Tim, KD9LAI attended his first SARC meeting in May and received a Baofeng UV-82X handheld donated to the club by Jim, KB9RGU. I asked him a few questions about ham radio now that he’s had some on-air time.
What got you interested in ham radio?
In the early 90’s I developed an interest in “world band” just in time for the first Gulf War. This was entirely on the “receiver” end of things, but even then I toyed with the idea of getting my “ticket.” Life intervened, however. Fast forward to 2013, at which point I began volunteering with the Civil Air Patrol. This, as well as other experiences, has impressed upon me the need for emergency communication skills during times of crisis.
What did you use to study for the exam?
I primarily used 3 completely free resources: (a) A set of power-point videos by Ham Whisperer in conjunction with notes from (b) FCC Technician Class Exam Study Guide – 2014-2018 … and (c) the Roy Watson Ham Radio Exam practice tests–available as both android and iOS apps. I found straight/rote memorization of answers to be insufficient to my needs. The Ham Whisperer videoss along with the wikibooks pages provided just enough explanation to get me through.
What did you find interesting at the first meeting you attended?
The amount of knowledge and expertise exhibited by current club members.