Schaumburg Amateur Radio Board of Director’s Meeting Nov 1, 2023


Board of Directors Meeting November 1, 2023

Robert Kocourek W9RKK Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00PM



Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Shofield AC9JS Bill Riess KW9WR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Cliff Sowka K9QD Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK
John Douglas AC9JS Ed Lishka AC9SD  

Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  October BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG; Danny KD9HIL moved to approve, Bill KW9WR seconded.  Adopted.


Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN not present.

Public Service 

 Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.


 John Zietlow K9WIC EmComm Chairman not present.


 Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.  Kent Ochs W9KAO has been partially reimbursed for the first part of planned $300 equipment cabinet upgrade.  More equipment will be forthcoming.

Construction Project (CP)

Cliff Sowka K9QD reports CP is back in session and attendance during our first two events have hosted 25~27attendees.  Club members are asked to think of appropriate projects that we could entertain.

 VE Testing:

John Schofield AC9JS reports there is one candidate reserved at the moment for testing this coming Saturday.  All FCC records from last month were updated quickly except one….a single character in that candidate’s eMail had to be corrected and the FCC responded accordingly.


 Don Dewar KD9NJR Chairman needs volunteers willing to take a session.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG 

 Mike K9KMV No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman has authored a summary of his recent participation in Fox Hunting and we can anticipate a post to SARC-ALL and FaceBook shortly.


 Need Chairperson.

In the interim, John Douglas KD9KSH has offered to manage and has secured a venue for our January Holiday Party.

  • Location: RICCARDO’S RISTORANTE.  Plans for January will be sent to SARC-ALL a few times to remind membership.


Leo N9NBH not present.


 Don Dewar KD9NJR not present.  It’s possible we’ll present a WinLInk video during the vote-count later this month.

FOX Hunt:  Jim Campbell KB9RGU no report.

 Old Business

Don Dewar KD9NJR has proposed updates to our Constitution and Bylaws during the September meeting.  He presented valid reasons to edit six Articles that have become outdated (such as TVI Committee).  The Board reviewed his suggested text changes and we’ll publish the proposed updates in time for the inclusion on the Ballot in November.

  • Don KD9NJR moved in September to place proposed Constitution Updates on our November Ballot. Ed Lishka AC9SD seconded.  Motion Adopted
  • Bill KW9WR moved to approved Don’s Bylaw revisions as presented. Danny KD9HIL seconded.  Adopted under authority granted to the Board of Directors.

Therefore only the Constitution Revisions will be on the November Ballot since the Bylaws are adopted tonight.  Such revisions will be published to SARC-ALL for membership review.  The Ballot will ask for an Up-Down vote.

New Business

 Talliers for November’s Absentee Requests have received a few responses at the moment.  Last year we enjoyed 100% participation so hopefully we’ll receive more response shortly.

Adjourn 7:38PM

Submitted November 2, 2023.

Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary


Variable capacitor trivia question

[This discussion took place on our SARC-All email reflector – Ed.]

Bruce N9EHA started the discussion with this post.

In older radios, in order to get the tuning dial scale to tune linearly across the band and not “bunch up” frequencies at one end of the scale, they used an air variable capacitor that would change capacitance non-linearly.  If it had circular plates, the shaft was installed off center to make the capacitance change non-linear (first pic), or they had a tear drop shape, that looked like the second picture below, to get a logarithmic change in capacitance with rotation of the shaft.

The question is, what was the common name for these type of non-linear variable tuning caps in old radios?  Someone at the construction project thought it also used to be a test question on one of the older license exams, but I couldn’t find it.  If anyone remembers the name or nickname for them, let me know.

N9EHA followed up a few days later with this, closing the loop on the ongoing discussion.

Good discussion point to keep the thread going.  Butterfly is a specific type of construction with a split stator.  Butterfly capacitors are where the rotor plates are made in four 90 degree quadrants instead of the usual 2 halves (half circle), hence the so-called butterfly shape looking at the rotor plates from the end.  A butterfly capacitor is the first one below, vs a normal variable capacitor below that for comparison.

The difference between standard and butterfly is in where the electrical connections are made.  On a standard one (half circle), one electrical connection has to be made to the rotor plates via a moving connection.  You can see the connection on the second picture sticking up towards the top right, and that connection needs to slide on the shaft when the cap is adjusted to maintain its connection.  That’s fine in a receiver circuit, or other relatively low power design.

On a butterfly, each electrical connection is to each side’s (separate, split) stator, with no sliding connections made to the rotor.  RF current goes into one side’s set of stator plates, and comes out the other set of stator plates, coupled through the rotor plates along the way.  It’s easier to see in the 3rd pic where the solder connections are made to each side’s stator, with the butterfly rotor having no connections to it.  That’s advantageous because you can get more current out of a solid weld, solder, or bolt to the frame where the stator plates are mounted, than you can out of a sliding connection to the rotor.  So very high current capacitor needs, like in tank circuits for high power RF amps, have less loss and more power handling capability.  You sometimes see them tuning small magnetic loop antennas for that same reason, due to the very high circulating currents when the loop is tuned.

Also note that a butterfly only has useful rotation of 90 degrees, not 180 like a standard.  It will repeat the same capacitance value at FOUR points in a single rotation, not two points like a standard.  Not a problem for the cap, just something you have to consider if you want to mechanically restrict the rotation on the shaft to not repeat, or to design the face panel markings on gear, etc.

Fox Hunt Season Wrap Up

by Jim KB9RGU

Well , it’s over. Summer that is. Oh, and the Foxhunt season as well. October 28th 2023, the last of the four Saturday Foxhunts is in the books.  We changed the hours at the suggestion of a couple participants.

Started at 1500 and finished at 1600, welcomed 🌞 sunshine on a cool and windy day. The change in hours worked out very well, and may be permanent.

 The hunt started with four teams but equipment issues sidelined a couple of  the hunters. Participants were K9HIK, W9RKK, K9FNM and son, and W9KAO. W9KAO was first to find.

Howard kd9wsv, the Fox, had the stuffed Fox on the hood of his FOXMOBILE, so it was a little easier to locate.

Fun for all on the last Saturday of the month.

Heat Sink Milling for Dummy Load

During a recent construction project club members built dummy loads for testing radios. The loads required a heat sink and club member Bob W9GEW provided materials and machine time from his business to help produce those. He provided this video of the machining process.

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Business Meeting Nov 16, 2023

Business Meeting November 16, 2023

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.



Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Thornton KD9VZJ John Schofield AC9JS
Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ Paul Burkett KD9FMN Leo Ribordy N9NBH
John Childress KD9YKF Charlene Treve K9CMZ Don Dewar KD9NJR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Danny Meyers K9LDM Bob Lacursia K9SKY
Bill Riess KW9WR Bob Benwitz N9JAX Rob Glowacki N9MVO
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Bill McGovern W9WEM Cliff Sowka K9QD
Chris Brewer AC9GN Richard France N9PAN Bob McIntire W9DXR
Ed Lishka AC9SD Sid Puri KD9OLI Kent Ochs W9KAO
John Douglas KD9KSH    


ZOOM Attendees:


Jim Campbell KB9RGU Pierre Berube K9EYE Bates Noble N9UVI
Steve Karson AC9EM John Zietlow K9WIC Joshua Spivey KD9WDV
Kevin Willard KB9QVX Bill Schroeder KA9DQB  
David Binkowski K9IBM Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK  


Secretary’s Report:

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  October Business Meeting Minutes were published in the Radio Hill Gazette (RHG).

  • Danny KD9HIL moved to approve Leo Ribordy N9NBH seconded. Motion Adopted.

 Treasurer’s Report: 

 Chris Brewer AC9GN reported:


Month:                                 October 2023

Checkbook Balance 09/31/2023                                                 $7,289.30

INCOME MEMO                                                                                    $     25.00

DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                                              $      151.77

10/10/2023 AT&T DSL                                                                     $     62.82

Check 1289 Lightning Part Replacement                                $     28.02

Zelle Payment Repeater Shelf                                                    $     60.93

10/31/2023 Account Balance                                                       $7,162.53

10/31/2023 Bank Statement                                                        $7,162.53

Checks Outstanding                                                                        $       0.00

Adjusted balance                                                                             $7,162.53

Checkbook balance 10/31/2023                                                 $7,162.53

Petty Cash 10/31/2023 Current balance                                  $   110.00

Funds Available                                                                               $7,272.93

107 active members in roster with one additional posting shortly


  • Danny moved to approve, Paul Burkett KD9FMN seconded.  Adopted.

Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  No Report.


John Zietlow K9WIC:  No Report.


Rob N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ: No report.

Pierre Berube K9EYE requested status of 2M machine’s static and momentary attenuation remediation.  No specific action at the moment.

Construction Project (CP) 

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  No Report.

VE Testing

John Schofield AC9JS reports VE Tests Results for November 4, 2023


Name Call Class
Kirk KD9ZDT Technician



Technician 1
General 0
Extra 0
Total 1


The results were in the FCC ULS system by Wednesday, 11/8.


Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):


Bill Davies K9WKD
Steve Karson AC9EM
Ed Lishka AC9SD
John Schofield AC9JS
Will Sperling W9WSS


Next examination date: December 2, 2023


Don Dewar KD9NJR: No Report.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):  

Mike K9KMV:  Not present

Special Events:  No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW: Not Present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK: No Report.

Social:  Chair open.


 Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No report.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK presented a tutorial on Winlink.

Old Business:

Constitution updates:  Don Dewar KD9NJR published several editing proposals to SARC-ALL before Election Night.  Members will be asked to vote UP/DOWN.

New Business:  Don Dewar KD9NJR explained tonight’s Constitutional revisions are simply a ‘clean-up’ of outdated verbiage.  There is no new wording.  Items such as Budget, Audits, and Club Asset Records are not affected.  Tonight’s vote is simply UP/DOWN choice.

    • Constitution revisions are adopted.




President            Don Dewar KD9NJR

Vice President   Dann Kafka KD9HIL

Treasurer            Chris Brewer AC9GN

Secretary            Cliff Sowka K9QD


Director               Robert Benwitz N9JAX -3 Year Term

Director               Paul Burkett KD9FMN  -3 Year Term

  • Danny Kafka KD9HIL moved to adjourn, Leo Ribordy N9NBH seconded.

Adjourn:  7:47 PM

Submitted November 17, 2023

Cliff Sowka  K9QD Secretary

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Board of Directors 2023

Bill Riess KW9WR called the meeting to order at 7:00PM



John Douglas AC9JS John Shofield AC9JS Bill Riess KW9WR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Don Dewar KD9NJR Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK
Cliff Sowka K9QD Scott DeSantis KB9VRW

 Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  November BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:  John Shofield AC9JS moved to approve, Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded.  Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN not present.

Public Service 

 Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.


 John Zietlow K9WIC EmComm Chairman not present.


 Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.

Construction Project (CP)

Cliff Sowka K9QD reports CP continues to enjoy strong attendance and we’re planning to host both December sessions even though the fourth Saturday of December aligns closely with family holiday celebrations.

Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK is currently crafting Winlink training to be offered to CP attendees during Jan~Feb.

VE Testing:

John Schofield AC9JS reports there is already one candidate reserved at the moment for the January session.  John has been supporting student interest in joining an organized Ham Radio organization and his efforts have resulted in several new members for SARC.

  • WebMaster will be asked to edit our home page layout in order to accommodate a more rapid access to our VE Testing services.


