Construction Project Christmas Schedule
Our normal schedule for Construction Project would put a meeting on Christmas Day. We have moved this meeting to Saturday, December 18, 2021 at the same time and place. This change also appears on our calendar.
Temporary loss of Echolink on 145.230 repeater
Due to a change of Internet provider, please be aware that the Echolink connection to the SARC 145.230 VHF repeater will be down for approximately 10 days, starting November 10th.
Radio Programming Files
Robert W9RKK has provided two sets of files for programming the Yaesu FTM-300DR and Yaesu FT3-DR radios with local repeaters. He has graciously included both instructions with screenshots and the files to load to the radio. They can be found on the menu under Ham Resources -> Radio Programming Files.
Any other club members who would like to provide programming files for different radios to be posted on the web site please send them along using the “Submit an Article or Event” at the bottom of this web page.