Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting July 5th, 2023

Board of Directors Meeting July 5, 2023


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Director called the meeting to order at 7:09PM




Bill Riess KW9WR John Shofield AC9JS Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK
Danny Kafka KD9HIL John Zietlow K9WIC Cliff Sowka K9QD
Chris Brewer AC9GN


Secretary’s Report


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Bill Riess KW9WR moved to approve the June BOD Minutes, Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded. Motion Carried.


Treasurer’s Report:


Chris Brewer AC9GN provided the following report:


Month:                  June 2023


Checkbook Balance 05/31/23                                           $6,408.22

INCOME MEMO                                                                   $1,090.00

06/2023 Collected dues                                                     $1,090.00

DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                                   $     62.82

ACH 06/08/23 AT&T DSL                                                    $     62.82

06/30/23 Account Balance                                                $7,435.40

06/30/23 Bank Statement                                                 $7,435.40

Checks Outstanding                                                            $       0.00

Adjusted balance                                                                 $7,435.40

Checkbook balance 06/30/23                                           $7,435.40

Petty Cash 05/31/23 Starting balance                             $   110.00

06/23/23 Field Day petty cash out                                   $   100.00

06/30/23 Current balance                                                 $     10.00


Funds Available                                                                   $7,445.40


68 members on roster


Note: not all memberships are posted yet; update underway.


Cliff Sowka K9QD moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and John Shofield AC9JS Seconded.  Motion Adopted.


Public Service 


Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.




John Zietlow K9WIC presented his proposal for SARC to support Hoffman Estates EMCOMM event scheduled for Tuesday August 1st 5PM~8PM:


“Invite SARC to participate in the National Night out event August 1st from 17:00 ~20:00.  This is an opportunity to demonstrate Ham Radio and pass-out literature with the Hoffman Estates Emergency Radio Team.


My vision includes 2-3 radio stations demonstrating Ham Radio and static displays promoting Ham Radio in EmComm and Pubic Service events.


Further request the Time-Out-Timer (TOT) on the UHF repeater is turned-off during this event to demonstrate Wires-X capabilities.”


The Hoffman Estates Police Department is throwing a going-away party for crime, and you’re invited.  Join us for the National Night-Out Against Crime at the Police Department, 411 Higgins Road on Tuesday, August 1 from 5 to 8 PM to meetup with neighbors and police officers to celebrate our true sense of community. 


National Night-Out is celebrated across the country the first Tuesday in August each year.  Come out to enjoy food, drinks, and live music along with police personnel and local business owners; see a K-9 demonstration; take tours of the Police Department; and learn about our teen cadet and emergency management programs.


Dennis C. Calvey moved to support the event and Bill Riess KW9WR seconded.  Motion Adopted.




Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.


Construction Project (CP)


Cliff Sowka K9QD reports CP remains on summer hiatus.


VE Testing :


John Schofield AC9JS reports one Tech applicant successfully pasted the exam.


The question pool for the General exam changed July 1, 2023.




Don Dewar KD9NJR Chairman not present.  Still needs volunteers willing to take a session.


Radio Hill Gazette RHG 


Mike K9KMV No Report.




Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.




Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman reports:


1) Field Day info submitted to and published by Daily Herald in community section and calendar events section

2) Field Day info published on SARC Facebook page.

3) Field Day summary published on SARC Facebook (FB) page.


4) Tennis Plus Roof Top antenna project:

-Both antennas mounted by Schaumburg Park District (SPD) personnel.

-Coax run from rooftop to basement by SPD.

– Picture supplied by SPD looks like PL-259 / SO-239 to MFJ filter may not be connected properly

– Additional LMR400 for run from lightning protector array to end point obtained from Bill Riess (KW9WR)

– Beam clamps purchased for coax run protector array to end point. $39.00 reimbursed tonight.

– Last steps: Finish coax run, test antennas for SWR.

– If there is a problem with the connection to the MFJ filter, we’ll have to arrange a meeting with the SPD.


5) Will be starting an article about SPD and SARC this month.  Has to be reviewed & approved by SPD and SARC Board before publishing.




Need Chairperson.  Maybe we can save the $300 Cabin Rental (cost last year) by possible use of Medinah’s facility for our SARC Picnic this summer.




Leo N9NBH not present.  There is newly-scheduled construction at the Hassel Road Library facility and therefore our planned Fall Sessions will not be held this year.  Maybe other facilities could be reserved.




Don Dewar KD9NJR not present.


Old Business




New Business

None.  Require future discussion about correcting storm damage to our SSB tent.

Field Day Summary


Danny Kafka Field Day Chair KD9HIL reports:


  • Field Day placed on SARC calendar: 4-20-23:      (for June 24-25)
  • Insurance documents received from Treasurer (Chris AC9GN) 4-11
  • Site application submitted 4-13, received permit (water tower): 5-9




TAKE INVENTORY of supplies and equipment at site.

Do we need to do it this year? Decision: No



Available on June 12




Single Side Band: Daryl KB9RHR




GENERATORS will be supplied by

Rob N9MVO and

Daryl KB9RHR

PALLETS under generators: Daryl 1st, 2nd



(tables and chairs from/to Tennis Club)

Pat KD9PWI and Daryl for setup

Don KD9NJR with SA van   teardown with a few others to help load



Setup (Friday)


Rick KY0Q


Tear Down



Prospective (work schedule permitting):

Keith KJ4ADV (not available this year)

Taras (will be on call, will come if not called in – climbed last yr on Sunday)

Da Teng K9CDT, from Chicago Mountaineering Club



Dennis KD9HIK




FRIDAY setup

none this year



$329.78 on charge (includes 24.99 delivery)

$40.00 tip (cash)

$369.78      TOTAL (reimbursed to Danny KD9HIL tonight)


SUNDAY breakfast coordinator:   Cliff K9QD

$42.41 (reimbursed to Cliff K9QD tonight)


* TOTAL FOOD: $412.19



water: Robert W9RKK and …..






everybody, each day



Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW




Don, helping new ham set up



standard ARRL radiogram

John K9WIC and Daryl



same as above

(another 100 bonus points in total – we had 60)





Recognition: Burt Schultz AB9CV (SK)

Bob W9GEW will be at the Welcome Table with a radio and laser machine to chat and make name tags.



vacuum cleaner – Daryl

cleaning and bathroom supplies





Submitted on July 1 by Danny KD9HIL



do NET check-in awards

suggestions, items to restock

Kent says we need Sterno


Dennis C, Calvey KD9HIK posted Danny’s KD9HIL Field Day (FD) points summary on FB:


Call Used:                              N9RJV    ARRL/RAC Section: IL    Class: 2A

GOTA Station Call:               KD9NJR

Participants:                         41    Club/Group Name: Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club

Power Source(s):                 Generator, Solar

Power Multiplier:                2X

Preliminary Total Score:     3,425


Bonus Points:


100% emergency power                                 200

Media Publicity                                                 100 Article SARC Field Day (FD) Published in Daily Herald

Public information table                                  100

Formal message to ARRL SM/SEC                 100 W9RY Reply to FD

W1AW Field Day message                              100

Formal messages handled (6 x 10)                  60

Natural power QSOs completed                    100

Site visit by invited elected official                100

Site visit by invited served agency                100

Educational activity                                          100

Safety officer                                                     100

Social media                                                      100

GOTA Station                                                     235

GOTA Coach                                                      100

Entry submitted via web                                  50


Total bonus points                                          1,645


Score Summary:


CW                          Digital    Phone    Total

Total QSOs            364         0               162

Total Points           728         0             162


890  Claimed Score = (QSO points x power mult) = 1,780


Adjourn 7:44PM


Submitted July 6, 2023.    Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Business Meeting July 20, 2023

Business Meeting July 20, 2023


Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.




Robert Kocourek W9RKK Charlene Treve K9CMZ John Shofield AC9JS
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK John Thornton KD9VZJ Rob Glowacki N9MVO
Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ Bill Smead Jr N9TOI Don Dewar KD9NJR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Danny Meyers K9LDM Bob McIntyre W9DXR
Chris Brewer AC9GN Eliot Libner N9EPA John Zietlow K9WIC
Paul Burkett KD9FMN Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW
John Childress K9YKF Bob Benwitz N9JAX Cliff Sowka K9QD



ZOOM Attendees:


Bates Noble N9UVI Roberto Beltramelli WA9E Pierre Berube K9EYE
Jim Campbell KB9RGU Doug May W9YFC Steve Karson AC9EM
Dave Binkowski N9IBM


Secretary’s Report:


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  June Business Meeting Minutes as published in the Radio Hill Gazette (RHG).  Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK moved to approve and Robert Kocourek W9RKK seconded.  Motion Adopted.


