First Annual SARC AR Bike Ride held on Saturday May 8, 2021 in Busse Woods.
Thank You to all that participated. We had nine attendees and several that joined us for Brunch afterwards. The attendees included: Tim-WE9PP, Barry-K9FMB, Bill-W9WEM, Robert-W9RKK, Tony-K9ASB, Dave-W9VTD, Bill-KD9RGX, Rob-N9MVO, Pat KD9PWI and Dirk-W0RI. These people were brave enough to take on the weather being cloudy with 43 degree at the start and around 53 degrees when we finished. The 7 mile route was enjoyable all paved and fairly smooth with numerous joggers, dog walkers and other bikers on the trail.
Only a few hick ups presented itself, one of which was someone was on the ECOMM CH 4 frequency we decided to use. Several with booming Simplex signals were having a morning rag chew so we had to change to another. Our frequency Elmer (Rob) found a free channel. It was all good, no accidents, nobody ran of the path unwillingly, nobody fell into the water and nobody was charged by the Elk at the end of the trail. It appears everyone spent time figuring out how to secure and operate safely on the trail. The only change I would make in the future is to have one person monitor the repeater freq. in case we have to talk someone to the starting point and have a buddy system. Other than that the event went off without a hitch. I think we should do this more often, but not in 90 degree weather !!!
So as I have learned in AR food must be involved in order to make it an official event. Therefore at the end of the 7 mile loop we had brunch at the Rose Garden Restaurant. As you can see Rob N9MVO (Nothing But Trouble) certainly did not skimp at the meal..

Thank you everyone for participating and lets grow this event, any suggestion for 5,6,7 mile loops at other places are always welcome. PS: With a food place along or at the end of the trail !!!
Just remember some of us are older and hills are not our friends unless you have a power assisted bike or are willing to pull others up those hills.
Until the next ride !!!
Best Regards,
Dirk Smith
The SARC UHF repeater on 442.275 MHz has recently been relocated and updated.
It now offers dual mode FM Analogue and Yaesu System Fusion. This means that you can access the repeater using either a conventional analogue radio, or a Yaesu System Fusion radio. The repeater will recognize the transmission mode it receives, and automatically switch accordingly.
The repeater also offers WiresX connectivity, allowing you to use your Yaesu Fusion radio to connect to rooms like America Link, MNWIS, etc.
Here are the repeater details:
Analogue Mode:
442.275 MHz Output
447.425 MHz Input (+5 MHz)
PL 114.8 Hz
Yaesu System Fusion
WiresX K9IIK-ROOM #40294
Full details of the club’s repeaters can be found here.
Mike K9KMV
RHG Editor

Thanks to all the SARC member volunteers that helped provide radio communication support at this year’s Chicagoland Marathon, held at Busse Woods on May 23rd 2021.
In no particular order, here is the list of volunteers that braved the early hours (5.45am) to help.
73, Mike K9KMV
RHG Editor
Virtual Meeting
Community Recreation Center Remains Closed
May 20, 2021
Geoff Stevens KA9QGH President called the virtual meeting to order at 7:00 PM
R. Kocourek W9RKK |
Rob Glowacki N9MVO |
Dennis KD9HIK |
Leo Ribordy N9NBH |
Geoff Stevens KA9QGH |
Barry Friedman KD9SCR |
Ed Lishka AC9SD |
Steve Karson AC9EM |
Pierre Berube K9EYE |
John Zietlow K9WIC |
Garrett K9GBN |
Michael Musica <call> |
Jack McClurkin W9YY |
Chris Brewer AC9GN |
Bill KD9RGX |
Danny Kafka KD9HIL |
Jim Campbell KB9RGU |
Daryl KB9RHR |
Charlene K9CMZ |
Russ Schmidt KC9NUV |
Don Dewar KD9NJR |
Cliff Sowka K9QD |
Bill McGovern W9WEM |
Doug W9YFC |
Secretary’s Report:
Cliff Sowka K9QD informed April’s Minutes were not recorded during his absence as no scribe was appointed as informed in the April Edition of the Radio Hill Gazette (RHG).
Treasurer’s Report:
John Zietlow K9WIC provided the following report
Bank Balance $6,519.44
INCOME $1,101.00 from CP Surplus Sale
DISBURSEMENTS $62.82 16-Apr data line
Petty Cash $144.20
FD Donations $75.00 included in balance
Funds Available $7,576.82
As of May 20, 2021, 116 paid members. |
Public Service:
Rob Glowacki N9MVO nothing to report other than this weekend’s EMCOMM event in support of the ChicagoLand Marathon.
John Zietlow K9WIC updated plans for the ChicagoLand Marathon that will be held May 23rd in Busse Woods. SARC Radio Volunteer assignments will be changing somewhat because the event organizers have made several course changes due to the Golf Road construction. Arrival time of 5:30AM remains the appropriate plan as previous road closures for the event appear to remain intact. Bill Clark will return this year for temporary assignment.
John will host a ZOOM update 7:30PM Friday May 21 to review the changes and new assignments.
Rob N9MVO nothing to update.
Construction Project:
Don’s KD9NJR organization of Saturday morning CP meetings will be on hiatus until the fall sessions resume. Possibility of CP continuance through the summer months isn’t currently supported according to a cursory survey at the most recent Maxfield’s (20 attendees) breakfast. Adjustment/Repair of the Fusion machine at Plum Grove may require our use of the basement for access to various test equipment that may be needed but the facility will not be utilized for CP until the fall.
Any left-over remnants of the recent Surplus Equipment Sale that currently remain on the tables will be placed on the floor over in a corner so that we’ll be able to move needed furnishings to the Field Day event next month. We’re hopeful the Park District doesn’t deem the equipment as trash and dispose before members can take their equipment home.
VE Exams
No exams were held in May
Radio Hill Gazette RHG
Mike Griffiths K9KMV no report.
Darryl KD9RHR requires some HT Programming assistance for new member Michael Musica <call> with activating his new radio. The owner’s manual isn’t very helpful. Michael will send a broadcast over SARC-ALL to find someone with expertise to get the rig programmed.
John Douglas KD9KSH no report
Leo N9NBH reports our training schedule will be on hiatus for the duration since his recent inquiries to the Library are going unanswered at the moment.
Steve Karson AC9EM reports our Nets are active and well attended. Leo N9NBH has been hosting for years and would like to have more members willing to join the team to host Nets at times he is unable to be present. A basic script is available on the N9RJV.ORG website.
Dennis KD9HIK has been periodically checking for re-opening of the CRC. The club’s Liability Insurance coverage might be requested once things open again: Dennis will receive a copy of our general policy so that any clerical requests arising at the CRC can be handled easily.
Resumption of SARC-in-the-PARK events on the front lawn of the CRC are likely to require permission but it appears there is no ‘approving’ staff available at the moment. Moving the events to Busse Woods may be possible but Forest Rangers have confronted us in the past requiring presentation of permits and otherwise objecting to our antennas causing possibly unsafe conditions.
The Village shot a video of SARC radio activities that was planned for broadcast on the local cable a few years ago. Recent Village funding shortfall has curtailed those plans and the video captured may never be presented.
No report. Need Chairperson
Old Business:
New Business:
Danny Kafka KD9HIL has FIELD DAY planning underway.
RECEIVED: Village Ok’d Danny’s Permit for the Plum Grove Water Tower June 25 26 27
- Friday June 25th Antenna Set-up and Tower Climb 4PM (need membership head-count)
- Friday night: Motion approved provides up to $300 for Lou Malnatis ~ 6PM
- Saturday June 26th Open 8AM. Danny working to obtain commitments for grill(s) tents, generator, Truck/Suburban to move tables and chairs from the Tennis Club basement
- Saturday Night Dinner: Have budgeted ~$500 in addition to the $300 Friday Pizza meaning we can have decent groceries this year (need head-count and desired menu).
- Sunday morning breakfast: only 5 members indicated they will be present. This means we’re not likely to have Frank Giampa’s N9QPD Memorial Buttermilk Pancakes nor Charles Fregeau’s N5HSR Memorial Hotel Bacon, Saauuuusage, and even have to forego fresh orange juice. Probably just going to order a few Egg-Muffins and be done with it unless head-count increases.
- Sunday tear-down: Need Truck/Suburban once again to take furniture back to CP basement.
Cliff K9QD moved for additional funding of (up to) $300 budget for Friday night set-up. Seconded by Danny. So Moved.
Ask an Elmer
None, except the HT programming assistance for new member Michael Musica <call>.
Motion to Adjourn:
Meeting ended 8:23 PM
Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary
Board of Directors Meeting May 5, 2021
With the help of Geoff KA9QGH’s ZOOM-enabled call combined with Russell Schmidt KC9NUV’s diligent note taking during Cliff K9QD’s unplanned absence, Burt Schultz AB9CV called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.
