Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting July 6th, 2022
Board of Directors Meeting July 6, 2022
Ed Lishka AC9SD Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Secretary’s Report
Cliff Sowka K9QD: Ed Lishka AC9SD moved to approve the June BOD Minutes as published in the RHG. Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded. So Moved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Barry Friedman K9FMB provides the following:
Month: July 2022
Checkbook Balance 31-May $7,079.86
EFT 1-Jun Deluxe Check $ 38.25
ACH 6-Jun AT&T DSL $ 62.82
Chk 1265 2-Jun Matt Walsh AWS Host $ 72.48
Checks Outstanding
Deposit not included
Account Balance $6,906.31
30-Jun Bank Statement $6,906.31
Checks Outstanding
Adjusted balance $6,906.31
30-Jun Checkbook balance $6,906.31
Petty Cash 30-Jun $ 176.00
Pay Pal 30-Jun $1,322.27
+petty cash – special accounts Funds Available $8,404.58
78 paid members
Barry has been working on our financial planning for the coming year. Preliminary budget for Fiscal 2022-2023 was discussed at length. We currently have a substantial reserve from past internal surplus sales, items sold at Hamfests, and generous donations received over time. Our substantial reserve should be implemented for un-forecasted/un-budgeted expenses such as expensive repeater repairs but routine maintenance needs to remain in operational expense planning. Dennis KD9HIK described the need for the Board of Directors to explain to our membership we’ll have to deficit spend by draining some of our reserves until such time as we either increase income for reduce expenditures, or both.
A significant monthly expense is our DSL Line at Barrington Road. Our currently-enjoyed teaser DSL rate is expected to increase substantially by a factor of ~250% starting this coming December. Our data pipe resides on copper due to historical infrastructure access at the Public Works site. The facility doesn’t currently have coax cable service which limits us to twisted pair. A wireless access option might become available but is not currently. Therefore Barry is planning for the substantial operational expense increase.
Our expenses are supported by annual dues. Based upon historical income and historical expenditures, there will be a ~$200 operating deficit for 2022~2023. We’ll have to spend our reserve to continue operations. Surely there are optional income/expense items to consider such as limiting Field Day food, introducing additional charges for social activities such as the Holiday Party, and increasing annual dues. The Board decided to implement responsible changes to bring our projected deficit under some limited control. A final Budget will be published once the club agrees on which items require continued support and which items we can alter or eliminate.
SARC’s Annual Dues have remained stable for more than 20-years. Our club has operated efficiently over these many years by requiring dues of $25 yearly ($20 for over 65). Based upon the projected operating expense increases, the Board has voted to raise our Annual Dues beginning next July.
Motion: Kent Ochs W9KAO moved to increase our annual dues to $30 ($25 for over 65) for FY 2022-2023. Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK seconded. So moved.
Public Service
Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present. Our support for the Hoffman Estates July 4th Parade held on July 2nd was successful.
John Zietlow K9WIC not present.
Wires-X at the Barrington Road facility currently suffers a few configuration challenges with ‘Room’ Assignments. Additional hardware and programming will be accomplished to provide better control.
The 2M machine sounds poorly at times (especially mornings) so we’ll have to perform more service actions; maybe even have tower climbers place a short at the tank-top antennal to allow TDR analysis. A new antenna could be needed (~$1,500 expense) and hopefully TDR indicates our coax run is okay.
Construction Project (CP)
Cliff Sowka K9QD reports there will be a special meet this coming Saturday for Tape Measure Yagi Build. Normal CP meets will return in September.
Cliff will be on the lookout for consumables purchases approved in the Budgeting Process during the remaining Hamfests this summer. Items such as real Pb-Solder, bench-mounted vice, hand tools, freeze spray, contact cleaner, decent test leads, PL259 & SO239 connectors, are in need of replenishment for the fall CP sessions. |
VE Testing
John Schofield AC9JS not present. There are no candidates currently scheduled.
Barry Friedman K9FMB reports Nets continue to be well attended. We are in need of a host for the second Tuesday of the month TechNet.
Radio Hill Gazette RHG
Mike K9KMV No Report.
Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Chair. No Report.
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman reported:
- Field Day reports for Social Media, Safety Officer, Sign In Sheets submitted to Board of Directors.
- Field Day event was submitted to Daily Herald Calendar; confirmation obtained.
- Great conversation with State Senator Michell Mussman during Field Day about SARC reaching out to various groups for publicity and recruitment.
- Our local Senator responded to Dennis with a written communication that listed several community groups that could be potential prospects for SARC’s efforts.
Summer Picnic July 23rd Noon ~ 4PM.
John Douglas KD9KSH reports our summer picnic is set for Saturday July 23rd. Event will be Noon~4PM. Plan is to include Fox Hunt activity during the picnic. There may be some activities/games organized for children. Planning for food and refreshment will begin once John receives RSVPs to a broadcast to SARC-ALL is transmitted. There will be a $25 VISA CARD Door Prize and a demonstration of Tape Measure Yagi implementation.
Leo N9NBH not present.
John Zietlow K9WIC not present. There will be no meeting/presentation for July because the picnic will be held instead of our normal meeting.
Old Business
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK and Cliff Sowka K9QD will plan to visit with Park District management to explain our antenna installation desires for the Tennis Club once the roofing work is completed.
New Business
Danny Kafka KD9HIL proposed we could increase membership attendance at Board Meetings by announcing upcoming meetings on SARC-ALL. While the Board Meetings are published on our website’s calendar, it would be advantageous to transmit reminders beforehand.
Adjourn 8:31 PM.
Submitted July 7, 2022 Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary