Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting April 6th, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting April 6, 2022

Ed Lishka AC9SD Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.




Ed Lishka  AC9SD Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK John Douglas  KD9KSH
John Zietlow K9WIC Charlene Treve K9CMZ Barry Friedman K9FMB
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Cliff Sowka K9QD Kent Ochs W9KAO
John Schofield AC9JS


Secretary’s Report


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Ed Lishka AC9SD moved to approve the March  BOD Minutes as published in the RHG.  Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded. So Moved.


Treasurer’s Report:

Barry Friedman K9FMB provides the following:


Month: April 2022

Checkbook Balance 31-Mar                                                          $6,731.87

INCOME MEMO                                                                                $   187.06

Amazon Smile 3-Mar                                                                      $       9.94

AT&T Refund 3-Mar                                                                        $   177.12

DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                                              $     62.82

ACH 6-Mar AT&T                                                                              $     62.82

Checks Outstanding

Deposit not included

Account Balance                                                                               $6,856.11

31-Mar Bank Statement                                                                $6,856.11

Checks Outstanding

Adjusted balance                                                                             $6,856.11

31-Mar Checkbook balance                                                          $6,856.11

Petty Cash 31-Mar                                                                           $   131.00

Pay Pal 31-Mar                                                                                  $   118.20

Plus petty cash – special accounts Funds Available              $7,105.31


118 members on roster


Barry obtained the Field Day Insurance rider for Danny’s application with Public Works.  Preliminary audit is underway and found there needs to be a better process recording dues receipts.  Recording of the club’s annual revenue is difficult using the current methodology.  Archiving of files will also be crafted that provides a secure procedure with double-access to Treasury files for club officers.


Public Service 


Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present but provided the following written report:  “Finally received a response from the Multiple Sclerosis Society.


They Do want our communications support for the May 1 MS Walk at Harper College in Palatine.


I will be forwarding their sign-in instructions to the club, along with details of the walk, soon”.


73 de N9MVO



Public Service Chair




John Zietlow K9WIC reported he has already received a few ChicagoLand Marathon staffing confirmations at the moment.  The May 15th event will return to a legacy routing with the only exception being deletion of the north-western-most path due to Route 72 construction.




Repeater Committee began installing the club’s equipment for Wires-X at the Barrington Road facility and finds there are configuration challenges with ‘Room’ Assignments.  Additional programming will be accomplished to bring the system up.


Construction Project (CP)


Cliff Sowka K9QD earlier submitted a FY 2023 budget (begins July) request that was crafted last August for consumables and potential projects.

CP management obtained BOARD-approved funding for a LOT Purchase not to exceed $700 for our Squalo and Dual-Band J-Pole antenna projects.  Build of the Squalo is set for this coming Saturday.    Members building antennas will reimburse our Treasury for the expenses. Dennis KD9HIK moved, John Douglas KD9KSH seconded. So moved.

Build of the J-Pole will be scheduled in a few weeks.

Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK negotiated year-round access to our Tennis Club basement facility so we now have approval to add CP events during the summer months if we want.  We’ll need to determine if there is enough membership interest to produce reasonable attendance and will conduct a survey during the April Business meeting.   Only hesitancy to allowing potentially somewhat-smaller summer gatherings would be supervision and proper session closure.

Additionally, Dennis confirmed we’ll be able to re-connect our currently dormant VHF antenna and/or upgrade Dual-Band capability with proper Code-Compliant transmission line access to the basement.

VE Testing


John Schofield AC9JS reports:


April 2, 2022


Name Call Class
John KD9URP General
Joseph KB9RCR Extra


Technician 0
General 1
Extra 1
Total 2


John KD9URP read the information on our SARC web site about what was required for VE Testing.   He followed all of the directions and walked into our testing room with everything required.    He studied only for the Technician license exam, passed it, then took the General license exam, and passed that also.   Joseph is a member of SARC.


Congrats to John and Joseph.


Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):


Bill Davies K9WKD
Steve Karson AC9EM
Ed Lishka AC9SD
James Migalla KC9UFB
John Schofield AC9JS


Next examination date: May 7, 2022


John Schofield

Session Manager





Barry Friedman K9FMB reports Nets continue to be well attended.  We are in need of a host for the second Tuesday of the month TechNet.


