WA9BLP Tower Project

April 4, 2018
The club recently helped Ray WA9BLP refurbish his tower, antennas and shack. A full write up can be found in the March 2018 RHG. Kevin K9AAB provided this video documenting the process.

CQ Worked All Prefix Contest

March 24, 2018
From 7pm Friday, March 23 until 7pm Sunday March 25 you can work countries around the world on HF SSB. The goal of this contest is to work as many prefixes as possible, with more points earned for countries on a different continent than you. The exchange for this contest is very simple, 59 and … Continue reading "CQ Worked All Prefix Contest"

W9DXCC Scholarship

March 8, 2018
SARC announces the availability of two scholarships for W9DXCC this fall. Thanks to a generous donation from a member, the club will be sponsoring two people to attend the W9DXCC convention on September 14 and 15 at the Hyatt Regency in Schaumburg. The criteria for awarding the scholarship as well as other conditions are in … Continue reading "W9DXCC Scholarship"