 Don Dewar KD9NJR Chairman needs volunteers willing to take a session.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG 

 Mike K9KMV No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman noted our status as Affiliated ARRL Club requires update.  Bill Reiss KW9WR suggested we also acquire an additional domain SCHAUMBURGARC.COM so that prospective hams can find our entity more easily.  The additional domain for our club could simply point to www.N9RJV therefore providing  a more efficient search result.

  • Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK moved to approve the $14 annual domain registry expense and Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman has authored a primer for Winlink and anticipates we could offer training during Jan~Feb Construction Project meetings.

  • Treasurer Disbursements Needed: Previously authorized support payments of $25 each to Newsline, Repeater Association, and Ham


Need Chairperson.

In the interim, John Douglas KD9KSH has secured a venue for our January Holiday Party.

  • Current reservation is 14 but we’re obligated to provide 25 attendees minimum. John will continue to remind membership via SARC-ALL.


Leo N9NBH not present.


 Don Dewar KD9NJR: planning a December Business Meeting presentation.

Old Business

Talliers for November’s Absentee Requests received only ~ 65% response but those who did respond to several requests and reminders were represented in November’s election.

This contrasts to last year where we enjoyed 100% participation so hopefully we can implement a better scheme for next year’s election; maybe craft a simple, click-enabled document for those who cannot attend election night in person if our mandated SASE US Mail process won’t be followed again in 2024.

 New Business

 Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK noted our website needs 2024 officer update to reflect the November Election Results. Also, Google Groups for SARC-BD requires update.

  • Dennis submitted a Winlink primer for presentation during our Jan~Feb Construction Project venue for interested members. Cliff Sowka K9QD moved to approve and John Schofield AC9JS seconded. Adopted.
  • Dennis will communicate with several governmental agencies to reaffirm our Schaumburg resources: Tennis Plus, Bocce Court for SARC-in-the-Park, CRC for BOD and Business Meetings, and any rental/insurance documentation requirements.

Don Dewar KD9NJR reviewed open action items:  Determine FTM 300 location and current function, Inventory of club Assets, Annual Audit, and proposed Budget.

  • Professional Audit of our Treasury could cost ~$2,000 but since our revenue as Non-Profit is well under the IRS-defined threshold, third party review would suffice.
  • Treasurer requested to present budget proposal during the December Business Meeting. Operating expense of $1,754.00 estimated but Committee requests need to be informed.

Adjourn 8:30PM

Submitted December 7, 2023.

Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary



Schaumburg Amateur Radio Business Meeting Dec 21, 2023

Business Meeting December 21, 2023

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK Chris Brewer AC9GN John Schofield AC9JS
John Douglas KD9KSH Paul Burkett KD9FMN Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK
John Childress KD9YKF Charlene Treve K9CMZ Don Dewar KD9NJR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Danny Meyers K9LDM Daryl Jenks KB9RHR
Bill Riess KW9WR Leo Ribordy N9NBH Rob Glowacki N9MVO
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Cliff Sowka K9QD

 ZOOM Attendees: 

Jim Campbell KB9RGU Pierre Berube K9EYE <-Log> Bates Noble N9UVI
Steve Karson AC9EM Jon KD9WNL John Thornton KD9VZJ
Kevin Willard KB9QVX Bill Schroeder KA9DQB

 Secretary’s Report: 

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  November Business Meeting Minutes were published in the Radio Hill Gazette (RHG).

  • Danny KD9HIL moved to approve, Robert Kocourek W9RKK seconded. Motion Adopted.

 Treasurer’s Report:  

Chris Brewer AC9GN reported:


Month:                                 November  2023


Checkbook Balance 10/30/2023                                                 $7,162.53

INCOME MEMO                                                                                    $     30.00

DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                                              $      223.33

11/08/2023 AT&T DSL                                                                     $       62.82

Check 1290 Lightning Detector Replacement                       $     11.25

Zelle Payment Repeater Shelf                                                    $     149.26

11/30/2023 Account Balance                                                       $6,969.20

11/30/2023 Bank Statement                                                        $6,969.20

Checks Outstanding                                                                        $         0.00

Adjusted balance                                                                             $6,969.20

Checkbook balance 11/30/2023                                                 $6,969.20

Petty Cash 11/30/2023 Current balance                                   $   110.00


Funds Available                                                                               $7,079.20

111 active members in roster

  • Danny KD9HIL moved to approve, Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  No Report.


John Zietlow K9WIC:  Not Present.


Rob N9MVO:  Pie 4 upgrade to be installed shortly.  There is intermittent noise present (including tonight) with no apparent source.  Members are asked to report observations and help us determine what conditions are present when occurs.  If we can identify a pattern it may help narrow remediation possibilities.

Construction Project (CP) 

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK and Daryl Jenks KB9RHR are planning a Winlink presentation during our January 13th CP session.

VE Testing

 John Schofield AC9JS reports VE Tests Results for December 2nd: 

Name Call Class
Brian KD9ZIH Technician


Technician 1
General 0
Extra 0
Total 1

Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):

Bill Davies K9WKD
Steve Karson AC9EM
Ed Lishka AC9SD
James Migalla KC9UFB
William Riess KW9WR
John Schofield AC9JS

Next examination date:  January 6, 2024

John Schofield

Session Manager



Don Dewar KD9NJR: No Report.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):  

 Mike K9KMV:  Not present

Special Events:  No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW: Not Present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK:

Upon checking ARRL listing, Dennis determined SARC is correctly listed as an affiliate club but we’re not seeing appropriate search results when entering either ZIP 60193 or 60194.

Social:  Chair open

John Douglas KD9KSH reports we have met our January Holiday Party attendance requirement.


 Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No report.


Don Dewar KD9NJR:  Planned but technical issues caused the presentation to succumb to Microsoft Undocumented Feature.  Try again during our February Business Meeting.

Old Business:

Don Dewar KD9NJR explained November’s Constitutional revisions were simply a ‘clean-up’ of outdated verbiage.  There is no new wording.  Items such as Budget, Audits, and Club Asset Records are not affected.  November’s vote was simply UP/DOWN choice.

Don has enlisted editing help tonight so that our Board of Directors is able to publish a clean document.

New Business: 

Chris Brewer AC9GN will be working on our budget for 2024 and requested SARC Committees submit their budget requests to begin the process.

Adjourn:  7:29 PM

Submitted December 22, 2023

Cliff Sowka  K9QD Secretary

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Board of Directors Jan 3, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting January 3, 2024

Robert Kocourek W9RKK called the meeting to order at 7:00PM


Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Shofield AC9JS Bill Riess KW9WR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL John Douglas AC9JS Paul Burkett KD9FMN
Cliff Sowka K9QD Bob Benwitz W9JAX
  • Robert Kocourek W9RKK was appointed as Chairman of the Board by Acclamation as we begin 2024.
  • Our two new Directors (Paul Burkett KD9FMN, Bob Benwitz W9JAX) were installed tonight.
  • Robert Kocourek W9RKK Chairman moved to authorize SARC Officers voting members of the Board. John Shofield AC9JS seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  December BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:  Robert Kocourek W9RKK moved to approve, Bill Reiss KW9WR seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN not present but provided the following:


Month:   December 2023

Checkbook Balance 11/30/23                           $6,969.20


12/15/23 Zelle, Holiday party                           $       28.00

12/15/23 Cash, Holiday party                            $   642.00



ACH 12/11/23 AT&T DSL                                    $       62.82

12/31/23 Account Balance                                $7,576.38

12/31/23 Bank Statement                                  $7,576.38

Checks Outstanding                                             $       0.00

Adjusted balance                                                 $7,576.38

Checkbook balance 12/31/23

Petty Cash 12/31/23 Current balance             $   110.00 

Funds Available                                                    $7,686.38

111 active members in roster

34 people attending Holiday Party (total to date is $950, one member short by $2).

Robert Kocourek W9RKK moved to approve and Bill Reiss seconded.  Motion Adopted. 

Public Service  

Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.


John Zietlow K9WIC EmComm Chairman not present.


Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.

Construction Project (CP)

Cliff Sowka K9QD reports a Winlink presentation is planned for January 13th session. Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK has authored training to be offered to our CP attendees.

  • Budgeting process for 2024 requires SARC Committees to present their funding requirements for the year. CP will identify consumables that are needed for the season and let Chris Brewer AC9GN know of our request so that we can discuss during our February Business Meeting.

VE Testing:

John Schofield AC9JS reports there are five (5) candidates reserved at the moment for the January session this Saturday.  John has been supporting student interest in joining an organized Ham Radio organization and his efforts have resulted in several new members for SARC.  John has become our key new member recruiter!

  • WebMaster AC9IG has edited our home page layout so that more rapid access to our VE Testing services can be found easily…..much thanx to Matt!
  • Nets 

Don Dewar KD9NJR Chairman not present.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG  

Mike K9KMV No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman not present but did report there are no new items.


Need Chairperson but John Douglas KD9KSH, acting as interim Chair, has secured January Holiday Party.

  • Current reservation is 35 which is near-capacity for the facility.
  • Education

Leo N9NBH not present.


Don Dewar KD9NJR: not present.

Old Business

Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK noted our website needs 2024 officer update to reflect the November Election Results.

Google Groups for SARC-BD requires following members added to distribution list:

  • W9JAX
  • KD9FMN
  • KW9WR

Dennis submitted a Winlink primer for presentation during our Jan~Feb Construction Project venue for interested members.  Cliff Sowka K9QD moved to approve and John Schofield AC9JS seconded. Adopted.

Dennis will communicate with several governmental agencies to reaffirm our Schaumburg resources:  Tennis Plus, Bocce Court for SARC-in-the-Park, CRC for BOD and Business Meetings, and any rental/insurance documentation requirements.

Don Dewar KD9NJR reviewed open action items:  Determine FTM 300 location and current function, Inventory of club Assets, Annual Audit, and proposed Budget.

  • Professional Audit of our Treasury could cost ~$2,000 but since our revenue as Non-Profit is well under the IRS-defined threshold, third party review would suffice.
  • Treasurer requested to present budget proposal during the December Business Meeting. Operating expense of $1,754.00 estimated but Committee requests need to be informed.

New Business 

Don Dewar KD9NJR reported the Constitution Grammatical edits have been completed and now need to be published in the RHG.

Adjourn 8:02PM

Submitted January 4, 2024.

Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Board of Directors Feb 7, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting February 7, 2024

Robert Kocourek W9RKK called the meeting to order at 7:00PM


Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Schofield AC9JS Bill Riess KW9WR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL John Douglas AC9JS Paul Burkett KD9FMN
Cliff Sowka K9QD Bob Benwitz W9JAX Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK
Don Dewar KD9NJR    

 Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  January BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:  John Douglas KD9KSH moved to approve, Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN not present but provided the following:


Checking                              $7,576.38

Income                                 $551.00

Disbursements                 $1,021.75

*CHK # 1292 John Douglas $958.93 Holiday Party (~$100 profit donated to Field Day)

Petty Cash                          $173.00

Funds Available                $7,278.63

115 Members on Roster

Don Dewar KD9NJR Moved to approve, Paul Burkett KD9FMN seconded.  Motion Adopted.

 Public Service 

 Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.


 John Zietlow K9WIC not present but communicated the following report:

EmComm Report for February 2024

  1. On March 17, 2024 there will be a Statewide exercise to demonstrate our ability to setup stations in field locations and communicate with other amateurs in and out of Illinois.