Treasurer’s Report: 


Chris Brewer AC9GN provided the following report:


Month:                                 July 2023


Checkbook Balance 05/31/23                                                      $6,408.22

INCOME MEMO                                                                               $1,090.00

06/2023 Collected dues                                                                 $1,090.00

DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                                              $     62.82

ACH 06/08/23 AT&T DSL                                                                $     62.82

06/30/23 Account Balance                                                            $7,435.40

06/30/23 Bank Statement                                                            $7,435.40

Checks Outstanding                                                                        $       0.00

Adjusted balance                                                                             $7,435.40

Checkbook balance 06/30/23                                                      $7,435.40

Petty Cash 05/31/23 Starting balance                                      $   110.00

06/23/23 Field Day petty cash out                                             $   100.00

06/30/23 Current balance                                                             $     10.00


Funds Available                                                                               $7,445.40


68 members on roster


Note: not all memberships are posted yet; update underway.


Danny Kafka KD9HIL moved to approve and Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK seconded.  Motion Adopted.


Public Service


Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  SARC support for Hoffman Estates 4th of July Parade was well managed and appreciated.  Our historical support of the Schaumburg Triathlon event is scheduled for next week but we’ve not received response at the moment.  If our support is again requested this year we will have only short notice so Rob will post any possible arrangements to SARC-ALL.




John Zietlow K9WIC:  reminded Hoffman Estates EMCOMM event scheduled for Tuesday August 1st 5PM~8PM:


“Invite SARC to participate in the National Night out event August 1st from 17:00 ~20:00.  This is an opportunity to demonstrate Ham Radio and pass-out literature with the Hoffman Estates Emergency Radio Team.


My vision includes 2-3 radio stations demonstrating Ham Radio and static displays promoting Ham Radio in EmComm and Pubic Service events”.


The Hoffman Estates Police Department is throwing a going-away party for crime, and you’re invited.  Join us for the National Night-Out Against Crime at the Police Department, 411 Higgins Road on Tuesday, August 1 from 5 to 8 PM to meetup with neighbors and police officers to celebrate our true sense of community. 


National Night-Out is celebrated across the country the first Tuesday in August each year.  Come out to enjoy food, drinks, and live music along with police personnel and local business owners; see a K-9 demonstration; take tours of the Police Department; and learn about our teen cadet and emergency management programs.


John K9WIC will also host a meeting with JEMS at the Hoffman Estates Police Station on the third Saturday of September.  Eleven Villages have cooperated to hire staffing for Joint Emergency Management as a shared expense.  These Villages will be invited to attend EMCOMM Round Table of these neighboring communities from 9AM~11AM.





Rob N9MVO and Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ: 2M Machine appears to be slightly off-frequency and tweaking may not be possible.  While operational at the moment, we may have to investigate upgrading our exciter.  Reports of Echo Link difficulties but no specifics to assist in determining needed actions.


Construction Project (CP): 


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Saturday July 22 will have two events occurring at the Tennis Plus facility:


  • Fox Hunt Yagi Construction
  • Completion of Roof-Top Antenna Farm connections down to the work area.

VE Testing:

John Schofield AC9JS: one candidate attended and passed exam last month and one or possibly two candidates are scheduled for the August session at the moment.




Don Dewar KD9NJR: handling the effort and would surely appreciate additional controllers to volunteer.


Additionally, Scott KB9VRW will host a training session at the Salvation Army Headquarters in Elk Grove Monday July 31st 6PM at the Pratt Ave facility.


Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):


Mike K9KMV: No report


Special Events: No Report


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW: Not present



Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK


Social:  We need Chair




Leo Ribordy N9NBH: Library construction this fall will eliminate access to the facility.




Don Dewar KD9NJR:  John Zietlow K9WIC presented a math Primer for transmission line calculations.


FOX Hunt: 


Jim Campbell KB9RGU Fox Hunt Chair outlined the current plan:


Dates for the 2023 Foxhunts are as follows.


  • July 29
  • August 26
  • September 30
  • October 28


We meet at the North parking lot of the Schaumburg CRC at 1830 hours (630 pm) and get underway at 1900 hrs (700 pm). Finish time is 2100 hrs (900 pm).


I will supply 4 radios for those who do not have a radio with an S Meter.  These are old radios, but in working condition.  They will be charged, set on the correct frequency of 147.420, and the keypad locked to prevent loss of settings.  Just push the PTT only.




1) Borders:  53 to the East (Busse Woods out of bounds)


90 to the North


Barrington Rd. to the West


390 to the South


2) Use Simplex Emcomm channel 4, 147.420 Mhz


3) There is No Rule 3!!


4) Teams:  Driver and Navigator.  Driver cannot use Handheld!  Only the Navigator is allowed to use a handheld during the driving portion of the hunt.  We want to keep the officers of the PDs happy and not in a foul mood.


5) Return radio to me at the end of the hunting so I can recharge them for their next use.


Old Business: None


New Business: 


Long-Time SARC Member Bill Smead K9IIM (SK) Estate Sale.


Bill’s son, Bill Smead Jr. N9TOI attended our meeting tonight and explained his efforts to close his father’s estate.  There will be an internal Ham Radio Sales event at the home in Palatine this weekend.


Bill has to clear his father’s Ham Shack before returning to Iowa this coming Monday.  Goal is to save miscellaneous cables/test equipment from the dumpster (in the driveway) as well to hopefully recover some reasonable funds from his father’s radio collection if SARC Members wish to purchase items from the Shack.


SARC Members are invited to the private viewing/sale this Sunday:


Date:                     Sunday July 23

Time:                    12 Noon ~3PM

Where:                                1441 E. Reynolds  Palatine, Il  60074

Who:                     SARC Members



Adjourn:  8:05PM


Submitted July 21, 2023

Cliff Sowka  K9QD Secretary

Fox Hunt Antenna Build

SHHHHH! Be warry warry quiet, were going to be hunting foxes!

During one of our rare summer construction projects we built 7 new fox hunting yagis!

All antennas were tested and worked flawlessly, look out foxes. Thanks for everyone’s help to get this done.

Check the club calendar for event dates and times.

Foxhunt July 29, 2023


We arrived at the CRC parking lot around 1815 hrs. After signing everyone in, we discussed what was ahead of us for the evening. There were 6 hunters ready to go. We all checked our radios to be sure we all had the correct frequency. I opened my trunk and showed off the 4 older radios as well as the Baofeng I would use as the fox, I thought. We then waited for a few minutes for the Witching Hour.

At 1855 hrs I took off to go hide. All started out well, but soon went bad when I found out that one of the old radios I was using was not transmitting. This was followed by all the rest of them zonking out.

Eventually, a ham (AC9VW) from an unknown location was the first to find me. Now the old radios started to act up. But this was unknown to me until one of the hunters told me no one was hearing anything..I went back to the Baofung which I got working again.

So , out of 6 hunters , 3 found me, 3 gave up. It was a good experience for all around. Next month I will use the mobile rig in the car.

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting Sep 21, 2023

Business Meeting September 21, 2023

Business Meeting September 21, 2023

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.




Robert Kocourek W9RKK Matt Walsh AC9IG John Shofield AC9JS
Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ John Thornton KD9VZN Leo Ribordy N9NBH
John Douglas KD9KSH Roger Young WB9NBA Don Dewar KD9NJR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Danny Meyers K9LDM Kent Ochs W9KAO
Bill Riess KW9WR Bob Benwitz N9JAX Rob Glowacki N9MVO
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Rick Dickens KY0Q Cliff Sowka K9QD
Scott DeSantis KB9VRW


ZOOM Attendees:


Dennis C, Calvey KD9HIK Pierre Berube K9EYE Jim Campbell KB9RGU
Steve Karson AC9EM Charlene Treve K9CMZ Jim Fanning KD9WNR
Josh Spivey KD9WDV Will Schroeder KA9DQB Bates Noble N9UVI


Secretary’s Report:


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  August Business Meeting Minutes haven’t been published in the Radio Hill Gazette (RHG) until moments before the meeting tonight.  August Business Meeting Minutes were therefore read into the record with Don Dewar KD9NJR moving to approve and Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconding.  Motion Adopted.


Treasurer’s Report: 


Chris Brewer AC9GN not present.


Treasurer’s Report for the September Board Meeting indicated SARC currently has $7,257.21 in funds available and 95 active members.


Public Service


Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  No Report.




John Zietlow K9WIC:  Not present.




Rob N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ, Robert Kocourek W9RKK, and Kent Ochs W9KAO:  The 2M machine had its exciter upgraded and is performing well.  Power measurements indicate 5W drive into the linear with full output into the duplexer.  Power output into the antenna transmission line measures a full 2DB loss in the cavities.   Tuning the transmit cavities may be in order.  Receive cavities are working well.


Construction Project (CP): 


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  First session of the season begins this coming Saturday.

