SARC Returns to In-Person Meetings

The Schaumburg Park District has returned to nearly-normal operations and combined with the lifting of group size restrictions by the state the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club is happy to announce that we will be returning to in person meetings for all of our events without capacity restrictions.

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club acknowledges accolades to Dennis KD9HIK for his successful efforts in accomplishing the restoration of meeting facilities and establishing relationships with the new Village leadership.

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Field Day 2021

Join us for the world’s largest on-air operating event: Field Day.

What is Field Day? From the ARRL:

Due to pandemic restrictions Field Day will be a closed event. Only club members and their invited guests will be allowed to in to our field day site.


Operating starts at 1pm on Saturday June 26. But we need help before and after the event as well to make it a success.

  • Friday, June 25, 2021
    • 4pm Tower climb to set up antennas, pick up table and chairs, and unpacking equipment. Pizza to be provided by the club for everyone helping us out at this time.
  • Saturday, June 26, 2021
    • 8am Set up tents, radios, canopy, etc
    • 1pm Get on the air and start making contacts
    • Overnight: Feel free to stay all night and help us operate! Some of the best propagation happens overnight. You can make a lot of contacts during this time
  • Sunday
    • Early am (exact time TBD) Breakfast sponsored by the club
    • 1pm Begin tear down including: tower climbing, packing up equipment and returning tables and chairs

Sign up to operate

Club members are invited to reserve a time slot on one of our radios.

Continue reading “Field Day 2021”

SARC 442.275 MHz UHF Repeater Update – Yaesu Fusion

The SARC UHF repeater on 442.275 MHz has recently been relocated and updated.

It now offers dual mode FM Analogue and Yaesu System Fusion. This means that you can access the repeater using either a conventional analogue radio, or a Yaesu System Fusion radio. The repeater will recognize the transmission mode it receives, and automatically switch accordingly. Continue reading “SARC 442.275 MHz UHF Repeater Update – Yaesu Fusion”