1.1. Robert Littler, W9DSR, the Section Emergency Coordinator has established four basic objectives for the exercise:

1.1.1. Activate stations in the field

1.1.2. Communicate with other hams and field locations similar to POTA, IOTA, etc.

1.1.3. Get new hams on the air; similar to FD GOTA, get non-hams involved.

1.1.4. Demonstrate our capabilities to the general public and local officials.

1.2. The hours of operation will be from noon to 4:00 PM. If there is the threat of severe weather, the exercise could be postponed to March 24th. (Could be threat of blizzard or tornadoes, after all, it is March!)

1.3. Details are being worked out tonight and further refined for District 4 at the EmComm meeting at the HE PD on March 16th. Members of SARC invited to attend.

1.4. SARC is encouraged to participate as they see fit.

  1. May 5, 2024 will be the Chicagoland Marathon. An initial assessment of the Schaumburg Emergency Radio Team indicates that we have lost three of our members. SARC may be asked to help with the event. SARC’s role will be defined by the EC, Tracy Raimondo.
  1. This will be my last report as a member of SARC, Inc.


 Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.  Our UPS reports the battery bank has become soft and requires replacement.  Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK has researched a source and will be granted purchase authority in the new business discussion.

Construction Project (CP)

Cliff Sowka K9QD reports a Winlink presentation is planned for Saturday February 10th session.

  • Budgeting process for 2024 requires SARC Committees to present their funding requirements for the year. CP estimates ~$150 will be needed to purchase a table-mount vice and some cool-spray/de-ox chemicals.

VE Testing: John Schofield AC9JS 

Results for February 3, 2024

Name Call Class
Mariusz AD9DU Extra
William KA9DQB Extra
Doug KD9ZOG Extra

Mariusz did not pre-register for the exam.  He walked in with all of the required documentation and took the Technician, the General, and the Amateur Extra exams, passed all three, all within one hour.
Congratulation, Mariusz.  Well done.

Technician 0
General O
Extra 3
Total 3


Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):

Steve Karson AC9EM
Ed Lishka AC9SD
James Migalla KC9UFB
William Riess KW9WR
John Schofield AC9JS

Next examination date: March 2 2024

John Schofield

Session Manager



Don Dewar KD9NJR Chairman reports attendance remains enthusiastic.  Need Net Control volunteer to host on Tuesdays.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG  

Mike K9KMV No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman reports renewed SARC management effort to visit with our various governmental authorities for basic introductions.  Scheduled meetings may occur during the next few months.

Our Facebook site is experiencing increased activity.


Need Chairperson.

John Douglas KD9KSH, previous chair, hosted a widely-celebrated summer picnic at a Bartlett facility  last year and he intends to query possible availability for this summer. Will update.


Leo N9NBH not present. We’ve indicated our desire to support the Hanover Park Fox School for their STEM event May 2nd.  SARC plans to support any budgeting needs and help Leo staff our display.  Thinking about trinkets and catchy technology display to capture attention within first ~30 seconds as students pass our table.


Don Dewar KD9NJR: working on topic for the February Business Meeting.

Old Business

Don Dewar KD9NJR reported the Constitution Grammatical edits have been completed and now need to be published in the RHG.

New Business

Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK has professional sourcing support to help us replace our UPS battery bank.

  • Cliff K9QD moved to provide $200 headroom. W9RKK seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Danny Kafka KD9HIL discussed required radio equipment for this year’s Field Day event.  We’ll need to itemize the needs for each tent and who/how/when radio equipment is available.

Adjourn 8:31PM

Submitted February 8, 2024

Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary



Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting Feb 15, 2024

Business Meeting February 15, 2024

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.



Robert Kocourek W9RKK Jim Campbell KB9RGU John Schofield AC9JS
Steve Karson AC9EM Paul Burkett KD9FMN Kevin Willard KB9QVX
John Childress KD9YKF Charlene Treve K9CMZ Don Dewar KD9NJR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Danny Meyers K9LDM Daryl Jenks KB9RHR
Andrew Rafferty K9ABR Leo Ribordy N9NBH Rob Glowacki N9MVO
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Joe Barela KB9RCR Roger Young WB9NBA
Eliot Libner N9EPA Alex Suptela guest Mariusz Szpryngacz AD9DU


ZOOM Virtual Attendees: 

Scott KB9VRW Pierre Berube K9EYE Russ KC9NUV
Bill KD9RGX Kirk K9MSG John Thornton KD9VZJ
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK


Secretary’s Report:

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Not present; Danny Kafka KD9HIL Vice President will be tonight’s scribe.

Treasurer’s Report: 

 Chris Brewer AC9GN’s report previously approved at Board Meeting on February 7:


 Checking                              $7,576.38

Income                                 $   551.00

Disbursements                   $1,021.75

*CHK # 1292 John Douglas $958.93 Holiday Party (~$100 profit donated to Field Day)

Petty Cash                           $   173.00

Funds Available                $7,278.63

115 Members on Roster

Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  No Report.


 John Zietlow K9WIC not present:  February BOD Minutes repeated here.

  1. On March 17, 2024 there will be a Statewide exercise to demonstrate our ability to setup stations in field locations and communicate with other amateurs in and out of Illinois.

1.1. Robert Littler, W9DSR, the Section Emergency Coordinator has established four basic objectives for the exercise:

1.1.1. Activate stations in the field

1.1.2. Communicate with other hams and field locations similar to POTA, IOTA, etc.

1.1.3. Get new hams on the air; similar to FD GOTA, get non-hams involved.

1.1.4. Demonstrate our capabilities to the general public and local officials.

1.2. The hours of operation will be from noon to 4:00 PM. If there is the threat of severe weather, the exercise could be postponed to March 24th. (Could be threat of blizzard or tornadoes, after all, it is March!)

1.3. Details are being worked out tonight and further refined for District 4 at the EmComm meeting at the HE PD on March 16th.  Members of SARC invited to attend.

1.4. SARC is encouraged to participate as they see fit.

  1. May 5, 2024 will be the Chicagoland Marathon. An initial assessment of the Schaumburg Emergency Radio Team indicates that we have lost three of our members. SARC may be asked to help with the event.  SARC’s role will be defined by the EC, Tracy Raimondo.
  2. This will be my last report as a member of SARC, Inc.


Rob N9MVO Not present, Robert W9RKK said that he and Kent Ochs W9KAO are developing documentation for repeater procedures and repair.

  • Dennis KD9HIK will pick up batteries and Rob N9MVO would possibly install on Saturday (2-17)

Construction Project (CP) 

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Not present.

It can be difficult to run a program — very noisy.   Don KD9NJR said we could use the space near the elevator.

Also, a club officer must be present and CP can run all year.

Scott KB9VRW offered space at the SA facility on evenings or week ends with prior notice.

VE Testing

 John Schofield AC9JS reports VE Tests Results for February 3, 2024

Name                                    Call                     Class

Mariusz                                  AD9DU               Extra

William                                 KA9DQB               Extra

Doug                                     KD9ZOG               Extra

Mariusz did not pre-register for the exam.  He walked in with all of the required documentation and took the Technician, the General, and the Amateur Extra exams, passed all three, all within one hour.

Congratulation, Mariusz.  Well done.


Technician           0

Genera l               0

Extra                      3

Total                      3

Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):

Steve    Karson               AC9EM

Ed           Lishka                AC9SD

James   Migalla            KC9UFB

William Riess                KW9WR

John      Schofield          AC9JS

Next examination date: March 2, 2024


Don Dewar KD9NJR:   Nets are busy and asks people not to talk over another person.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):  

 Mike K9KMV:  Not present

Special Events:  

 Leo N9NBH and Dennis KD9HIK expect to meet with the school staff to review club participation in the upcoming STEM fair on May 2.   Leo requests up to four volunteers with someone off site to provide response.  Note children’s ages only up to 10.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW: Not Present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK:  No report.

Social:  Chair open


 Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No response to Leos’s request concerning  setting up our next class.


Don Dewar KD9NJR:  Tonight’s program is line-of-sight communication with a review of site

Old Business:


 New Business: 

Charlene K9CMZ discussed ARRL supported proposed laws protecting Hams from local rules and ordinances forbidding radio equipment at their home.

Adjourn:  7:30 PM

Submitted February 19, 2024 as dutifully plagiarized from Danny Kafka’s KD9HIL notes.

Cliff Sowka  K9QD


Schaumburg Amateur Radio Board of Directors Mar 6, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting March 6, 2024

Robert Kocourek W9RKK called the meeting to order at 7:00PM


Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Schofield AC9JS Bill Riess KW9WR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL John Douglas KD9KSH Scott DeSantis  KB9VRW
Cliff Sowka K9QD Bob Benwitz W9JAX Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK
Don Dewar KD9NJR Darryl Jenks KB9RHR

 Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  February BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:  Bill Reiss KW9WR moved to approve and Robert Kocourek W9RKK seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN not present. 

Public Service  

Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.


John Zietlow K9WIC not present but communicated the following report:

“I have received confirmation that the Chicagoland Marathon would like hams to provide communications for the subject event to be held in the Busse Woods on Sunday, May 5th.  The typical hours are from 0600 to 1430.

I am looking for availability from the ham community to help with this event. We would like to have a nominal 30 operators.

  • If you would like to help with this event, please respond to me at

It is a great opportunity for Technician Class and above. It will give you a great opportunity to use your handheld radios.

We will have a couple of training sessions in April to cover the basics”.

  • BOD decided to place a staffing plan on the March Business Meeting Agenda


Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.  Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK accomplished UPS Battery refresh.

Robert Kocourek W9RKK is working to establish an operation manual for our machines with assistance from the Repeater Team and Kent Ochs W9KAO.

Construction Project (CP)

Cliff Sowka K9QD reports we have four (4) sessions remaining this season.

It may be advantageous to offer an additional Winlink work session; a separate SARC-ALL email may announce the offer to hold instruction near the elevator door for a quiet venue.  Just need to slide some tables and chairs over to the north end of the basement.  Access to our antennas is possible by interrupting the coax at the lightning suppressor ground bar.

Budgeting process for 2024 requires all SARC Committees to present their funding requirements for the year.  CP estimates ~$370 will be needed to purchase a NanoVNA, table-mount vice and some cool-spray/de-ox chemicals, as well as battery refresh for our instrumentation.

    • Cliff Sowka K9QD moved to request $370 headroom. Robert Kocourek W9RKK seconded. Motion adopted.
    • Some SARC members indicate they would join a nanoVNA purchase effort and possibly benefit from volume discount if possible. Will inform cost before requesting individual purchase commitments.
    • K9QD will QST via SARC-ALL to determine total purchase quantity of NanoVNA before placing our order.

VE Testing: 

John Schofield AC9JS reports 7 candidates arrived for the March 2nd session.

Some meeting room confusion occurred but once space was found, the results were:

4 Tech

2 General

1 Extra

John was sure to offer SARC literature to those requesting information.


Don Dewar KD9NJR Chairman reports attendance remains enthusiastic.  Need Net Control volunteer to host on Tuesdays.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG  

Mike K9KMV No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman is handling many requests not necessarily related to potential membership requests.

There is a need for a filter stage to route traffic within our various committees.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman reported during our February meeting there will be renewed SARC management effort to visit with our various governmental authorities for basic introductions.

Opportunity presents itself to meet village officials:  Village of Schaumburg Community Emergency Management & Cyber Security Awareness Workshop is scheduled for Wednesday March 20.

Dennis sent correspondence acknowledging possible SARC support and asked if we should prepare a venue.   Email sent Friday March 1, 2024.  No response at the moment.

It was decided tonight our management team will attend the event with notable dress uniformity such as caps with our call letters.  We’ll attempt to introduce ourselves to the various governmental authorities to help enhance our visibility.

Fox Elementary School Stem Day May 2, 2024.  Waiting for update from Leo.  Audience is K~5th grade.

