Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting August 2, 2023
Board of Directors Meeting August 2, 2023
Robert Kocourek W9RKK Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00PM
Secretary’s Report
Cliff Sowka K9QD: Bill Riess KW9WR moved to approve the June BOD Minutes, Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded. Motion Carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Chris Brewer AC9GN not present.
Public Service
Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.
John Zietlow K9WIC EmComm Chairman reports:
- National Night Out
Late information caused minimum planning. The HE Emergency Radio Team appreciated the SARC support. While the number of contacts was minimum, it did provide exposure to the HE community. We did pick up a potential participant in a Technician Course.
We were receiving and talking world wide on the America Link as part of our presentation until we were sabotaged by a Club member that relinked the UHF repeater. We had approached the Board last month for permission to eliminate the TOT; I should have included redirecting the default room.
- EmComm Saturday, July 15th.
Very little attendance. Want to have a coverage exercise on August 19th. We’ll meet at the HE PD and deploy to different locations to test handheld and mobile capabilities.
On September 16th we will host a regional EmComm Round Table at the PD. We hope to have representatives from the surrounding communities sharing information about their programs.
- From the Illinois ARES website:
A set of three slide decks from the recent Central Illinois Emergency Communications Summit are now available. The Summit was held March 25 in Springfield.
The three decks cover the Summit introduction and overview, uses of Winlink in emergency communications, and an overview of Radiograms.
- See for links
Note: The Northern Summit should be held in the next two months in Northern Illinois
The 2023 Central Division Convention will be held at the Fort Wayne Hamfest on November 18 and 19. Our guest from HQ will be Josh Johnston KE5MHV. Josh is the ARRL’s Director of Emergency Management. The theme of the Convention is EmComm, so watch for more details as plans are developed.
Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present. There may be need for exciter upgrade due to somewhat consistent flailing-deviation being observed. If our current equipment cannot be tweaked for better stability, then the Repeater Team may submit a budget request for something with ~5W capability to drive the linear.
Construction Project (CP)
Cliff Sowka K9QD reports CP remains on summer hiatus.
Bill Smead’s K9IIM (SK) estate sale went poorly with only two club members arriving at Bill’s Palatine home for the event but we were able to rescue his three parts cabinets and they are now in the basement of Tennis Plus.
The SPD has created a large, laminated replica of our new club logo and it’s also in the basement for future display.
VE Testing :
John Schofield AC9JS reports one Tech applicant successfully pasted last month’s exam session and there are four candidates reserved for this coming Saturday.
Don Dewar KD9NJR Chairman still needs volunteers willing to take a session. Scott DeSantis KB9VRW hosted a Net Controller seminar at SATERN headquarters in Elk Grove as planned.
Radio Hill Gazette RHG
Mike K9KMV No Report.
Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman not present but provided the following report:
1) Tennis Plus Antenna Project:
I sent an email to the Board and other interested parties regarding meeting with the Schaumburg Park District to resolve some of the rooftop antenna issues. Copied below. Haven’t received any feedback, so on this Friday I will pick a date, contact Erin Chapa, and let you know.
2) Schaumburg Park District Article – No progress
3) National Night Out, Hoffman Estates.
SARC was a supporting guest invited by the Hoffman Estates Emergency Management Agency. While we did have a few people drop by, our overall traffic was low. Here’s a couple of suggestions if we want to participate next year:
- Because SARC was an invited guest, it would have been inappropriate to use our website or social media to publicize the event. If we want to publicize, SARC could either get permission from the Village or apply to be a separate attending entity.
- The 32″ monitor got some attention, but it was a more or less static display. A Powerpoint presentation on automatic scroll might have been more effective.
- Bring your own chairs!
- We used the SARC canopy, good thing. (I need to contact Rob Glowacki about gaining access to the Public Work site to return it) We didn’t bring any of our vertical flags & should next year.
- Give-aways are the big thing at the event. Doesn’t matter what you’re handing out, it brings traffic in. If we participate next year, we might want to consider budgeting a small amount for some chachkas.
4) Sometime in the past, there was a discussion about linking external YouTube videos to our website. There was a concern that some YouTube videos were linked to paid advertising and that could be in conflict with SARC’s not-for-profit charter. I spoke with, and exchanged emails with Mike Griffith (K9KMV) about his POTA videos and we agreed on two things:
First, he does not currently enjoy any revenue for his YouTube videos, and he will notify us if that changes. Second, he granted permission to link to his videos.
Please note that there were links posted to his YouTube videos in the past, but it was done without any SARC Board review.
In the absence of directions to the contrary, I will contact John Scrip (N9IJS) about setting up links between and Mike’s videos.
- Ed Lishka AC9SD moved to empower Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK to post links on our Website in order to make club member’s YouTube videos publicly available. Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded. Motion Adopted.
Need Chairperson. Maybe we can save the $300 Cabin Rental (cost last year) by possible use of Medinah’s facility for our SARC Picnic this summer.
Leo N9NBH not present. There is newly-scheduled construction at the Hassel Road Library facility and therefore our planned Fall Sessions will not be held this year.
Don Dewar KD9NJR finding willing presenters difficult but we’ll continue to invite club members to contribute.
Old Business
New Business
Adjourn 8:09PM
Submitted August 3, 2023. Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary