Heat Sink Milling for Dummy Load

November 14, 2023
During a recent construction project club members built dummy loads for testing radios. The loads required a heat sink and club member Bob W9GEW provided materials and machine time from his business to help produce those. He provided this video of the machining process. 

Belvidere Hamfest Video

November 10, 2023
Robert W9RKK took this short video when he attended the CFMC Belvidere Hamfest and a few fellow SARC members stopped by.

Fox Hunt Season Wrap Up

November 8, 2023
by Jim KB9RGU Well , it’s over. Summer that is. Oh, and the Foxhunt season as well. October 28th 2023, the last of the four Saturday Foxhunts is in the books.  We changed the hours at the suggestion of a couple participants. Started at 1500 and finished at 1600, welcomed  sunshine on a cool and … Continue reading "Fox Hunt Season Wrap Up"