    • Motion to approve $100 headroom budget, Danny KD9HIL seconded. Motion adopted.

Effort to organize SARC support for October’s Scouting Jamboree on the Air.

    • Dennis will QST via SARC-ALL to determine membership support.

New Repeater Standby Batteries were handed off to Rob Glowacki (N9MVO) who installed & tested them. Hope to find old batteries in the basement of the Tennis Plus Club so I can get them recycled.  Invoice submitted to Chris, waiting for check.


Need Chairperson.

John Douglas KD9KSH, previous chair, hosted a widely-celebrated summer picnic at a Bartlett facility  last year and he has organized the facility plan again this summer.  Moved to approve $200 rental, Don KD9NJR seconded.  Motion Adopted.

WHEN:                  Sunday, August 18th

TIME:                    2:00PM to 6PM

HOW:                    SARC will fund $200 rental expense.

WHAT:                  Potluck planned and considers SARC funding for a few higher-expense food items.


Leo N9NBH not present.  We’ll support the Hanover Park Fox School for their STEM event May2nd.  SARC supports $100 budgeting to help Leo present our display.  Trinkets and catchy technology display to capture attention within first ~30 seconds as students/parents pass our table.


Don Dewar KD9NJR: Need program ideas and membership presenter support.  Lots of club talent available to offer interesting presentations. Ancillary topics that directly or indirectly support radio invited.

Old Business

Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK has professional sourcing support to help us replace our UPS battery bank.

    • Cliff K9QD moved to provide $200 headroom. W9RKK seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Danny Kafka KD9HIL discussed required radio equipment for this year’s Field Day event.  We’ll need to itemize the needs for each tent and who/how/when radio equipment is available.

New Business

Danny Kafka KD9HIL suggests SARC Committees present their budgeting requests to help us comply with our requirement to have an operational budget.  She will be working to define Field Day details.

John Schofield AC9JS offers suggestions to codify ISO-like documentation to define each committee’s role, duties, and reporting requirements.  John provided guidance for FCC License renewals and the process is now available step-by-step on our website.

Adjourn 8:49PM

Submitted March 7, 2024

Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting Mar 21, 2024

Business Meeting March 21, 2024

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Douglas KD9KSH John Schofield AC9JS
Steve Karson AC9EM Paul Burkett KD9FMN Kevin Willard KB9QVX
Steve Epstein WA9FZB Dennis C, Calvey KD9HIK Don Dewar KD9NJR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Danny Meyers K9LDM Jim McCann W9JRM
Rob Glowacki N9MVO Leo Ribordy N9NBH John Thornton KD9VZI
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Joe Barela KB9RCR Cliff Sowka K9QD
Chris Brewer AC9GN Alex Suptela KD9ZZD Mariusz Szpryngacz AD9DU

 ZOOM Virtual Attendees: 

Scott KB9VRW Pierre Berube K9EYE Bill KD9RGX
Will KA9DQB Kirk K9MSG Bob W9DXR
Jim Campbell KB9RGU Don Froula K9CLF Bates N9UVI

 Secretary’s Report:

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  February Report as published in the RHG.  Robert Kocourek W9RKK moved to approve, Leo seconded, Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report: 

Chris Brewer AC9GN reported: $7,275.81 funds available with 118 Members on Roster.

Steve Karson AC9EM moved to approve and Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded.  Motion Adopted.

 Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  MS Walk at Harper College is set for May 5th.  Detailed SARC-ALL staffing eMail will be published beforehand.

Hoffman Estates Fourth of July Parade will be supported again this year and planning will begin a few weeks ahead of the event.

Chicagoland Marathon in Busse Woods May 5th will be managed by John Zietlow K9WIC.  John will be communicating detailed plans shortly.


John Zietlow K9WIC not present.


Rob N9MVO and Robert W9RKK along with Kent Ochs W9KAO are developing documentation for repeater procedures and repair.

Construction Project (CP) 

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:

We have three CP Events remaining for this season and 2nd and 4th Saturdays will be replaced with SARC-in-the-Park.

VE Testing

 John Schofield AC9JS reports VE Tests Results for March 2, 2024

Name Call Class
Alexander KD9ZZD Technician
Kenji KD9ZZE Technician
Adam KD9ZZF Technician
Alexander KD9ZZG Technician
Oleg KD9ZZN General
Dean KD9ZZI General
John KD9QVP Extra


Technician 4
General 2
Extra 1
Total 7

Results are late because of a delay in entering the information.

Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):

Bill Davies K9WKD
Steve Karson AC9EM
Ed Lishka AC9SD
James Migalla KC9UFB
John Schofield AC9JS

Next examination date: April 6, 2024

John Schofield

Session Manager



Don Dewar KD9NJR:   Nets are busy.  Surely would be good if we could have alternate control operators once in a while.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):  

 Mike K9KMV:  Not present

Special Events:  

 Leo N9NBH and Dennis KD9HIK expect to meet with the school staff to review club participation in the upcoming STEM fair on May 2.   Leo requests up to four volunteers with someone off site to provide response.  Note children’s ages only up to 10.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW:  some message filtering would be helpful in keeping the Membership Chair’s efforts focused on recruitment.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK:  SARC presented a respectable presence for Schaumburg’s safety presentation with our Ham Radio Call letters clearly visible in the audience.

As Tracy Raimondo addressed audience’s questions she stated that Ham Radio is a valuable resource in times of emergency;  clearly acknowledging appreciation for our visibility.

Social:  Chair open


 Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No response to Leos’s request concerning setting up our next class.  It appears the Library remodeling project is moving slowly.


Don Dewar KD9NJR:  Tonight’s program is SARC COMMITTEE structure, staffing, and need to fulfill some important vacancies.

Old Business:

Charlene K9CMZ discussed ARRL supported proposed laws protecting Hams from local rules and ordinances forbidding radio equipment at their home.

 New Business: 

Chris Brewer AC9GN presented a recent request from a local Vet in Wonder Lake:  they desire to increase the sensory radius for embedded animal ID tags to something like ~ two meters.   Current wands can only detect the animal’s passive chip at very close range.   No talent within tonight’s group was apparent.  Pierre K9EYE mentioned his iPhone was useful in detecting prescription bottle IDs.

Pierre K9EYE suggested we could enhance SARC-in-the-Park activity by participating in POTA at designated sites such as Pate Philips in Bartlett or Moraine Hills.

Robert W9RKK suggested we begin supporting Danny’s Kd9HIL Field Day planning in earnest.  Items that require lead time such as Public Works site permit, insurance rider, tent captains, climbers, and support equipment.

Steve Karson AC9EM moved we continue with the Plum Grove Public Works site for Field Day again this year.  Leo Ribordy N9NBH seconded the idea.  Group tonight agrees.

John Thornton KD9VZI wishes to know if SARC t-shirts could be available or if we could organize procurement for interested members.

Adjourn:  7:49 PM

Submitted March 22, 2024

Cliff Sowka  K9QD


Schaumburg Amateur Radio Board of Directors Apr 3, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting April 3, 2024

Robert Kocourek W9RKK called the meeting to order at 7:00PM



Robert Kocourek W9RKK Chris Brewer AC9GN Bill Riess KW9WR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Paul Burkett KDFMN Don Dewar KD9NJR
Cliff Sowka K9QD Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK  
  • Long-Time SARC Member Bob Langsfeld WB9TZC (SK) passing was acknowledged with sadness. We will miss his steadfast and wise contributions over his many years membership.  Visitation and Funeral details communicated to SARC-ALL.

 Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  March BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:  Don Dewar KD9NJR moved to approve and Bill Reiss KW9WR seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN


Month:                 March 2024 Report generated on 4/1/2024
Checkbook Balance 02/31/24 $7,102.81
INCOME                       MEMO                                                       $188.00
Cash 03/04/24 $103.00Dues + $73 from Petty Cash
Cash 03/11/24 $30.00Dues
Cash 03/19/24 $25.00Dues
Transfer in 03/22/24 $30.00Dues
DISBURSEMENTS                       MEMO                                                       $469.20
ACH 03/11/24 $62.82AT&T DSL
Check #1291 03/11/24 $54.30Construction Project tools
Check #1293 03/11/24 $152.08Repeater batteries
Check #1294 03/26/24 $200.00Picnic cabin reservation

Account Balance                                 $6,821.61

03/29/24                                 Bank Statement                                  $6,821.61

CHECKS OUTSTANDING                                                   MEMO                                                       $958.00

                               Check #1292                         03/09/24 $958.00Holiday party reimbursement
Petty Cash                                                             03/31/24 $100.00Excess $73 moved to checking

Funds Available       $5,963.61

119 members on roster

Paul Burkett KD9FMN moved to approve, Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Public Service 

 Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.


 John Zietlow K9WIC not present.


 Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.

Robert Kocourek W9RKK continues work to establish an operation manual for our machines with assistance from the Repeater Team and Kent Ochs W9KAO.

Construction Project (CP)

Cliff Sowka K9QD reports we normally would have two (2) sessions remaining this season.  However the STP elevator will undergo maintenance starting April 15th (after our first April session on the 13th) and therefore limit basement access to the southern single stairwell for our April 27th meeting.

  • Therefore BOD decided April 13th will be the END of CP for the season.
  • It is possible SARC-in-the-Park events could be scheduled to begin early (April 27th).

VE Testing:

 John Schofield AC9JS not present.

Bill Reiss KW9WR reported there are presently nine (9) candidates scheduled for this coming Saturday.  Two of our VE Team are available and there is need for one more.


Don Dewar KD9NJR Chairman reports attendance remains enthusiastic.  Need Net Control volunteer to host on Tuesdays.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG 

 Mike K9KMV No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman reported the scheduled STP elevator maintenance beginning April 15th could conflict with our last CP session so it was decided to end the season on Saturday the 13th.

Fox Elementary School Stem Day May 2, 2024.  Audience is K~5th grade. A $100 headroom budget for display items was previously approved.


 Need Chairperson.


Leo N9NBH not present.  We’ll support the Hanover Park Fox School for their STEM event May2nd.  SARC supports $100 budgeting to help Leo present our display.  Trinkets and catchy technology display to capture attention within first ~30 seconds as students/parents pass our table.


 Don Dewar KD9NJR: Need program ideas and membership presenter support.

Old Business

Danny Kafka KD9HIL suggests SARC Committees present their budgeting requests to help us comply with our requirement to have an operational budget.  She will be working to define Field Day details.

John Schofield AC9JS offers suggestions to codify ISO-like documentation to define each committee’s role, duties, and reporting requirements.  John provided guidance for FCC License renewals and the process is now available step-by-step on our website.

New Business

Chris Brewer AC9GN reports he has completed required IRS filing of SARC’s 990-N.  The IRS logging/reporting details have been preserved in the club’s files and an additional log sheet copied to club officer(s).

Cliff K9QD moved to provide up to $50 headroom so that Chris can purchase a file case for club records.  Bill Reiss KW9WR seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Danny Kafka KS9HIL reported Field Day planning underway:

  • Field Day placed on SARC calendar: June 22-23
  • Insurance documents received from Chris AC9GN
  • Plum Grove Water Tower Site application submitted and Permit Received

Adjourn 7:48 PM

Submitted April 4, 2024

Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting April 18, 2024

Business Meeting April 18, 2024

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:17 PM.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK John Schofield AC9JS
Steve Karson AC9EM Paul Burkett KD9FMN Kevin Willard KB9QVX
Kirk  M K9MSG Charlene Treve K9CMZ Don Dewar KD9NJR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Danny Meyers K9LDM Daryl Jenks KB9RHR
WA9FZB Steve Epstein Leo Ribordy N9NBH Rob Glowacki N9MVO
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Joe Barela KB9RCR Roger Young WB9NBA
KE9AHI Jihyuk Park Alex Suptela W7DNA KC9VZH Jim Broduicki
AC9GN Chris Brewer KC9VO Charles Gold W9TMX Jorge Carillo
KW9WR Bill Riess KE9AIA Ovy Stanek KD8ZZN Oleg Harizanov
W9DXR Bob McIntyre

 ZOOM Attendees: 

Scott KB9VRW Pierre Berube K9EYE Russ KC9NUV
Bill KD9RGX Bates N9UVI John Thornton KD9VZJ
Roberto WA9E

 Secretary’s Report:

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  not present

Treasurer’s Report:  Chris Brewer ( AC9GN.

Funds Available    $7,275,81

Members on Roster        118

Motion to Approve by Danny K9LDM 2nd: Kevin KB9QVX.

Motion Adopted.

Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO: (

QST MS Walk May 5

  • Event will be entirely held on campus of Harper College.
  • About 10 volunteers required. Report to campus at 8:30.
  • Walk begins 10AM.


 John Zietlow K9WIC not present. Chicagoland Marathon staffing:

Call Sign               First Name          Last Name           Comments 

KD9HIL                  DANNY                 KAFKA

W9WEM              BILL                        McGovern          BIKE MOBILE

W9VTD                 DAVE                     CARPENTER        BIKE MOBILE

KD9WSV              HOWARD             MITCHELL

K9MSG                 KIRK                       MUSSELMAN

KD9HIK                 DENNIS                CALVEY

KW9KR                 BILL                        RIESS

KD9GOL               TYLER                    BUCHINGER                       CP

KB9RHR                DARYL                   JENKS

WA9PEB               TONY                     JEDLINSKI                            CP

N9NBH                 LEO                         RIBORDY              MED TENT

KC9UFB               JIM                         McGALLA            BIKE MOBILE

KD9ZZG                ALEX                      SANABRIA


VE Testing 

John Schofield AC9JS Session Manager

Results for April 6, 2024


Name Call Class
Alexander W2DNA General
David K9LLC General
Robert KE9AHS Technician
Gerald KD9YGI General
Russel KE9ADR General
David KE9AHZ Technician
Guy KE9AIA Technician
Kenneth KB9LIP General


Technician 3
General 5
Extra 0
Total 8

Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):

Bill Davies K9WKD
Steve Karson AC9EM
James Migalla KC9UFB
Neil Ormos N9NL
William Riess KW9WR
John Schofield AC9JS

For license upgrades, the information was in the FCC ULS System on Thursday, 04-11-24.  For new licenses, the information was in the FCC ULS System on Saturday, 04-11-24.  The delay was due to the inability of the FCC ULS System to accept the new information.

Next examination date: May 4, 2024


Don needs Net Control operators, especially on Tuesday. Rob: “this would be good practice for getting Callsigns”.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG): 

 Mike K9KMV:  Not present.

Special Events:

Volunteers and materials in place for STEM fair on May 2. Leo requested and received a corner table.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW: No report.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK:

  • Traffic continues to build on the SARC Facebook page.  Roberto (WA9E) is the most frequent contributor. Posts to the site drive visits, and site visits lead to engagement.  While anyone can view the site, posting is restricted to SARC members in good standing, within the guidelines presented in the SARC Charter.  Enrollment can be requested thru John Script N9IJS or Dennis Calvey (
  • Saturday April 20th will provide two opportunities for SARC members to get involved in Amateur radio activities:
  • John Zietlow (K9WIC) will be holding a planning meeting from 09:00 AM to 12:000 Noon at the Hoffman Estates Police Department for the May 5th Chicagoland Marathon.  We need more operators to provide the level of coverage we  have provided in the past.  Please contact John at if you’re interested in volunteering. PLEASE NOTE:  Participation is coordinated with the Village of Schaumburg, not the event organizers.  SARC benefits from a close relationship with the Village – this is a great way to reinforce that relationship.
  • Don Dewar (KD9NJR) is coordinating support of the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) at the Mount Prospect Emergency Management Expo.  The expo will be held at Mount Prospect Fire Station 14, 2000 E. Kensington Road in Mt. Prospect, and will run from 10:00AM (09:00 AM setup) until 2:00 PM.  Please contact Don at for more information.

Thursday May 2nd, Leo Ribordy (N9NBH) is coordinating SARC’s participation in a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Expo at Anne Fox Elementary School in Hanover Park.

Anne Fox School is in School District 54, with a student population of about 325 students, Kindergarten thru 6th grade.

Leo, Daryl Jenks (KB9RHR), Bill Riess (KW9WR), Robert Benwitz (N9JAX) and myself will be setting up demonstrations of QRP operation, Raspberry Pi, FT8 and local repeater operations.

Leo has arranged to get free promotional materials from the ARRL, and I’ll be handing out copies of QST and CQ magazines.

Right now it looks like we’ve got sufficient representation, but we welcome any suggestions for additional activities.

Social:  Chair open


 Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No report


Old Business:


New Business: 

Danny Kafka KD9HIL

Field Day

  • Permit application submitted April 16.
  • We have our 2nd tower climber (Jorge), with thanks to Paul for describing what this entails)
  • Robert RKK will be SSB tent captain
  • Daryl will provide a 2nd generator and donate a laptop.
  • Leo, John VZJ and Daryl will transport tables and chairs.

Adjourn:  7:40 PM


Don KD9NJR presented information about Skywarn, especially when and when not to report storm conditions.

Posted April 23, 2024 as transcribed from KD9HIL notes.

Cliff Sowka  K9QD Secretary

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors May 2024

Board of Directors Meeting May 1, 2024

Robert Kocourek W9RKK called the meeting to order at 7:00PM



Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Shofield AC9JS Daryl Jenks KB9RHR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Paul Burkett KD9FMN Bob Benwitz N9JAX
Cliff Sowka K9QD Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK

 Visitation held for Long-Time SARC Member Bob Langsfeld WB9TZC (SK) was well attended by fellow SARC members. We will miss him.

 Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  April BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:  Bob Benwitz N9JAX moved to approve and seconded by Danny Kafka KD9HIL.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN not present.

 Public Service 

 Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.


 John Zietlow K9WIC not present.


 Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.

Robert Kocourek W9RKK continues work to establish an operation manual for our machines with assistance from the Repeater Team and Kent Ochs W9KAO.

Construction Project (CP)


Cliff Sowka K9QD reports CP is on summer hiatus and will return in September.

VE Testing:

 John Schofield AC9JS reports there are two (2) candidates for Saturday.  John will need one more VE to conduct the session else he will postpone until June.


 Attendance remains enthusiastic.  Need Net Control volunteer to host on Tuesdays.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG 

 Mike K9KMV No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman reports the following:

  • Village of Schaumburg told John Zietlow (k9WIC) that the Village would not be utilizing volunteer Radio Operators at the Chicagoland Marathon.  I’ll be calling the Village of Schaumburg to find out more.
  • Don Dewar (KD9NJR) coordinated support of the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) at the Mount Prospect Emergency Management Expo.  The expo was held at Mount Prospect Fire Station 14, 2000 E. Kensington Road in Mt. Prospect.  Several SARC members provided support.
  • Thursday May 2nd, Leo Ribordy (N9NBH) will be coordinating SARC’s participation in a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Expo at Anne Fox Elementary School in Hanover Park.

Anne Fox School is in School District 54, with a student population of about 325 students, Kindergarten thru 6th grade.   Leo, Daryl Jenks (KB9RHR), Robert Benwitz (N9JAX) and myself will be setting up demonstrations of QRP operation, Raspberry Pi, FT8 and local repeater operations.   Leo has arranged to get free promotional materials from the ARRL, and I’ll be handing out copies of QST and CQ magazines.

  • Bill Riess (KW9WR) and Don Dewar (KD9NJR) are in transit to Omaha NE with the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network to provide materials and assistance in the disaster area.
  • Preparation work for Field Day publicity is under way.
  • Club Website requires update with current officers and board members.


 Need Chairperson.


Leo N9NBH not present.  There is currently no answer from the Library regarding fall classroom availability for us.


 Don Dewar KD9NJR: Need program ideas and membership presenter support.

New Business

Danny Kafka KD9HIL continues to fill gaps for Field Day; several roles undetermined at the moment.

  • Paul Burkett KD9FMN moved to approve $1K headroom for meals over the three days. Bob Benwitz K9JAX seconded.  Motion Adopted.

BOD approved the Field Day expense estimates as follows:

Friday Afternoon set-up:  $300

Saturday Dinner:                 $600

Sunday Dawn:                       $100

Friday:  Will have rather extravagant foodstuffs (who said hams don’t like food?) such as pizza available to those who help us set-up the site starting ~4PM.  A $5 donation is requested to help offset the uncalled-for expense but we’ve heard such high praise and observed high attendance for this set-up effort that we’re doing it again this year.

  • Need to decide if Lou Malnatis, Garibaldi’s or other suggestions.

Saturday Field Day placed on SARC calendar:  (for June 22-23)        April 5

Insurance documents received from Treasurer (Chris AC9GN)          April 10

Site application submitted April 16.

ARTICLE for website requested April 18.

Promotional Materials for Welcome Desk.

TAKE INVENTORY of supplies and equipment




Single Side Band:  Robert W9RKK (with computer donated by Daryl)

VHF/UHF:            ___________________


GOTA:                  ___________________

GENERATORS will be supplied by Rob N9MVO and Daryl KB9RHR

FURNITURE TRANSPORT:   Tables and chairs from/to Tennis Club


TEARDOWN: Leo N9NBH, Daryl, John T, Paul KD9FMN, Jorge W9TMX, need a few others to help

TOWER CLIMBERS Friday Set-up:   Paul KD9FMN, Jorge W9TMX



FRIDAY setup Pizza, Water, Ice, Snacks






SUNDAY breakfast coordinator:   Cliff K9QD

    • Frank Giampa N9QPD SK Memorial Buttermilk Pancakes

Not sure yet about Hotel Bacon, Sauuuusage, Hash Browns, Scrambled eggs, OE, OM, OH, real orange juice, and real Maple Syrup, surely we have enough budget headroom for pancakes.

Frank always made the best pancakes and I begged him to teach me how to do it.  He did!

We’ll enjoy Frank’s secret recipe on Sunday morning once again.

BTW:  Breakfast starts when the birds start singing and breakfast is usually over as the sun just comes up over Lake Michigan….in other words:

            • 7AM is too late.







MESSAGE HANDLING          _____________________



Robert Zuttermeister W9GEW

TEARDOWN / CLEANUP    vacuum cleaner

cleaning and bathroom supplies



John Schofield AC9JS has been providing SARC informational materials after his VE sessions and wishes to have printing budget to enhance the offerings.

  • Moved to approve $60 budget for VE team expenses. Danny KD9HIL seconded. Motion Adopted.

Discussion regarding Annual Dues.  As new Hams obtain their FCC Licenses and consider joining SARC, John notes there is some consternation regarding our cyclical renewal date of June 30.  John suggested SARC offer Complimentary Membership until the nearest Renewal Date.  Paul Burkett KD9FMN ponders a possible solution.

For example, a new member joins in May.  This new member will enjoy Complimentary Membership for ~2 months and added to SARC-ALL  immediately.  Therefore will not incur a ~$60 expense for a 14-month duration.

