My recent Winlink email experience, K9KMV

I know that many of you have already used, tested, and successfully sent/received emails via Winlink, but for me it is a relatively recent addition to the capabilities at my station.

I first set Winlink up in March 2021, but other than sending a couple of emails to make sure it worked, I did not find much use for it other than having the knowledge that it would be available if needed.

A fellow club member, Tim KD9LAI, recently mentioned to me that there is a weekly ‘Winlink Wednesday’ net that is run by KW6GB in Virginia.  The purpose of this net is for amateur radio operators to get regular practice using Winlink email so that if it is needed for an emergency, your skills are already tuned and ready for use. Continue reading “My recent Winlink email experience, K9KMV”

Field Day 2021 Results Update

Here is the final breakdown of SARC’s Field Day 2021 log submission, showing the modes, bands and additional bonus points accrued during Field Day 2021.

We ended up with 434 CW contacts, 31 GOTA contacts, and 357 Phone contacts!
Here’s the the initial report.

Thanks go to Danny KD9HIL, Rob N9MVO, Bob W9DXR and Matt AC9IG, together with help from Paul N1SFE at the ARRL, for submitting the logs…

…and of course to everyone else that contributed to the weekend…  setup/teardown volunteers, food prep, and operators.

73, Mike K9KMV