By: Bill Crockett, KD9AUP
Here is a description of my homebrew loop antenna, together with photos of construction.
Continue reading “KD9AUP Bill’s Magnetic Loop for 40m/30m/20m”
Here is a description of my homebrew loop antenna, together with photos of construction.
Continue reading “KD9AUP Bill’s Magnetic Loop for 40m/30m/20m”
From the President,
So, Field Day has come and gone. There were some attendees that thought this was the best Field Day that they have ever been to, and there were others who thought the turn out was less than lack-luster. I suppose the most important thing was that for the people that attended they we able to get their Field Day itch satisfied. For all of those that did not attend, on such a stunningly beautiful day, I have no clue. The SSB Phone tent was SSB’ng and the GOTA tent, both of the them were…. GOTA’ng and doing the needful by educating newcomers and getting people on the air. The CW tent just barely bested last years results before the plug was pulled an hour before the official end. All in all, it was a good Field Day. Like every Field Day we are compelled to evaluate what was good, what was bad, and what we will never do again.
Here are some thoughts on what was good.
Here are some thoughts on what we can improve.
Some thoughts on what we are never going to do again.
So, my pledge to this club is that I will be running for re-election as President. In addition to this, I will push to remove the Field Day chair position and incorporate it with the duties of the next elected President. I will also push to have the dues to be paid by the member, who wins the next and future election to the President’s office, waived.
Geoff Stevens
NJ9E Dale, ham radio operator for 50 years this year, brought three go Kits and antennas to show at the meeting.
On Saturday June 1st, the monthly Saturday breakfast was held, as usual, at Maxfield’s Pancake House in Schaumburg.