VE Testing: 

John Schofield AC9JS:  Next examination date:  September 2, 2023



Don Dewar KD9NJR: Handling the effort and would surely appreciate additional controllers to volunteer.


Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):  


Mike K9KMV:  Not present


Special Events:


No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW: No report.



Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK has crafted a press-release describing the Schaumburg Park District’s (SPD) support for SARC.  The executives of SPD reviewed and approved his work so that it can now be publicly posted.


Social:  We need Chair




Leo Ribordy N9NBH: Library construction this fall eliminates our access to the facility.  Therefore no class will be offered this season.  Anticipated completion is sometime in April 2024 therefore precluding a spring class as well.




Danny Meyers K9LDM presented Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club history tonight.  He will publish his notes of tonight to SARC-ALL.  Danny invited additional collective historical knowledge from club members to help him bring more detail to light.


FOX Hunt: 


Jim Campbell KB9RGU:  Next Fox Hunt is scheduled for September 30th.  The event will occur over one and one-half hour duration.  All other plans remain the same.


Old Business:


A possible SARC Picnic this year may be difficult to schedule in the next few weeks.  Roberto Beltramelli WA9E mentioned there may be a possibility we could have access to the Shoe Factory Road Reserve and he will check with people who have a standing permit/reservation.   With only a few weeks left in the season the club decided to forego an event this year.


New Business: 


Bill Riess KW9WR, Nominating Committee Chair, announced first-pass slate of Candidates for our November Election:


President:           Don Dewar KD9NJR

Vice President: Danny Kafka KD9HIL

Treasurer:           Chris Brewer AC9GN

Secretary:           Cliff Sowka K9QD


Board of Directors:  (Two Seats)


Robert Benwitz N9JAX

Paul Burkett KD9FMN

Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ

Robert McIntyre W9DXR


We’ve suffered some recent consternation regarding the Absentee Ballot process outlined in our Bylaws and several members have requested we streamline it somehow to make it more efficient.  Since we had a Board of Directors Quorum present in the audience tonight, it was easily decided there would be changes approved accordingly:


Danny Kafka KD9HIL described her experience as an Election Judge and offered a way to utilize proxy votes that would be secure as well as secret.  She suggested we appoint two Trusted Talliers (individuals not running in this election cycle) to manage the Absentee Ballot process electronically, collect the responses, and present the consolidated Absentee Ballot results on Election Night.  John and Bill would fill out a ballot for each absentee and then they would simply be commingled with the in count on Election Night.


Selection for Member of the Year and Bill Smead K9IIM Construction Project awards will be included in the Absentee Ballots.


  • Bill Riess KW9WR moved both himself and John Shofield AC9JS be appointed the Trusted Talliers for managing the Absentee Ballot process through club eMail. Robert Kocourek W9RKK seconded.  Motion Adopted.


Nominations presented tonight are part of the continuing candidate announcement process for the next several weeks.  Members are encouraged to make their intentions to run for office known.  Nominations can be made all the way up to the moment of the Election Night but any last-minute candidates will not have proper selection visibility on the Absentee Ballots ….so timing is critical for those wishing to contribute in a leadership role.


Constitution and Bylaw updates:  Don Dewar KD9NJR presented several editing proposals during the September Board Meeting.  Proposed changes will be published to SARC-ALL for membership review and the changes can be decided Election Night in November.


Rick Dickens KY0Q discussed the Illinois QSL Party event in October.  He plans to make a presentation in December.


Adjourn:  8:05PM


Submitted September 22, 2023

Cliff Sowka  K9QD Secretary



Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Sep 21, 2023

Business Meeting September 21, 2023

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.




Robert Kocourek W9RKK Matt Walsh AC9IG John Shofield AC9JS
Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ John Thornton KD9VZN Leo Ribordy N9NBH
John Douglas KD9KSH Roger Young WB9NBA Don Dewar KD9NJR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Danny Meyers K9LDM Kent Ochs W9KAO
Bill Riess KW9WR Bob Benwitz N9JAX Rob Glowacki N9MVO
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Rick Dickens KY0Q Cliff Sowka K9QD
Scott DeSantis KB9VRW


ZOOM Attendees:


Dennis C, Calvey KD9HIK Pierre Berube K9EYE Jim Campbell KB9RGU
Steve Karson AC9EM Charlene Treve K9CMZ Jim Fanning KD9WNR
Josh Spivey KD9WDV Will Schroeder KA9DQB Bates Noble N9UVI


Secretary’s Report:


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  August Business Meeting Minutes haven’t been published in the Radio Hill Gazette (RHG) until moments before the meeting tonight.  August Business Meeting Minutes were therefore read into the record with Don Dewar KD9NJR moving to approve and Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconding.  Motion Adopted.


