Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting February 20th 2020
Schaumburg Business Meeting February 20th 2020 Rebecca Hopkins KA9EFE brought brownies tonight. All gone in minutes. Geoff Stevens KA9QGH President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM Attendees: Danny Kafka KD9HIL Cliff Sowka K9QD Chris Brewer AC9GN Mel Luxenberg W9FRT Geoff Stevens KA9QGH Rick Dickens KY0Q Ed Liska AC9SD Kevin Willard KB9QVX Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Zietlow K9WIC Bob Benwitz N9JAX Daryl Jenks KB9RHR Steve Karson … Continue reading "Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting February 20th 2020"