July 1, 2020
SARC is offering on a very limited basis VE testing that follows the current social distancing guidelines. Please complete the form below and you will receive a call back from our VE team when a slot is available for testing.
June 11, 2020
Unfortunately the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will not allow us to hold Field Day in the traditional way this year. The ARRL has issued Temporary Rule Waivers for the 2020 event as well as Field Day 2020 FAQs to allow the event to continue in a safe, socially distant way. Highlights include: Class D (home) stations …
Continue reading "Club Contest – Field Day From Home"
May 22, 2020
Our VE Team recently implemented a plan to provide License Testing while following social distancing guidelines. The first session took place on Saturday, May 16 2020. The team reports that 4 tests were administered with 2 new Technicians and 1 upgrade to general. The next session will take place on Saturday, June 6 by appointment …
Continue reading "Social Distancing VE Testing a Success"
April 2, 2020
March 31, 2020
Schaumburg Business Meeting March 2020 As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the monthly meeting was cancelled and therefore no actual minutes available. However, Cliff K9QD was able to provide an abridged version based off of email traffic passed through the club’s group email distribution list. No Business Meeting EMCOM, VE, and NET Activity Updated March 2020 …
Continue reading "Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting March 19th 2020"