Constitution of the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club
We, the undersigned, wishing to further the cause of Amateur Radio in the community, technically and socially, hereby constitute ourselves as the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club.
Article I...
Article I Name
Section 1.
Name: The name of the organization shall be Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
Article II Purpose
Section 1.
Purpose: The purpose of this organization is to render Public Service whenever applicable to the needs of...
Code of Conduct
All SARC members shall, during all club functions, using all club communication methods, including electronic and digital forms such as repeaters and email reflectors, be:
Never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure...
Communication Policy
Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Publicity and Internal / External Communication Policy
Adopted by the board May 4, 2022 .
The Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club (SARC) uses a variety of internal and external communication methods to its members, the general...
Committee Definitions
Program Committee
Social Activities Committee
Membership Committee
Education Committee
Emergency Communication Committee (EMCOMM)
Public Service Committee
Special Events Committee
Publications Committee
Public Relations and Publicity
Procedure for Absentee Voting
Resolution Establishing a Procedure for Absentee Voting
Whereas, the By-Laws of the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club (SARC) call for the Board of Directors to Specify a procedure for allowing for the absentee balloting for the election of officers and...