Club Dinner: Sunday, September 29

The Lucky Monk is located off of Barrington Road, by the South Barrington AMC Theater, and has been kind enough to allow our club members a private room to enjoy a great time with our spouses and each other. It will be an evening to relax and enjoy each other’s company with good food and drink.

We will start the party at 4:00PM. Everyone will be responsible for their own dinner and drink charges however SARC is ordering and covering the cost of appetizers. We will be able to choose from a limited menu.

The room will accommodate 40 people so please advise me if you would like to attend and if you will be bringing your significant other. Since the room limit is 40 people, please only sign up if you actually will attend as others may be turned away.

Further information will be coming in the days ahead as plans are finalized.

Send your response to:

John KD9KSH (members can use the roster to contact John)


Reminder: W9DXCC Scholarship Applications Due

SARC is sponsoring two scholarships for W9DXCC this fall. Forms are due August 7, 2019 and should be sent to the club through the contact us page by adding an attachment.

The club will be sponsoring two people to attend the W9DXCC convention on September 13 and 14 at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles. The winners will be announced at the club’s general business meeting on August 15, 2019.

The criteria for awarding the scholarship as well as other conditions are in the attached form. The due date is August 7, 2019.

W9DXCC Scholarship Application

RHG July 2019

Continue reading “RHG July 2019”

From the President July 2019

From the President,

There is not much to report on here in Wisconsin, hopefully the new home of my ham-shack soon. I was unable to get to the July meeting due to unforeseen physical issues that just won’t go away. However, there is good news for all of us HF radio geeks. On the face of the sun this week, the first sunspot of the new Solar Cycle 25 was detected. This was a small sunspot located, in a high latitude, and it had the magnetic polarity to give an indication that this was the first spawn of the new cycle. Why is this important?

Courtesy of SolarHam –

Why does anybody care? The reason this is special is because it is a year or two early. This was completely unexpected as we have not hit rock bottom of solar cycle 24 yet. So, we can expect to see cycle 24 and 25 sunspots interspersed on a gradually increasing scale going forward. This could mean that we may see more sunspots than in Cycle 25 than we did in Cycle 24. Fingers crossed.

Geoff Stevens