Board of Directors Meeting Oct 6, 2021
Kent Ochs W9KAO Director called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Danny Kafka KD9HIL |
Charlene Treve K9CMZ |
John Douglas KD9KSH |
John Zietlow K9WIC |
Barry Friedman K9FMB |
Kent Ochs W9KAO |
Ed Liska AC9SD |
Robert Kocourek W9RKK
Cliff Sowka K9QD |
Secretary’s Report:
Cliff Sowka K9QD: September Minutes Approved as published in August Radio Hill Gazette (RHG).
Treasurer’s Report:
John Zietlow K9WIC provides the following
Bank Balance 1-Aug $7,703.08
INCOME Memo $ 322.28
Bank Balance 1-Sep $7,910.19
9-Sep Zoom $ 164.32
20-Sep Data line $ 115.17
Checks Outstanding $ 25.00
Deposit not included $ 0.00
Account Balance $7,605.70
Bank Statement 1-Oct $7,630.70
Checks Outstanding $ 25.00
Adjusted balance Checkbook $7,605.70
Petty Cash $ 131.20
PayPal $ 80.07
Funds Available $7,816.97
110 Members on Roster
Ed Liska AC9SD moved to approve, Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded. So Moved.
Public Service:
Rob Glowacki N9MVO no report. Chicago Marathon event is scheduled for October 10th. Supportive Hams are requested to be in-place by 6:30AM. Bill Riess KW9WR previously explained there is a background check and registration process for applicants to complete before selections are finalized.
Schaumburg Public Safety Day was held Saturday October 2nd at Fire Station 51. SARC members hosted a booth demonstrating Amateur Radio capabilities to the public. Our support was greeted with a special shout-out to all the hams that showed up to support the Schaumburg Public Safety Open House. You helped make SARC’s efforts very successful.
Also special thanks to Dennis KD9IK, Barry K9FMB, Rob N9MVO, and Cliff K9QD for their efforts to setup and man the booth. Thanks also to Dirk W0RI, Jim KC9UFB and Charlene K9CMZ supporting the effort and helping to share ham radio with the citizens of Schaumburg. I also want to thank the many members of SARC and the Schaumburg Emergency Radio Team that dropped by to say hello. (A special thank you to Cliff K9QD for trying to dump the 700 pieces of candy in multiple buckets when the parents weren’t looking!)
John K9WIC
Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ and Rob Glowacki N9MVO Repeater Committee: Not Present
Previously, Rob N9MVO received word from the Wisconsin Repeater Association that the operators of the WE9COM repeater in Dodgeville, WI, often heard on the SARC frequency, has not changed anything with regard to their transmitter power or antenna. They did say there has been a lot of ducting this year, so Mother Nature is causing them to be heard SO WELL on our frequency on those occasions.
‘It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature,’ a commercial said in the last century.
If you have problems with their repeater signal stepping on the SARC repeater, when SARC is transmitting, please let me know by email. We can then have the WI Repeater Association look into the situation.
Construction Project (CP):
Sessions have resumed with September’s first gathering of ~ 15 people. Burt AB9CV has begun purchasing consumables needed to replenish CP stores. |
VE Testing:
Results for October 2, 2021
Name Call Class
William KD9TKP General
Technician 0
General 1
Extra 0
Total 1
Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):
Bill Davies K9WKD
Steve Karson AC9EM
John Schofield AC9JS
Dirk Smith W0RI
Will Sperling W9WSS
The results were entered into the FCC ULS database on Monday October 4, 2 days after the VE Testing. This was because the documents were scanned into PDF format and emailed to the W5YI-VEC group in Arlington, TX.
Next examination date: November 6, 2021
John Schofield
Session Manager
Barry K9FMB Net Chairman reported attendance continues in the 18-20 range. Assigned Net Control coverage may be posted on our website shortly.
Radio Hill Gazette RHG:
Mike K9KMV No Report.
Recurring Calendar:
Nominating Committee has contacted club members in building our slate for November’s election. Their DRAFT Ballot has been published to the membership. SARC Board decided to temporality suspend two annual awards of
- Member of the Year
- Construction Project Acknowledgement
These two recognition awards are being suspended this year because we have been thwarted in normal club gatherings during ~2 years of COVID shutdown.
Ed Liska AC9SD noticed a peculiar US Mail receipt. SARC has received junk mail through USPS offering to renew our domain thus indicating bots are searching for revenue by soliciting site registration services. Barry K9FMB explained the exposure we could face if we fail to renew our domain.