Russ Schmidt KC9NUV |
Joe KB9RCR |
John Douglas KD9KSH |
Geoff Stevens KA9QGH |
Danny Kafka KD9HIL |
John Zietlow K9WIC |
Ed Liska AC9SD |
Bill KB9RGX |
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK |
Charlene K9CMZ |
Jim Campbell KB9RGU |
Kent Ochs W9KAO |
Mike K9KQX
Burt Schultz AB9CV |
Barry K9FMB
Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ |
Secretary’s Report:
Cliff Sowka K9QD: not present.
Treasurer’s Report:
John Zietlow K9WIC provides the following report for May 1, 2021:
Bank Balance 1-Apr $6,519.44
26-Apr $1,101.00
Available Funds $7,482.62
Petty Cash $169.20
114 members on roster
Ed Lishka AC9SD motioned for approval and Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded. So moved.
Public Service:
Rob Glowacki N9MVO no report.
John Zietlow K9WIC reported there was a Simulated Test last Saturday, not sure who participated.
Danny KD9HIL attempted to participate and we believe Darrell KB9RHR may have attended as well.
Reminder about upcoming EMCOMM event:
- ChicagoLand Marathon May 23rd. John has confirmed the trusted (Village security badge) radio operators for the Village of Schaumburg are available to support the event. He will be recruiting up to ~24 or more ham operators to staff the venue.
Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ and Rob Glowacki N9MVO of SARC’s Repeater Committee continue to maintain and upgrade our machines.
Leo N9NBH previously provided a brief report to SARC-ALL regarding Fusion diagnostic work at the Plum Grove tower:
“Thank you to the hams that helped work on the Fusion repeater this morning. Rob-Roberto-Barry-Cliff-Danielle-Charlene. The issues that we were seeing with the repeater have been solved. It turns out that the Fusion is working properly. The power amp was what was causing the issues with the repeater. How we left the repeater is the power amp is by-passed and we set the power out of the repeater at 20 Watts. The repeater is on auto so you can use either analog or digital mode”.
Construction Project:
Sessions are on hiatus until regularly scheduled resumption this fall. The facility will likely be used to repair/recalibrate repeater equipment during the summer months. |
VE Testing:
Ed Lishka AC9SD informed the VE Team received no candidate requests this month.
Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):
Bill |
Davies |
Steve |
Karson |
Ed |
Lishka |
John |
Schofield |
No report.
Radio Hill Gazette RHG:
Mike K9KMV No Report.
Recurring Calendar:
Field Day:
Danny KD9HIL reviewed details such as who has Keys (Rob and Kent). Need climbers for water tank. Geoff KA9QGH and Russ KC9NUV are willing to climb.
Insurance is ready. Permit is applied-for but not approved yet.
Rob N9MVO and Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW have tents, Dirk 1 and Kevin have generators. Need table and chairs from Tennis club basement so we’ll need a club member with a pick up.
Radios: Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW; need someone for SSB tent, Dirk 1 and Bob McIntire W9DXR will handle CW tent. John Douglas KD9KSH will coordinate the food and Cliff will help with breakfast. We need to wear masks when in tents with groups.
Do we want to invite outsiders? John K9WIC said the Village will usually decide our permit application within 45 days. John also has the name of Bill Clark’s replacement and the club will invite this person.
Darryl Jenks’ KB9RHR efforts are well appreciated and the Board thanks him for doing a good job.
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chair has left a message for CRC room availability and waiting on use of the Bocci Ball court.
John KD9KSH. No Report.
Leo N9NBH. No Report.
No Report. Chairperson needed eventually
Old Business:
Ed AC9SD wants to know if Construction will continue or transition to SARC in the Park. Per John Douglas KD9KSH Construction Project is finished for the summer.
SARC in the park will begin. Barry K9FMB asked about repairing the power supply [RF power amplifier?] issues found during Fusion deployment.
New Business:
Mike K9KQX provided WiresX on 440 installation update. Has an older FTM 100 are we willing to buy his equipment for linking zoom spot? BOD requested to know how much: about $250 only can get them used, not made any more. Alternative would be to purchase a new FTM 300DR for about $459.
Ed AC9SD motioned we buy a FTM 300 DR and Jim Campbell KB9RGU seconded. All in favor; so moved.
Mike K9KQX already donated a computer and a hma 200 radio. We plan to explore upgrading repeater’s current internet access and potentially upgrading away from current DSL service. Kent W9KAO will looking into it a few weeks from now.
Geoff KA9QGH and Danny KD9HIL motioned to end the meeting 8:27PM.
Submitted May 6, 2021 as dutifully plagiarized from Russ KC9NUV’s notes. Cliff Sowka Secretary