The Schaumburg Park District has returned to nearly-normal operations and combined with the lifting of group size restrictions by the state the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club is happy to announce that we will be returning to in person meetings for all of our events without capacity restrictions.
Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club acknowledges accolades to Dennis KD9HIK for his successful efforts in accomplishing the restoration of meeting facilities and establishing relationships with the new Village leadership.
General Business Meetings
The general business meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month at the Schaumburg Community Recreation Center. Everyone is welcome to attend, you do not need to be a member of the club. You will need to enter the building through the south door, near the pool. Please note the rooms may be different each month:
- July – Community Room
- August – Excellence Room
- September – Excellence Room
- October – Excellence Room
- November – Heritage Room
SARC in the Park
Returns to the Schaumburg Community Recreation Pavilion (on the front lawn) on the second and fourth Saturday mornings each month through August. More info.
Construction Project
The construction project will return at it’s usual second and fourth Saturday morning time starting in September. There is no longer a limit for the number of members that can attend and no longer a need to sign up in advance. More info.
Special thanks to Don Dewar KD9NJR for handling the sign up process while we had limits on the number of attendees.
License Exams
License exams return without capacity limits on the first Saturday of each month at the Schaumburg Community Recreation Center. More info.
Special thanks to the entire VE team for coming up with creative solutions to administering exams during social distancing including drive up testing.
Looking back
SARC first began canceling events in response to COVID-19 on March 13, 2020 with this post on our web site. It was expected we would return to normal on March 29, 2020. But the severity of the pandemic continued to increase and meetings quickly moved to Zoom. All of our public service events were cancelled by their organizers in the next few days, we were unable to hold construction projects, board meetings and SARC in the park. Even Field Day was an at-home event in 2020 with a special provision to allow clubs to continue to compete even though they were not actually “in the field” and at the same location.
As we began to understand the safeguards needed to keep people from getting infected we were able to offer some of our activities in a limited way:
- In July 2020 the VE testing team implemented drive-up testing with a requirement to sign up for a test slot ahead of time.
- In the Spring of 2021 as the vaccine became available and infection rates dropped we were able to host up to 10 people at a time for Construction Project.
Virtual Meeting
Community Recreation Center Remains Closed
Jun 17, 2021
Geoff Stevens KA9QGH President called the virtual meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Burt Schultz AB9CV |
Rob Glowacki N9MVO |
Dave W9VTD |
Leo Ribordy N9NBH |
Geoff Stevens KA9QGH |
Barry Friedman KD9SCR |
Ed Lishka AC9SD |
Mike Clodfelter AC9CG |
Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW |
Bob McIntire W9DXR |
Kent Ochs W9KAO |
Roberto Beltramelli WA9E |
Andrew KD0QIN |
Chris Brewer AC9GN |
Mike Sorensen K9KQX |
Danny Kafka KD9HIL |
Don Dewar KD9NJR |
Joseph KB9RCR |
Charlene K9CMZ |
Cliff Sowka K9QD |
Secretary’s Report:
Cliff Sowka K9QD informed May’s Minutes were published in the RHG. So moved.
Treasurer’s Report:
John Zietlow K9WIC not present but previously provided the following report:
Bank Balance $6,519.44
INCOME $1,101.00 from CP Surplus Sale
DISBURSEMENTS $62.82 16-Apr data line
Petty Cash $144.20
FD Donations $75.00 included in balance
Funds Available $7,576.82
As of May 20, 2021, 116 paid members. |
Public Service:
Rob Glowacki N9MVO informed the Hoffman Estates Fourth of July Parade and the Schaumburg Triathlon have been canceled this year.
John Zietlow K9WIC not present.
Rob N9MVO reported there may be an effort to diagnose the 440 machine’s general health during Field Day activities. We have access to a Motorola Service Monitor that could be very useful but it suddenly suffered several feature outages. The need for a detailed manual may be satisfied during Hamfests this summer so we ask members to be on the outlook for R2600 CNTHS documentation and even try to find extender boards to help in diagnosis and repair.
Construction Project:
Don’s KD9NJR Saturday morning CP meetings remain dormant until the fall sessions resume.
VE Exams
John Shofield AC9JS reported June 5th results:
Name |
Call |
Class |
Mason A |
Extra |
Donald A |
General |
Class |
Technician |
0 |
General |
1 |
Extra |
1 |
Total |
Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):
Steve |
Karson |
Ed |
Lishka |
John |
Schofield |
Dirk |
Smith |
W0RI |
The results were entered into the FCC ULS system on Thursday, June 17.
Next examination date: July, 3 2021
Radio Hill Gazette RHG
Mike Griffiths K9KMV no report.
Darryl KD9RHR not present.
John Douglas KD9KSH no report.
Leo N9NBH reports our training schedule is likely to be restarted with a target date of January 2022.
Steve Karson AC9EM previously reported our Nets are active and well attended.