Treasurer’s Report: 


Chris Brewer AC9GN not present.


Treasurer’s Report for the September Board Meeting indicated SARC currently has $7,257.21 in funds available and 95 active members.


Public Service


Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  No Report.




John Zietlow K9WIC:  Not present.




Rob N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ, Robert Kocourek W9RKK, and Kent Ochs W9KAO:  The 2M machine had its exciter upgraded and is performing well.  Power measurements indicate 5W drive into the linear with full output into the duplexer.  Power output into the antenna transmission line measures a full 2DB loss in the cavities.   Tuning the transmit cavities may be in order.  Receive cavities are working well.


Construction Project (CP): 


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  First session of the season begins this coming Saturday.

VE Testing: 

John Schofield AC9JS:  Next examination date:  September 2, 2023



Don Dewar KD9NJR: Handling the effort and would surely appreciate additional controllers to volunteer.


Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):  


Mike K9KMV:  Not present


Special Events:


No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW: No report.



Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK has crafted a press-release describing the Schaumburg Park District’s (SPD) support for SARC.  The executives of SPD reviewed and approved his work so that it can now be publicly posted.


Social:  We need Chair




Leo Ribordy N9NBH: Library construction this fall eliminates our access to the facility.  Therefore no class will be offered this season.  Anticipated completion is sometime in April 2024 therefore precluding a spring class as well.




Danny Meyers K9LDM presented Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club history tonight.  He will publish his notes of tonight to SARC-ALL.  Danny invited additional collective historical knowledge from club members to help him bring more detail to light.


FOX Hunt: 


Jim Campbell KB9RGU:  Next Fox Hunt is scheduled for September 30th.  The event will occur over one and one-half hour duration.  All other plans remain the same.


Old Business:


A possible SARC Picnic this year may be difficult to schedule in the next few weeks.  Roberto Beltramelli WA9E mentioned there may be a possibility we could have access to the Shoe Factory Road Reserve and he will check with people who have a standing permit/reservation.   With only a few weeks left in the season the club decided to forego an event this year.


New Business: 


Bill Riess KW9WR, Nominating Committee Chair, announced first-pass slate of Candidates for our November Election:


President:           Don Dewar KD9NJR

Vice President: Danny Kafka KD9HIL

Treasurer:           Chris Brewer AC9GN

Secretary:           Cliff Sowka K9QD


Board of Directors:  (Two Seats)


Robert Benwitz N9JAX

Paul Burkett KD9FMN

Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ

Robert McIntyre W9DXR


We’ve suffered some recent consternation regarding the Absentee Ballot process outlined in our Bylaws and several members have requested we streamline it somehow to make it more efficient.  Since we had a Board of Directors Quorum present in the audience tonight, it was easily decided there would be changes approved accordingly:


Danny Kafka KD9HIL described her experience as an Election Judge and offered a way to utilize proxy votes that would be secure as well as secret.  She suggested we appoint two Trusted Talliers (individuals not running in this election cycle) to manage the Absentee Ballot process electronically, collect the responses, and present the consolidated Absentee Ballot results on Election Night.  John and Bill would fill out a ballot for each absentee and then they would simply be commingled with the in count on Election Night.


Selection for Member of the Year and Bill Smead K9IIM Construction Project awards will be included in the Absentee Ballots.


  • Bill Riess KW9WR moved both himself and John Shofield AC9JS be appointed the Trusted Talliers for managing the Absentee Ballot process through club eMail. Robert Kocourek W9RKK seconded.  Motion Adopted.


Nominations presented tonight are part of the continuing candidate announcement process for the next several weeks.  Members are encouraged to make their intentions to run for office known.  Nominations can be made all the way up to the moment of the Election Night but any last-minute candidates will not have proper selection visibility on the Absentee Ballots ….so timing is critical for those wishing to contribute in a leadership role.


Constitution and Bylaw updates:  Don Dewar KD9NJR presented several editing proposals during the September Board Meeting.  Proposed changes will be published to SARC-ALL for membership review and the changes can be decided Election Night in November.


Rick Dickens KY0Q discussed the Illinois QSL Party event in October.  He plans to make a presentation in December.


Adjourn:  8:05PM


Submitted September 22, 2023

Cliff Sowka  K9QD Secretary