For example, a new member joins in July.  This new member will enjoy Complimentary Membership for ~11 months and added to SARC-ALL immediately.  Therefore will only incur first Dues expense the following June.

Paul Burkett KD9FMN agreed and BOD tabled discussion for our next Business Meeting.

Daryl Jenks KB9RHR will assist to organize Scouts JOTA this coming October 19th but he will be traveling that month.  Therefore suggests we find another SARC Member who can coordinate local Scout Leadership. 

Adjourn 8:27 PM

Submitted May 2, 2024

Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary



Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting May 16, 2024

Business Meeting May 16, 2024

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Douglas KD9KSH Don Dewar KD9NJR
Bob McIntyre W9DXR Paul Burkett KD9FMN Mariusz Szpryngacz AD9DU
Steve Epstein WA9FZB Danny Meyers K9LDM Alex Suptela W2DNA
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Joe Barela KB9RCR Guy Stanek KE9AIA
Rob Glowacki N9MVO Daryl Jenks KB9RHR Kent Ochs W9KAO
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Chris Brewer AC9GN Cliff Sowka K9QD


ZOOM Virtual Attendees: 

Scott KB9VRW Charlene Treve K9CMZ Bill KD9RGX
John KD9VDJ Steve AC9EM Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK
Jim Campbell KB9RGU Dave N9IBM Leo N9NBH


Secretary’s Report:


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  April Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:   John Douglas KD9KSH moved to approve and Danny Meyers K9LDM seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report

Chris Brewer AC9GN reported:

Month:          April 2024  –   Report generated on 4/6/2024

Checkbook Balance                                       03/31/24


Cash 04/15/24 $25.00 Dues
Cash 04/22/24 $30.00 Dues




ACH 04/08/24 $62.82 AT&T DSL
ACH 04/09/24 $200.00 Club insurance

Account Balance



04/30/24 Bank Statement $6,613.79

 CHECKS OUTSTANDING                                                   MEMO                                                  $958.00

Check #1292                         03/09/24         $958.00 Holiday party reimbursement

ADJUSTED BALANCE                                                                                                                 $5,655.79

 Petty Cash                                                         04/30/24         $100.00

Funds Available                       $5,755.79

120 members on roster

Robert Kocourek W9RKK moved to approve and Rob Glowacki N9MVO seconded.  Motion Adopted.

 Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  MS Walk at Harper College held on May 5 was successful with some effort required to re-install several course signs that were knocked-down during the storm the night beforehand.  Eleven (11) SARC members supported the event and forty-four (44) person hours were contributed.

Hoffman Estates Fourth of July Parade will be supported again this year and planning will begin a few weeks ahead of the event.


 No report.


Rob N9MVO addressed the reoccurring static observed on the 2M machine.  Much discussion about possible cause and detailed analysis that should be undertaken to determine the trouble.  The existing antenna is more than 20-years old and may require replacement (~$1K+).  Else there may be compromised feed line underground and up to the top of the tank.  Analysis will require professional equipment and skill because Kent W9KAO reminded our Station Master Antenna is DC grounded at the tank top.   If the antenna is at fault, we’ll need to climb the tank to determine what termination is in place so we’re able to procure the correct antenna model.

Construction Project (CP) 

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Construction Project is on hiatus until the fall.  I’ll be watching for a table-mount vice while shopping at the many Hamfests this summer to complete our build-capabilities enhancement.

VE Testing

 John Schofield AC9JS reports VE Tests Results:

 May 4, 2024

Name Call Class
Kirk KD9ZDT General
Gerald KD9YGI Amateur Extra


Technician 0
General 1
Extra 1
Total 2

Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):

Bill Davies K9WKD
Neil Ormos N9NL
John Schofield AC9JS

For some reason the entering of the information into the FCC ULS system was delayed until Friday, 5-10-24.  Since these were upgrades to the present licenses, the updates were almost immediate.

Since issuing an email to the club asking for volunteers to be VEs, I have received 5 responses from members to help.

Next examination date:  June 1, 2024

John Schofield

Session Manager



Don Dewar KD9NJR:   Nets are busy.  Sure would be good if we could have alternate control operators once in a while.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):  

 No Report

Special Events:  Dennis C. Calvey posted the following report on our website.

Leo Ribordy N9NBH SARC Education Chair organized participation in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Night at Anne Fox Elementary School in Hanover Park on Thursday May 2nd.

Daryl Jenks (KB9RHR), Robert Benwitz (N9JAX), SARC Board Member, Bill Riess (KW9WR) SARC Board Member, and Dennis Calvey (KD9HIK), SARC Publicity Chair were present with a radio display.  Our setup included a large supply of hand out literature, giveaway pens, a 32” monitor running a slide show about Amateur Radio, two base stations with antennas, and a couple of straight keys connected to buzzers.

The event was staged in several school hallways and the gym.  SARC was assigned a tabletop in the gym.

Leo and Daryl had brought radios and antennas for demonstrations, but it was quickly determined that all we could get was noise.  HT’s were able to hit the SARC repeaters with difficulty.

Tough RF conditions – LED ceiling lights, built up steel deck roof, interior cinder block walls, no way to get an antenna outside, and to make matters worse, a storm outside and a Van de Graf generator demonstration about 25 feet away.

So, while we couldn’t use the radios, we were able to talk about them, and stuff that HAMs do on the air.

The big hit for SARC was Robert’s Morse Code demonstration.  Almost every kid that saw his straight keys asked what they were and that’s all it took.  He gave a brief history of Morse Code (The Original Text Messaging!), and then wrote their name, with the letters arranged vertically, on a piece of paper.  Then he showed them the classic dots and dashes for each letter.  A quick lesson with the key, and then he had them send their name.  They walked away with a souvenir – their name written in Morse Code – and the parents got a bunch of literature.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW:  No report.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK:  Successful STEM display (see above).

Social:  Chair open


 Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No report.


Don Dewar KD9NJR:  Tonight’s program is Field Day Planning as directed by Danny Kafka KD9HIL.

Old Business:

Pierre K9EYE suggested we could enhance SARC-in-the-Park activity by participating in POTA at designated sites such as Pate Philips in Bartlett or Moraine Hills.

Robert W9RKK suggested we begin supporting Danny’s Kd9HIL Field Day planning in earnest.  Items that require lead time such as Public Works site permit, insurance rider, tent captains, climbers, and support equipment.

Steve Karson AC9EM moved we continue with the Plum Grove Public Works site for Field Day again this year.  Leo Ribordy N9NBH seconded the idea.  Group tonight agrees.

John Thornton KD9VZI wishes to know if SARC t-shirts could be available or if we could organize procurement for interested members.

Charlene K9CMZ discussed ARRL supported proposed laws protecting Hams from local rules and ordinances forbidding radio equipment at their home.

 New Business: 

Danny Kafka KD9HIL SARC Vice President and Field Day (FD) Chair provided and update for FD planning.

GOTA tent is now staffed, our Welcome Tent should be ready, and we’ll take inventory on Friday afternoon set-up to determine any shortages.  For example, one of our storage bins (21 Gal) suffered damage and needs replacement.  We think there may be a ‘deck box’ available to help us avoid expense of a new purchase.  Our large canopy cover uses elastic ball bungee hold-downs…..damaged during last summer’s storm and we’ll need about 12 replacements.

Head-count will be needed for the three (3) f’n  food events (Friday set-up, Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast) so Danny will send SARC-ALL to ascertain anticipated attendee head-count for each event.

Danny plans to use the same catering service as last year for Saturday.  Sunday breakfast may be as simple as a few egg-muffins from the local 24-hour McD’s because not many folks want to work through the night.

Extra points offered for NTS traffic: ARRL Section Manager Contact details and ability to make a connection requires confirmation beforehand.

Howard Mitchell KD9WSV observed there are many new members who haven’t experienced FD, have no vision of how to assist/participate, and he has offered to send SARC-ALL to gather some Elmer’ing talent to help us enlist help we’ll need for FD.

Adjourn:  7:30 PM

Submitted May 17, 2024

Cliff Sowka K9QD


Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors June 5, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting June 5, 2024

Robert Kocourek W9RKK called the meeting to order at 7:00PM


Robert Kocourek W9RKK Bill Reiss KW9WR John Douglas KD9KSH
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Paul Burkett KD9FMN Bob Benwitz N9JAX
Cliff Sowka K9QD Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK

Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  May BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:  Paul Burkett KD9FMN moved to approve and seconded by Bill Reiss KW9WR.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN not present.

Public Service 

Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present. Rob has provided advance notice on SARC-ALL regarding Hoffman Estates Fourth of July plans:

There is a radioactivity event on Thursday, July 4 in Hoffman Estates.

As in many previous years, the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club is requested to organize the parade this year.  So, at 7:30 AM, we will meet at Illinois Ave and Paris Lane, a couple blocks north of Schaumburg Road to get our location assignments.

The parade will be on Illinois Ave. this year, as in some previous years.  The task requires a few blocks of walking.  Each operator is given a list of the parade units to be located on his block, and what address each unit is planned to be staged.  You will also be given a map of the area to indicate the addresses.  And if I could figure out how to get this thing to include a map I could edit I could draw in the areas where we will be staging units and show the parade route.

Prior to the start of the parade at 9:00 AM, we ensure that the units are in place.  Then at the start of the parade, we direct our units out to the parade route, in order.  Parade units line up on Payson St. and Paris, Newark, Norridge, and Morgan lanes.  The Reviewing stand is near Illinois and Evanston street.

We need to report to the reviewing stand any units that are missing, or if there is a conflict between units (like two adjacent units playing music) so we can get permission to change the order of those units.  Of course, some units arrive late, so we get to try to insert them into the parade where they belong, and tell the reviewing stand when they are appearing in the parade if we can’t get them in order.

This year, the person I used to work with in getting information has moved on to another job, so we may have some documentation problems.  (The new people have not yet verified the IHOP breakfast as has been traditional).

At the appointed time, we direct units in order onto the streets leading to Paris Lane, from which they will turn into Illinois Blvd for the parade.

It makes for a lot of fun, with a little work, mostly walking and checking unit numbers, and communicating by radio.

If you have not done a Public Service event before, this is a good one to start on.

All you need is an HT with the EMCOMM channels programmed into it, a hat and maybe sunscreen for protection from solar energy, and probably a bottle of water or two, if the weather is hot.  A clipboard for holding the list of units can be helpful.  We have some yellow safety vests for the club, but if you have one of your own, bring it.

Communications distance (as the radio wave travels) is about a mile, so no repeater is necessary. We will use EMCOMM 4 (147.420 MHz Simplex) as the normal operating frequency, with EMCOMM 5 (146.490 MHz Simplex) as a backup.

We need at least 10 operators to support the parade.

If you are willing to assist, please let me know.  If we have more volunteers, we can double up on some blocks, so you won’t have to walk as far.

Thanks and 73 de N9MVO,

Rob Glowacki Public Service Chair

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club


No Report.


Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.

Robert Kocourek W9RKK continues work to establish an operation manual for our machines with assistance from the Repeater Team and Kent Ochs W9KAO.

Construction Project (CP)

Cliff Sowka K9QD reports CP is on summer hiatus and will return in September.

VE Testing:  John Schofield AC9JS reports results for june1, 2024


Name Call Class
Neil KE9ATK Technician
Scott KB9LCD General
Julianna KE9ATL Technician
Chase KE9ATM Technician



Technician 3
General 1
Extra 0
Total 4

Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):


Joe Barela KB9RCR
Bill Davies K9WKD
Bill Riess KW9WR
John Schofield AC9JS
Mariusz Szpryngacz AD9DU
Kevin Willard KB9QYX
Jon Wit KD9WNL

Four of our new VEs, all SARC members, assisted in this session, which was greatly appreciated.