Radio Hill Gazette RHG 


Mike K9KMV No Report.




We’re in need of a Membership Chair.  Recruiting efforts continue.




Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman updated SARC Facebook (FB) program:


1) Facebook website launched.  “Private Group”, 22 members approved as of Wednesday April 6, 2022.


2) Mark Madej (Village of Schaumburg Trustee) has ‘liked’ the page.  Do we want to open membership to non SARC individuals?


3) Three posts submitted from Roberto Beltramelli WA9E, none approved pending approval of process for review and approval.


4) Suggested approval process for posts:


  1.    a) Content related to promoting Amateur Radio, not limited to SARC.
  2.    b) No commercial content, e.g. materials or services offered for sale.
  3.    c) Board of Directors may allow sale of SARC owned surplus material.
  4.    d) No political, religious or defamatory posts allowed.
  5.    e) Submitted posts sent to sarc-bd.  Approval by two or more Board Members.
  6.    f) If a submitted post is refused, the person submitting the post can appeal by requesting a review, in writing to the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors can overrule refusal by majority vote.


Since we already have several public-facing information outlets (Website, Calendar, FB, Meeting Minutes, RHG) there may be an effort to tie all opportunity for public exposure into a single-point-source that could be automatically synchronized with timely updates.


FB Policy: Control of FB postings shall be reviewed and approved by any two Directors.


Summer Picnic July 23rd Noon ~ 4PM.


John Douglas KD9KSH found a facility in Bartlett called the Log Cabin.  Our summer picnic is set for Saturday July 23rd.  Reservation made and deposit has been paid.  Event will be Noon~4PM.  Dennis KD9HIK moved to reimburse John’s $150 deposit, Danny KD9HIL seconded.  So moved.




Leo N9NBH not present.




John Zietlow K9WIC reports he has presentations scheduled for April~June.  Potential for a future presentation on Working Contests is under consideration.


Old Business




New Business


Field Day: Danny Kafka KD9HIL has received commitment for one portable generator.  Permit Application for the Plum Grove Road Pump house has been submitted to Public Works.


John Zietlow submitted discussion of potential reimbursement to members who volunteer to help merchandise our excess Construction Project inventory to be promoted/sold at Hamfests.


Adjourn 8:44PM.


Submitted April 7, 2022  Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary


Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting April 21, 2022

Business Meeting April 21, 2022


John Zietlow K9WIC President called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.




John Zietlow  K9WIC Barry  Friedman K9FMB Cliff Sowka K9QD
Bob Benwitz N9JAX Leo Ribordy N9NBH Danny Kafka KD9HIL
Robert Kocourek W9RKK Jim Campbell KB9RGU Ed Lishka AC9SD
John Schofield AC9JS Chris Brewer AC9GN Daryl Jenks KB9RHR
Bill McGovern W9WEM Hugh Pearl WB9VWM Garrett Neuenkirchen K9GBN
Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Doug May W9YFC John Douglas KD9KSH
Charlene Treve K9KMZ Romel Aranas KD9MDM Don Dewar KD9NJR

Secretary’s Report:


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Ed Lishka AC9SD moved to approve the March Minutes as published in the Radio Hill Gazette (RHG).  Leo Ribordy N9NBH seconded.  So Moved.


Treasurer’s Report:

  Barry Friedman K9FMB provides this report:


Month:                                                 March

Bank Balance                                    $6,804.69

INCOME MEMO                                $       0.00

DISBURSEMENTS MEMO               $       0.00

Checks Outstanding                        $       0.00

Deposit not included                      $       0.00

Account Balance                               $6,804.69

31-Jan Bank Statement                  $6,804.69

Checks Outstanding                           none

Adjusted balance                             $6,804.69

Checkbook balance                         $6,804.69

Petty Cash                                           $   131.00

Pay Pal                                                  $     94.56

+ petty cash Funds Available        $7,030.25


118 members on roster


Barry is working on summarizing our expense history in preparation for FY23 budgeting in July.


Danny Kafka KD9HIL moved to approve, Daryl Jenks KD9RHR seconded.  So Moved.


Public Service:


Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.  It appears Hoffman Estates’ July 4th parade may request our assistance again this year: planned for July 3rd.




