 21 – 22, 2018 – 8 AM to 4 PM Weekend … Continue reading "Upcoming Class"

March Club Meeting

March 15, 2018
The presentation this month was on Skywarn and how ham radio is still very relevant in weather spotting. The following is the last slide of the presentation which lists upcoming classes and local weather spotting nets.