Next examination date: July 6, 2024

John Schofield

Session Manager



 Attendance remains enthusiastic.  Need Net Control volunteer to host on Tuesdays.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG 

 Need Editor. No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman reports the following:

1) Added SARC to ARRL Field Day Website.  Other publicity getting ready for release.

2) Email from Tracy Raimondo – Village of Schaumburg does not have events coming up that would require participation from SARC.


Need Chairperson.


Leo N9NBH not present.  There is currently no answer from the Library regarding fall classroom availability for us.


Don Dewar KD9NJR: Need program ideas and membership presenter support.

Old Business

John Shofield AC9JS has been providing SARC informational materials after his VE sessions and wishes to have printing budget to enhance the offerings.

  • Moved to approve $60 budget for VE team expenses. Danny KD9HIL seconded. Motion Adopted.

Discussion regarding Annual Dues.  As new Hams obtain their FCC Licenses and consider joining SARC, John notes there is some consternation regarding our cyclical renewal date of June 30.  John suggested SARC offer Complimentary Membership until the nearest Renewal Date.  Paul Burkett KD9FMN ponders a possible solution.

For example, a new member joins in May.  This new member will enjoy Complimentary Membership for ~2 months and added to SARC-ALL immediately.  Therefore will not incur a ~$60 expense for a 14-month duration.

For example, a new member joins in July.  This new member will enjoy Complimentary Membership for ~11 months and added to SARC-ALL immediately.  Therefore will only incur first Dues expense the following June.

Paul Burkett KD9FMN agreed and BOD tabled discussion for our next Business Meeting.

Daryl Jenks KB9RHR will assist to organize Scouts JOTA this coming October 19th but he will be traveling that month.  Therefore suggests we find another SARC Member who can coordinate local Scout Leadership.

New Business

Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK proposed New Business Topics:

  1. A) Should we show up at the “Coffee with the Council Meeting”?
  2. B) During hybrid SARC Business Meetings, remote participants can’t see board members behind the camera, and can’t clearly hear speakers.  Is it possible to add another camera and / or a remote microphone?
  3. C) DX Engineering Zoom Webinars during Club Meetings
  4. D) A couple of members have suggested purchasing EVOLVE laptop computers.  They could be used for logging during Field Day, connected to transceivers for Digital Modes, training.  Cost about $90.00 +tax.  Daryl (KD9RHR) and Scott (KB9VRW) both suggest adding a solid state hard drive.
  • SARC Website needs updates to outdated Club Officer List.

Field Day:

Danny Kafka KD9HIL continues to fill gaps for Field Day; several roles undetermined at the moment.

Critical need: Messages (to Section Manager, Message Handling)

Please let me know if you have additions or corrections and what blanks I can replace with YOUR name.

Thanks for all your help!

Danny KD9HIL reports Field Day progress at this moment:

LOCATION: Plum Grove Road water tower, 1406 N Plum Grove Road, Schaumburg 60173

TIME Gate opens for Friday setup at 4 PM, Saturday at 8:30 AM.

SARC CALENDAR:      (for June 22-23)     Posted to site April  5

INSURANCE documents received from Treasurer (Chris AC9GN)         April 10

Site APPLICATION submitted (using Schaumburg Special Event request form) April 16

  • Received permit: May 9 


ARTICLE for website placed by Matt AC9IG on May 20

MATERIAL for distribution during FD: Dennis

TAKE INVENTORY of supplies and equipment

  • Do we need to do it this year?   done informally


         Available on May 20 (done by Matt AC9IG)


CW                         Bob: W9DXR using Rob’s (N9MVO) tent

Single Side Band:  Robert W9RKK (with computer donated by Daryl KB9RHR)

VHF/UHF:         Kent W9KAO, time TBD

Others can be involved – work at back tables, welcome tent or your car

GOTA:                Paul KD9FMN with tent provided by Robert W9GEW

GENERATORS will be supplied by:

Rob N9MVO and Daryl KB9RHR

PALLETS under generators:  in storage


(tables  and chairs from/to Tennis Club)


Daryl KB9RHR


Daryl,  John T,  with a few others to help load



Setup (Friday)


Jorge W9TMX

Tear Down

Paul   KD9FMN

Jorge W9TMX



FRIDAY setup Water, Ice, cold soda

SATURDAY  2023: Ordered meal for 20 + 2 large pizzas

SUNDAY breakfast coordinator:   Cliff K9QD

TOTAL FOOD (last year): $412.19

TOTAL Budget this year is $1,000




Dennis KD9HIK

Robert W9GEW


1:30 to 4:00 PM



MESSAGE HANDLING        Daryl will participate

W1AW BULLETIN –             Rob N9MVO


Robert Zuttermeister W9GEW

TEARDOWN / CLEANUP                ________________

Vacuum cleaner, cleaning, and bathroom supplies



Meal Planning at the moment:

Call/Name Friday Saturday Sunday
Danny KD9HIL 1 1 1
Cliff K9QD 1 1 1
Howard KD9WSV                1                                              1 1 1
Leo N9NBH 1
John KD9VZJ 1 1 1
Rob N9MVO 1 1 1
Daryl KN9RHR 1 1 maybe
Dennis KD9HIK 1 1 1
Robert W9RKK 1 1 1
K9MSG Kirk 1 1
Paul KD9FMN 1 1 1
Ron WB9PTA 1 1 1
John KD9YKF 1 1
Bob W9DXR 1 1 1
Keith KD9WDU 1 1 1
Bob W9JAX 1
Roger WB9NBA 1 1

Danny KD9HIL


Do NET check-in awards, suggestions, items to restock.

Kent says we need Sterno: one can purchased (DK).

John Thornton KD9VZJ has 12 cans.

Adjourn 7:48PM

Submitted Jun 6, 2024

Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary


Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting June 20, 2024

Business Meeting June 20, 2024

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.



Robert Kocourek W9RKK Danny Meyers K9LDM Don Dewar KD9NJR
Bob McIntyre W9DXR Paul Burkett KD9FMN Mariusz Szpryngacz AD9DU
Steve Epstein WA9FZB Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Alex Suptela W2DNA
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Joe Barela KB9RCR Guy Stanek KE9AIA
Rob Glowacki N9MVO John Schofield AC9JS Daryl Jenks KB9RHR
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Chris Brewer AC9GN Cliff Sowka K9QD
Bill Reiss KW9WR Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ Kirk Musselman K9MSG
Roberto Beltramelli WA9E Jorge Carrillo W9TMX Charlene Treve K9CMZ
Gary Bernstein N9VU Jim Campbell KB9RGU Paul Bocci K9NO


ZOOM Virtual Attendees:


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Pierre Berube K9EYE John KD9VZJ
Rick Dickens KY0Q    

 Secretary’s Report:

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  May Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:   Danny Kafka KD9HIL moved to approve and Guy Stanek KE9AIA seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report

 Chris Brewer AC9GN reported:


Month:            May 2024                       Report generated on 5/19/2024

Checkbook Balance 04/30/24   $6,613.79
INCOME   MEMO $80.00
Cash 05/16/24 $25.00 Dues  
Cash 05/23/24 $25.00 Dues  
Cash 05/31/24 $30.00 Dues  





$62.82 AT&T DSL

Check #1295 05/23/24 $79.51 Zoom subscription  
    Account Balance  $6,551.46
  05/31/24 Bank Statement $6,551.46
Dues to be deposited   MEMO $80.00
ADJUSTED BALANCE      $6,631.46
Petty Cash 05/31/24 $100.00  

Funds Available                       $6,731.46

127 members on roster

Rob Glowacki N9MVO moved to approve and Danny KD9HIL seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  Hoffman Estates (HE) Fourth of July Parade will be supported by SARC again this year. HE Management will host breakfast at IHOP on Barrington Road and the Tollway 6AM.  Assemble at Paris and Illinois Ave 7:30AM for route assignment if skipped the breakfast meeting.


 No report.


Rob N9MVO no report.

Construction Project (CP) 

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:

On hiatus until the fall.

VE Testing

 John Schofield AC9JS no report


Don Dewar KD9NJR:   Nets are busy.  Sure would be good if we could have alternate control operators once in a while.  Ker-Chunk abuse is unfortunate and we’re asking members to utilize *850 Parrot Mode to confirm solid copy instead.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):  

 No Report

Special Events:  Dennis C. Calvey no report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW:  No report.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK:  SARC Field Day plans published.

Social:  Chair open


 Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No report.


Don Dewar KD9NJR:  Tonight’s program is Field Day Planning

Old Business:


 New Business: 

Danny Kafka KD9HIL SARC Vice President and Field Day (FD) Chair provided and update for FD planning.

It was determined transport for tables/chairs Friday and Sunday may require us to rent a truck.  Scott KB9VRW and Don KD9NJR talked about the possibility of utilizing Salvation Army’s equipment.  Arranged to have a truck available for transport both days.

Rob N9MVO will bring 6M Squalo and Gary N9VU will bring HF rig.

Chris Brewer announced availability of a large storage bin that is 5’x2’x27”.

Pierre K9EYE announced Sporadic E is opening up.

Adjourn:  7:39 PM

Submitted June 21, 2024

Cliff Sowka  K9QD


Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors July 3, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting July 3, 2024

Robert Kocourek W9RKK Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00PM


Robert Kocourek W9RKK Don Dewar KD9NJR Chris Brewer AC9GN
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Paul Burkett KD9FMN Bob Benwitz N9JAX
Cliff Sowka K9QD Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK John Schofield AC9JS
Bob Benwitz N9JAX

 Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Jun BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:  Paul Burkett KD9FMN moved to approve and seconded by John Schofield AC9JS.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN reports DRAFT (some Field Day expenses/income as well as petty cash will be provided shortly):


Month: June 2024 Report generated on 6/2/2024
Checkbook Balance 05/30/24 $6,551.46
INCOME 06/xx/24 MEMO $915.00
20 Zelle deposits $580.00 Dues (summarized)
Cash 06/10/24 $100.00 Dues
Teller deposit 06/18/24 $25.00 Dues
Cash 06/27/24 $210.00 Dues
DISBURSEMENTS 06/10/24 MEMO $62.82
ACH $62.82 AT&T DSL
Account Balance
06/30/24 Bank Statement $7,403.64
Petty Cash 06/30/24 $100.00
Funds Available $7,503.64

57 members on roster

Public Service 

 Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present. Rob has provided advance notice on SARC-ALL regarding Hoffman Estates Fourth of July plans:

There is a radioactivity event on Thursday, July 4 in Hoffman Estates.

As in many previous years, the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club is requested to organize the parade this year.  So, at 7:30 AM, we will meet at Illinois Ave and Paris Lane, a couple blocks north of Schaumburg Road to get our location assignments.

The parade will be on Illinois Ave. this year, as in some previous years.  The task requires a few blocks of walking.  Each operator is given a list of the parade units to be located on his block, and what address each unit is planned to be staged.  You will also be given a map of the area to indicate the addresses.  And if I could figure out how to get this thing to include a map I could edit I could draw in the areas where we will be staging units and show the parade route.

Prior to the start of the parade at 9:00 AM, we ensure that the units are in place.  Then at the start of the parade, we direct our units out to the parade route, in order.  Parade units line up on Payson St. and Paris, Newark, Norridge, and Morgan lanes.  The Reviewing stand is near Illinois and Evanston street.