John Zietlow K9WIC reported ChicagoLand Marathon is set for May 15th.  We’re typically staffed with 26 Hams to fill all positions and currently need about 7 more.  We can always use more.  The anticipated timeframe is 06:00-14:30 with everyone in place by 6:45AM.  First Start is scheduled for 7:15AM.  ICS documentation will be utilized to ensure full accountability.


A more-detailed Operations Plan will be communicated in the near future.  Good news is the Busse Woods course this year is more unified to better accommodate the half-marathon and the full-marathon.  Orientation meeting is likely to be held Thursday night May 12th to communicate the Operations Plan.




Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.  Our 440 machine is in need of triage and the 2M machine continues to suffer intermittent noise.

Construction Project (CP): 

Cliff Sowka K9QD conducted a cursory survey tonight to ascertain if there is sufficient interest in holding CP meetings during the newly-authorized summer-months’ access.  There appear to be about 5 people in attendance who would be interested in attending CP during the summer months.  If we can insure proper supervision/open/close by a responsible member to manage events, we’ll be able to continue meetings year-round.

Squalo build last meeting was very successful and the J-Pole build for those already reserved is scheduled for 10:30AM at K&B Machining on Saturday the 30th.

Our chance to revive our VHF (add UHF) antenna on the building’s roof should be possible sometime this summer once the Park District completes their resurfacing.  Long wire could also be erected if the building’s management allows.  Routing to the basement, purchase of upgraded coax, challenges yet to be determined.

Regarding FY23 budgeting:  it appears there is little interest in purchasing a ~$300 surface-mount workstation since we haven’t encountered any projects requiring the capability.



VE Testing:


No Report.



Barry Friedman K9FMB continues to search for a consistent host for the second Tuesday TechNet.  Don Dewar KD9NJR is implementing this QSL card initiative for non-member attendees.


Radio Hill Gazette RHG: 


Mike K9KMV No Report.


Field Day:

  Danny Kafka KD9HIL is working to define resources needed:


Food coordination for Friday night set-up, Saturday evening meal, and Sunday morning breakfast.


  • Maybe do the pizza thing again this year for Friday night set-up.


  • John K9WIC, Barry K9FMB, and Leo N9NBH will assist with the Saturday evening meal.


  • Cliff K9QD will figure-out something for Sunday morning breakfast.


Staffing for a Welcome Table needs to be determined for the entrance to the site, as well as Security, Safety Officer, Literature (Scott KB9VRW will send his inventory to Danny), club information display, tent flags (Bob W9GEW), and qualified tower climbers (maybe Geoff Stevens KA9QGH again this year?).  Also need to be on the lookout for a pallet to hold the generator from sinking into the ground.


  • CW tent staffed
  • SSB tent needs captain (Mike Clodfelter’s AC9CG tent from last year is in pump house storage)
  • GOTA tent managed by Robert Kocourek W9RKK
  • Leo N9NBH will collect HF equipment stored at Schaumburg PD
  • Tables & Chairs from Tennis Club basement same as in the past


Danny suggested pump house storage status be checked directly after Maxfield’s Breakfast the first Saturday of May.



  Recruitment efforts continue.



Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK not present.




John Douglas KD9KSH discussed the selection of the Log Cabin facility in Bartlett for the club picnic scheduled for the end of July.  Details will be published as we get closer to July.


Special Events Committee:


No report.  A Bike Ride may be organized without public exposure to avoid non-Hams wishing to join.  Organizers may include Dirk Smith W0RI and Rob Glowacki N9MVO.




Leo Ribordy N9NBH has organized a Technician class for September.  The Library District will be publishing the event in their catalog.




No report.


Old Business:




New Business: 


Leo Ribordy N9NBH suggested we address the currently-limited membership access situation to the Schaumburg Police Department (PD) EMCOMM Equipment we have in storage there.  Rob N9MVO and Leo are the only two members who are known to the PD for immediate access in the event of an emergency.  These two members are known to Schaumburg PD for EMCOMM access but we should have more alternative members authorized to increase flexibility.


Don Dewar KD9NJR discussed the recent interest in Fox Hunting.  An effort to coalesce group event(s) maybe better suited for the cooler months of the year.


Adjourn: 8:58PM.


Submitted April 22, 2022.  Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary