March 15, 2018
The presentation this month was on Skywarn and how ham radio is still very relevant in weather spotting. The following is the last slide of the presentation which lists upcoming classes and local weather spotting nets.
March 11, 2018
March 8, 2018
SARC announces the availability of two scholarships for W9DXCC this fall. Thanks to a generous donation from a member, the club will be sponsoring two people to attend the W9DXCC convention on September 14 and 15 at the Hyatt Regency in Schaumburg. The criteria for awarding the scholarship as well as other conditions are in …
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February 16, 2018
The club held it’s monthly meeting yesterday with 22 members in attendance. Mike Cloudfelter presented the state of Amateur Radio in Japan after his recent visit.
January 31, 2018