We need to report to the reviewing stand any units that are missing, or if there is a conflict between units (like two adjacent units playing music) so we can get permission to change the order of those units.  Of course, some units arrive late, so we get to try to insert them into the parade where they belong, and tell the reviewing stand when they are appearing in the parade if we can’t get them in order.

This year, the person I used to work with in getting information has moved on to another job, so we may have some documentation problems.  (The new people have not yet verified the IHOP breakfast as has been traditional).

At the appointed time, we direct units in order onto the streets leading to Paris Lane, from which they will turn into Illinois Blvd for the parade.

It makes for a lot of fun, with a little work, mostly walking and checking unit numbers, and communicating by radio.

If you have not done a Public Service event before, this is a good one to start on.

All you need is an HT with the EMCOMM channels programmed into it, a hat and maybe sunscreen for protection from solar energy, and probably a bottle of water or two, if the weather is hot.  A clipboard for holding the list of units can be helpful.  We have some yellow safety vests for the club, but if you have one of your own, bring it.

Communications distance (as the radio wave travels) is about a mile, so no repeater is necessary. We will use EMCOMM 4 (147.420 MHz Simplex) as the normal operating frequency, with EMCOMM 5 (146.490 MHz Simplex) as a backup.

We need at least 10 operators to support the parade.

If you are willing to assist, please let me know.  If we have more volunteers, we can double up on some blocks, so you won’t have to walk as far.

Thanks and 73 de N9MVO,

Rob GlowackiPublic Service Chair

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club


 No Report.


 Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.

Robert Kocourek W9RKK continues work to establish an operation manual for our machines with assistance from the Repeater Team and Kent Ochs W9KAO.

Construction Project (CP)

Cliff Sowka K9QD reports CP is on summer hiatus.  The elevator remains out of service but we’re expecting restoration before we resume CP meetings in late September.  We have received a donation of a very clean Hallicrafters SX 122A with Xtal Cal Option and factory speaker.  Stored in CP cabinets and ready for slow-bring-up when we return in September.

VE Testing:  John Schofield AC9JS (W5YI tabulates John has hosted 117 sessions) reports next session is July 6th.  Currently have 4 students registered.


 Attendance remains enthusiastic.  Need Net Control volunteer to host on Tuesdays.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG 

 Need Editor. No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman reports the following:

  • Publicity he submitted to Daily Herald yielded ~10 visitors for our Field Day event.
  • Facebook activity is building strongly.
  • SARC will possibly support Schaumburg September Fest. Details shortly.


 Need Chairperson.


Leo N9NBH not present.  There is currently no answer from the Library regarding fall classroom availability for us.


 Don Dewar KD9NJR: Need program ideas and membership presenter support. Next presentation will cover antennas.

Old Business

Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK proposed New Business Topics:

  1. A) Should we show up at the “Coffee with the Council Meeting”?
  1. B) During hybrid SARC Business Meetings, remote participants can’t see board members behind the camera, and can’t clearly hear speakers.  Is it possible to add another camera and/or a remote microphone?
  1. C) DX Engineering Zoom Webinars during Club Meetings
  2. D) A couple of members have suggested purchasing EVOLVE laptop computers.  They could be used for logging during Field Day, connected to transceivers for Digital Modes, training.  Cost about $90.00 +tax.  Daryl (KD9RHR) and Scott (KB9VRW) both suggest adding a solid state hard drive.
  • SARC Website needs updates to our outdated Club Officer List.
  • Bruce Warrington W9EHA is SARC-BD admin

 Field Day

Danny Kafka KD9HIL Vice President reports a successful Field Day this year.

  • Board of Directors thanked her for excellent organization and performance.

Entry received at: 2024-07-01 00:02:39 UTC

Submitted by: Danny Kafka, KD9HIL              

Call Used: N9RJV         GOTA Station Call: KD9FMN          ARRL/RAC Section: IL         Class: 2A

Participants: 77         Club/Group Name: Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club

Power Source(s): Generator, Solar

Power Multiplier: 2X Preliminary Total Score: 4,916

Bonus Points:

Bonus                    Points                                      Status 100% emergency power                      200

Media publicity                              100 Documented by publicity.docx

Public information table                       100

W1AW Field Day message                     100 Documented by This is W1AW.docx

Natural power QSOs completed       100 Documented by N9RJV_2024 Emergency Power Contacts.txt Site visit by invited served agency            100

Educational activity                                100

Safety officer                                             100 Documented by 1_91-FD Safety Officer SIGNED.pdf

Social media                                             100

GOTA Station                                            250

GOTA Coach                                             100

Entry submitted via web                       50

Total bonus points                              1,400



CW Digital Phone Total
Total QSOs   653 62 328
Total Points  1306 124 328 1758 Claimed Score = 3,516

Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:

CW             Digital           Phone Band QSOs     Pwr(W)    QSOs Pwr(W) QSOs  160m


40m        180                    100


20m 457 100 276 100
15m 14 100 2 100
10m 6m 2m


2 100  





Other Satellite










Total 653 62 328
GOTA Station: GOTA Coach – 100 Bonus Points
Name Call QSOs Bonus Points
Rob Glowacki N9MVO 6 30
Kirk Musselman K9MSG 41 205
Paul Burkett KD9FMN 3 15

John Schofield AC9JS moved to authorize $100 purchase of replacement Welcome Tent (damaged during storm) and Paul Burkett KD9FMN seconded.  Motion Adopted. Dennis KD9HIK will procure a replacement.

New Business

Paul Burkett KD9FMN moved to purchase a replacement Alps tent for Field Day at expense of $125 ($300 retail).  John Schofield seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Chris Brewer received PO Box Renewal and the Board authorized him to execute properly with annual fee.

Adjourn 8:02 PM

Submitted Jul 4, 2024

Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary



Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting July 18, 2024

Business Meeting July 18, 2024

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK Danny Meyers K9LDM Don Dewar KD9NJR
Bob McIntyre W9DXR Paul Burkett KD9FMN Mariusz Szpryngacz AD9DU
Steve Epstein WA9FZB Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Burch Seymour
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Joe Barela KB9RCR Guy Stanek KE9AIA
Rob Glowacki N9MVO John Schofield AC9JS Leo Ribordy N9NBH
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Chris Brewer AC9GN Cliff Sowka K9QD
Charlene Treve K9CMZ John Douglas KD9KSH Chuck Gold KC9VO
Dave Carpenter W9VTD Jim Campbell KB9RGU Bill McGovern W9WEM

 ZOOM Virtual Attendees: 

Steve Karson AC9EM Daryl Jenks KB9RHR

 Secretary’s Report: 

Cliff Sowka K9QD: June Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:   Danny Meyers K9LDM moved to approve and Robert Kocourek W9RKK seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report 

Chris Brewer AC9GN reported:

Month:          June 2024                Report Generated on 6/17/2024

Checkbook Balance                                 05/30/24                                                                                   $6,551.46 


20 Zelle deposits




$580.00 Dues (summarized)

Cash 06/10/24 $100.00 Dues
Teller deposit 06/18/24 $25.00 Dues
Cash 06/27/24 $210.00 Dues







$62.82 AT&T DSL


Account Balance



06/30/24 Bank Statement $7,403.64

Petty Cash





From petty cash 06/21/24 -$36.00 Food tip
From petty cash 06/22/24 -$45.00 Food tip
Current 06/30/24 $19.00

 Funds Available  $7,422.64

76 members on roster w/ 5 more added tonight

Leo Ribordy N9NBH moved to approve and Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded.  Motion Adopted.

 Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  Schaumburg Park District’s Triathlon is August 28th.  Organizers haven’t informed their support requirements of SARC at the moment.  If we’re called to help with this year’s event, we’ll be required to in position by 6AM.

Rob will publish updates to SARC-ALL as soon as information is known.


 No report.


Rob N9MVO no report.

Construction Project (CP) 

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  On hiatus until the fall.

VE Testing

 John Schofield AC9JS reports: VE Tests Results for July 6, 2024

Name Call Class
David KW9BAT Technician
Benjamin KE9BAU Technician
Douglas KE9BAP Technician
Keith KD9WDU General


Technician 3
General 1
Extra 0
Total 4

Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):

Joe Barela KB9RCR
Dave Carpenter W9VTD
Bill Davies K9WKD
Steve Karson AC9EM
Ed Lishka AC9SD
James Migalla KC9UFB
John Schofield AC9JS
Mariusz Szpryngacz AD9DU
Kevin Willard KB9QVX

This VE Testing session had 4 of our newer VEs assisting.  They were very welcome!

Next examination date: August 3, 2024


Don Dewar KD9NJR:   No Report.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):   

No Report

Special Events: 

Dennis C. Calvey reports our FaceBook page has >150 followers.  Remember only SARC Members are able to upload content.

Fox Hunt:

Jim Campbell KB9RGU Chairman:  Next Hunt July 27th.  Meet CRC 1:30PM with 2:00PM start.

 Social:  John Douglas KD9KSH Acting Chair

Summer Picnic August 18th

Once again SARC has reserved the Log Cabin in Bartlett for a summer picnic.  This is the club’s reward to all members for their efforts to improve the Amateur Radio hobby and for fulfilling our obligations for the services we provide to the community and to amateur radio.

SARC has rented the log cabin in Bartlett for Sunday, August 18, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM so mark your calendars.  The log cabin has air conditioning and indoor bathrooms to make our life easier if the weather does not cooperate.

The log cabin is located on the grounds of a park which has a great playground for children and adults alike.  Sarc will also have radio related games and surprises for those who wish to participate and improve their knowledge of the hobby.  The last time we held the summer picnic we had a fox hunt on the park grounds allowing those who had antennas made during a session of the construction project to put them to use in a competitive and informative way.  This turned out to be a fun time for all.  Those new to the club will enjoy a chance to sit down and talk with other members of the club who have a wealth of knowledge and are extremely happy to share it.

Keep watch for additional messages which will provide further information on this event and details of the location along with some of the activities planned.

If you wish to sign up right now, please send me an E-mail and I will place you on the list.   The cabin has chairs and tables for approximately 45 to 50 people.

Membership: Scott DeSantis KB9VRW:  No report.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK:  SARC’s Trusted Radio Operators for Village of Schaumburg will meet with management next week for Septemberfest support planning.

Social:  Chair open


Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No report.


Don Dewar KD9NJR:  Tonight’s program is affordable antenna known as Hamstick Octopus as described in December 2007 QST ARRL article.  Physical Demo of actual antenna tonight.

Old Business: 

Danny Kafka KD9HIL SARC Vice President and Field Day (FD) Chair provided an update of FD planning.

It was determined transport for tables/chairs Friday and Sunday may require us to rent a truck.  Scott KB9VRW and Don KD9NJR talked about the possibility of utilizing Salvation Army’s equipment.  Arranged to have a truck available for transport both days.

Rob N9MVO will bring 6M Squalo and Gary N9VU will bring HF rig.

Chris Brewer announced availability of a large storage bin that is 5’x2’x27”.

Pierre K9EYE announced Sporadic E is opening up.

New Business:  

Larry K9DUJ needs assistance for Dongle SDR radio and Chris Brewer AC9GN will send info.

Danny Meyers K9LDM is assisting with liquidation of Barrington resident who has father’s WWII radio equipment/vacuum tube in garage storage.  Danny will update SARC-ALL as plans continue.

Chris Brewer AC9GN updated the Antique Radio Club Illinois flea market announcement at Shriners August 2nd-3rd

 Adjourn:  7:39 PM

Submitted July 19, 2024

Cliff Sowka K9QD