Dennis KD9HIK Chairman has been periodically checking for re-opening status of our Schaumburg facilities and has accomplished the following schedule for us:
Monthly Club Meeting
July Community Room
Aug-Oct Excellence Room
Nov Heritage
Dec Maybe a party @ CRC? If not CRC will find a normal meeting room.
Jan-May: Village waiting for some programs to be entered before assigning a room; know by July.
Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club acknowledges accolades to Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK for his successful efforts in accomplishing the restoration of meeting facilities and establishing relationships with the new Village leadership.
SARC in the Park
Booked the pavilion for us until August
VE Exams
Booked in Heritage for all but March 5, 2022. March will be in Construction Project Basement.
Construction Project
STP Basement is booked for September, 2021-April, 2022
No report. Need Chairperson
Old Business:
Roberto Beltramelli WA9E mentioned a quick clarification of annual dues: it is expected our Treasurer will attend Field Day and bring a receipt book for those who renew with cash.
New Business:
Burt Schultz AB9CV suggested the Construction Project team prepare a test equipment upgrade wish-list as well as renewing some of the consumables such as freeze-spray, control cleaner, and tools. Burt will be the Point-Person as the inventory requests solidify.
Leo Ribordy N9NBH visited the Schaumburg Police Station (PD) to retrieve the SARC EMCOMM radio from storage for use at Field Day. He noticed the information/contact listing on the storage bin has need for update because there are only two SARC members identified for the PD staff to access. Suggesting we update the list to include club members who are likely to access the facility easily during an emergency. Leo will inform membership more details about our support to the Schaumburg PD during the July Business Meeting once we can return to the Community Recreation Center. Schaumburg Fire Department currently has 8 SARC Members qualified as trusted radio operators and has issued Village Security Passes for facility access during an emergency. Their certification process includes FBI Background Check, Fingerprints, Credit Check and Leo will explain more during the July meeting.
Field Day:
Danny KD9HIL provided an update on FD preparations: June 25 26 27
- Friday June 25th Antenna Set-up and Tower Climb 4PM (need membership head-count)
- Friday night: Motion approved provides up to $300 for Lou Malnatis ~ 6PM
- Saturday June 26th Open 8AM. Danny has commitments for two generators, Truck to move tables and chairs from the Tennis Club basement.
- FD meals may become a quick run to McD’s if there are truly only six (6) people planning to take part in any meal preparation.
Charlene K9CMZ mentioned the July issue of QST has an article about the 1964 9.1R Alaskan Earthquake disaster. Interestingly she noticed one of the many Hams mentioned as assisting during the disaster included KL7AUV which she also has in her 1958 logbook from an earlier contact with the same operator. The ARRL article from that date was republished this month and provides important, historical support Hams provide during disasters.
Roberto WA9E mentioned Mike Sorensen’s K9KQX establishment of IL-CHICAGO-LINK rooms on the 440 Machine are up for 4, 5 area repeaters and the system is working well.
Maxfield’s hosts our first-Saturday-of-the-month club breakfasts and suggested they will be able to handle larger SARC attendance if we might wish to organize their tables into rounds instead of linear: can seat more people in circular format because more can be seated around each table.
Ask an Elmer
Motion to Adjourn:
Meeting ended 7:47 PM
Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary
Board of Directors Meeting June 2, 2021
With the help of Geoff KA9QGH’s ZOOM-enabled call, Burt Schultz AB9CV Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
Robert W9RKK |
Joe KB9RCR |
John Douglas KD9KSH |
Geoff Stevens KA9QGH |
Danny Kafka KD9HIL |
John Zietlow K9WIC |
Ed Liska AC9SD |
Barry K9FMB |
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK |
Charlene K9CMZ |
Jim Campbell KB9RGU |
Kent Ochs W9KAO |
Burt Schultz AB9CV |
Cliff Sowka K9QD |
Secretary’s Report:
Cliff Sowka K9QD: Presented as published in May Radio Hill Gazette. Geoff KA9QGH moved, Ed AC9SD seconded. So Moved.
Treasurer’s Report:
John Zietlow K9WIC provides the following report for June 2, 2021:
Bank Balance 1-May $7,557.62
DISBURSEMENTS 11-May $ 95.88 Sweep from Pay Pal
MEMO $ 607.32
Checks cashed this period 18-May 21-May $ 115.17 Data line aberrance
$ 492.15 FTM-300DR purchase
Checks Outstanding $ 75.00
Deposit not included $ 0.00
Account Balance $6,971.18
plus petty cash – spec accts Funds Available $7,065.38
117 members currently.
John is researching the DSL line charge aberrance; Kent W9KAO will provide historical phone service information to help John identify the correct address for our data-drop.
Ed AC9SD moved to approve, Danny KD9HIL seconded. So Moved.
Public Service:
Rob Glowacki N9MVO no report.
John Zietlow K9WIC reported SARC’s support of the Chicagoland Marathon May 23rd was successful with 24 Ham Operators attending of which there were 4 mobile bicycle roamers to enhance our coverage of the event. Village management has received a summary report of SARC’s contribution and John published several pictures on SARC-ALL.
Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ and Rob Glowacki N9MVO Repeater Committee: No report. John K9WIC reported the previously-approved expenditure for a new FTM-300 to support the machines has been paid but the status of the equipment delivery is unknown at the moment.
Construction Project:
Sessions are on hiatus until regularly scheduled resumption this fall. The facility will likely be used to repair/recalibrate repeater equipment during the summer months. |
VE Testing:
Ed Lishka AC9SD informed the VE Team received 3 candidate requests for this coming Saturday.
Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):
Bill |
Davies |
Steve |
Karson |
Ed |
Lishka |
John |
Schofield |
Nets: No report. Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK suggested a boilerplate Log-In Script could be posted on our website to assist those who wish to host Nets.
Radio Hill Gazette RHG:
Mike K9KMV No Report.
Recurring Calendar:
SARC Meeting Room Reservations for CRC/Airport haven’t been renewed for the current year and it is uncertain who will be available from the Village to help us re-establish our normal venue(s).
Darryl Jenks KB9RHR no report.
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chair has been polling Village facilities to ascertain the re-opening of our venues.
In compliance with SARC Bylaw Article VIII Section 3, Ed AC9SD moved to authorize Dennis C. Calvey with Liaison ability with the Village. Geoff KA9QGH seconded. So Moved.
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK will communicate progress to the Board of Directors regarding renewing Airport Board meeting venue, Community Recreation Center meeting room, Park District Tennis Plus basement rental for Construction Project, as well as Township Library facilities for future educational events.
John KD9KSH. No Report.
Leo N9NBH. No Report.
No Report. Chairperson needed eventually once CRC re-opens.
Old Business:
Danny KD9HIL wishes to communicate an organized Field Day radio operations schedule to maximize contact efficiency. Possibly utilize SARC-ALL reflector to inform membership as event firms-up similar to her recent publication of the ARRL’s Field Day scoring procedure.
Danny wants to avoid the disappointment suffered last Field Day where the club neglected to invite Village official(s). John K9WIC offered to inform official(s) of this year’s event.
Budget for Field Day is $565 previously approved plus $300 special approval for the Friday Night set-up.
John Douglas KD9KSH may also utilize SARC-ALL reflector to ascertain attendance to help him plan Friday Night Lou Malnatis’ Pizza after set-up, plan Saturday Night meal, and Sunday Morning breakfast. Headcount will be important for John to implement proper food planning.
Kent Ochs W9KAO reports that his son Ryan (Certified Tower Climber) will be in town during Field Day and able to assist with our assembly and teardown.
New Business:
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK obtained a Reservation Form to allow our SARC-In-The-Park events to resume on the front lawn of the Community Recreation Center (CRC). It appears there may have been an almost-complete turnover in personnel we’ve interfaced with in the past. Now that Dennis has authority to act in Liaison with Village, he can begin the reservation process hopefully in time for next week’s SARC-In-The-Park.
John K9WIC suggested we consider Bylaw reform that would remove the current 1-year membership limitation for holding office within SARC. It could help the club recruit new members for such offices as Treasurer and Secretary. Kent W9KAO suggested it would be good to recruit new interest in Committee roles that are currently unfulfilled.
Jim Campbell KB9RGU moved and Geoff KA9QGH seconded: Adjourn 8:26PM.
Submitted June 3, 2021. Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary

This year, Field Day 2021 was held over the weekend of June 26th/27th. After the lockdown of 2020, which prevented SARC from holding Field Day last year, we were all thankful that this year would be different.
Many SARC club members came out to help with the setup of the Field Day tents, antenna systems, radio gear and food supplies.
The weather was doing it’s best to make it hard for us. At one point, the wind gusts were so strong that the SSB tent stakes came loose. I was inside the tent holding the mic with one hand, and pushing the inside of the tent away with the other, and thanks to the heroic efforts of Chris (AC9GN) and Mike (AC9CG) who managed to keep the tent from flying away! (see pics)
As is typical from previous years, there were 3 separate stations: SSB, CW and GOTA (Get On The Air). The club station call N9RJV was used, and operated with a 2A-IL Class/Section. 2A indicates 2 main stations in use (GOTA is not included), and A indicates it is a portable setup running from non-commercial power. IL refers to the location being in Illinois.
The SSB tent’s main radio was the venerable Kenwood TS-140, however as the event progressed it was occasionally switched out for either Robert’s (W9RKK) Elecraft K3S, or my own Yaesu FT-891. The CW tent used a Kenwood TS-570.
I have not seen the final score yet, *UPDATE LINK TO FINAL SCORE* or the exact number of contacts made, but I have seen preliminary stats that show the SSB tent made in excess of 330 contacts, and when I left early Sunday morning, the CW tent was in the mid 200’s, so it is safe to say that we must have been somewhere close to 600 total contacts.
Hopefully the final tally will be made available soon.
I hope you enjoy looking at some of the photos taken during the event.
Mike K9KMV