
Constitution of the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club


We, the undersigned, wishing to further the cause of Amateur Radio in the community, technically and socially, hereby constitute ourselves as the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club.

Article I Membership

Section 1.

All persons interested in amateur radio shall be eligible for membership. Persons desiring membership in the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club who do not hold a valid amateur radio license will be eligible for associate membership only. New members will be accepted into the Club by a membership majority vote of those present.

Section 2.

A voting member shall be any person elected to the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club who holds a current Amateur Radio License and desires full membership. An associate member shall be a person who does not hold a valid Amateur Radio License, or a person holding a valid Amateur Radio License who does not desire voting privileges.

Article II Board of Directors

Section 1.

The purpose of the Board of Directors will be to oversee the constitution and perpetuate the aims and goals of the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club.

Section 2.

The Board of Directors shall consist of four (4) charter members.

(A) A charter member is defined as any member who has signed the original constitution prior to January 1, 1976.

(B) The office of Board of Director shall be a lifetime position terminated only by that person’s request or by disassociation from the club.

(C) In case of vacancy in the office of Board of Directors, a new director will be elected from the charter member list by a majority vote of the membership. Nominations will be taken from the floor at the meeting prior to the election.

Article III Officers

Section 1.

The officers of this club shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Officers of this club must be a licensed amateur holding a renewable license.

Section 2.

The officers of this club shall be elected for a term of one year. Nominations for officers of this club shall be made by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall nominate a minimum of two persons for each office. Nominated persons will be voted on at a regular club meeting, and will be accepted by a majority vote of the membership in attendance.

Section 3.

Vacancies occurring between elections will be filled by a special election. Nominations for the vacant post will be made by the Board of Directors. Acceptance will be made of a replacement officer by a membership vote at the earliest possible date.

Section 4.

Any elected officer may be removed from office only by petition of the Board of Directors for non-performance of his elected duties.

Article IV Duties of officers

Section 1.

The President will:

(A) Preside at all meetings of the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club during his elected time in office.

(B) Conduct the meetings in accordance with the aims and goals of the club.

(C) Act as program chairman.

(D) Decide all questions of order and will perform all the customary duties pertaining to his office as President.

(E) Have the power to sign all documents pertinent to the functions of the club.

Section 2.

The Vice President will:

(A) Assume all the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

(B) Be the official welcoming committee chairman.

(C) Be responsible for conducting Field Day operations.

(D) Be responsible for all club communications activities such as:

Field Day, QSO Parties, club station activities, public amateur radio demonstrations, and any other activities pertaining to “on the air” operations.

Section 3.

The Secretary will:

(A) Keep the club records except in matters pertaining to the club treasury.

(B) Record and maintain the proceedings of each meeting.

(C) Keep a roll of club members.

(D) Handle the club correspondence.

(E) Notify the membership of meeting dates and special events.

(F) Appoint an assistant corresponding secretary if required.

Section 4.

The treasurer will:

(A) Handle all financial matters pertaining to the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club.

(B) Provide a basic treasurers report verbally during each club business meeting.

(C) Provide an independent or outside audit of the club treasury to the membership at least once a year, upon change of office, or upon request of the President.

(D) Keep written records of all financial transactions and retain receipts for all monies expended.

(E) Be responsible for issuing membership cards upon receipt of a member’s dues.

(F) At the expiration of his term of office, turn over all club property and monies to his elected successor.

Article V Meetings

Section 1.

The club shall provide for regular meetings to be held. Special meetings may be called as required.

Article VI Dues

Section 1.

The Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club shall levy dues upon its membership. The amount of dues to be levied will be the amount necessary to maintain the financial requirements of the club. Nonpayment of such dues shall be cause for expulsion from the club of any member not meeting the dues requirement within a reasonable amount of



Section 1.

The Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club will appoint and maintain a TVI committee. No club member will knowingly QRM any amateur operator. All club members will operate their equipment according to the principles outlined in the ARRL Operating Manual.

Article VIII Amendments

Section 1.

This club constitution and/or by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the total membership. A member is defined as anyone who is current with his dues.

Article IX


Section 1.

Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all proceedings of this club.

Amendment of Article I April 19, 1976

Amendment of Article III, July 19, 1976