Domain N9RJV.ORG is due for renewal in December so we don’t want someone to grab the domain and try to sell it back to us.
Darryl Jenks KB9RHR not present. 110 Members on the Roster.
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chair provided a summary of SARC’s participation in Schaumburg’s Public Safety Day as posted in the EMCOMM section above.
John KD9KSH is researching several restaurants possibly capable of hosting our annual Holiday Party in January.
Leo N9NBH not present. Leo previously reported that Hoffman Estates Library is confirmed for our Technician Class beginning in January.
Robert W9RKK and Cliff K9QD will present a Standing Waves demonstration during the October Business Meeting.
Old Business:
John K9WIC and Rob N9MVO will be working to schedule a Data Line switch-over from ATT to Extreme DSL.
New Business:
Robert W9RKK informed the Board he has radio programming files that could be offered for upload into our Website’s Resource category. He has programming profiles for Yaesu FTM300 and FT3DR in .CSV format (no copyright concerns). Robert requested Board Approval for Matt Walsh AC9IG (Webmaster) to post the files into our Website. Future member-generated file resources could also be contributed to the site’s Resource offerings. Robert has also authored a .PDF Instruction Sheet to aid in configuration.
Ed AC9SD moved, Kent W9KAO seconded. So Moved.
Submitted October 7, 2021. Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary

On October 2nd 2021, the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club participated in the Schaumburg Public Safety Open House. Many members of SARC and the Schaumburg Emergency Radio Team attended to show their support.
Special thanks go to Dennis (KD9IK), Barry (K9FMB), Rob (N9MVO), and Cliff (K9QD) for their efforts to setup and man the booth.
Thanks also to Dirk (W0RI), Jim (KC9UFB) and Charlene (K9CMZ) supporting the effort and helping to share ham radio with the citizens of Schaumburg.

Robert W9RKK has provided two sets of files for programming the Yaesu FTM-300DR and Yaesu FT3-DR radios with local repeaters. He has graciously included both instructions with screenshots and the files to load to the radio. They can be found on the menu under Ham Resources -> Radio Programming Files.
Any other club members who would like to provide programming files for different radios to be posted on the web site please send them along using the “Submit an Article or Event” at the bottom of this web page.
Business Meeting Oct 21, 2021
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Vice President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Danny Kafka KD9HIL |
Charlene Treve K9CMZ |
John Douglas KD9KSH |
Tim Smiri KC9NMW |
Barry Friedman K9FMB |
Leo Ribordy N9NBH |
John Scrip N9IJS |
Cliff Sowka K9QD |
Bill McGovern W9WEM |
Burt Schultz AB9CV |
Robert Kocourek W9RKK |
Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW |
Don Froula K9CLF |
Don Dewar KD9NJR |
Bob Benwitz N9JAX |
Brent Kaser WB9UXN |
Steve Karson AC9EM |
Joe Barela KB9RCR |
Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ |
Rob Glowacki N9MVO |
John Shofield AC9JS |
Scott Petersen N9SLA |
Steve Karson AC9EM |
Michael Kondratowicz KD9TKL |
Sid KD9OLJ |
Paul Burkett KD9FMW |
Secretary’s Report:
Cliff Sowka K9QD: Burt Schultz moved to approve the September Minutes as published in the Radio Hill Gazette (RHG). Leo Ribordy N9NBH seconded. So Moved.
Treasurer’s Report:
John Zietlow K9WIC, not present, provided this report:
Petty Cash $ 131.20
Pay Pal (waiting to be transferred) $ 80.07
Account Balance as of September 1st $ 7,910.19
Income $ 0
Expenditures Repeater data line & Zoom annual membership $ 279.49
Account Balance as of October 1st $ 7,605.70
Available Funds $ 7,816.97
Current membership: 112
Burt Schultz AB9CV moved to Approve, Rob Glowacki N9MVO seconded. So Moved.
Public Service:
Rob Glowacki N9MVO reviewed several of our past public service efforts. Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW provided a report on the Chicago Marathon last week and the ~130+ Ham Operators who were an important resource for this large event. Bill Riess KW9WR (not present) had previously explained there would be a background check and registration process for applicants to complete before assignments were finalized.
John Zietlow K9WIC not present.
Rob Glowacki N9MVO and Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ Repeater Committee: both 2M and 70cM systems performing well. Possible linear amplifier upgrade for the 70cM system is being considered. Near-term migration away from ATT’s DSL data line to another copper-wire DSL provider is expected to occur shortly.
Construction Project (CP):
Don Dewar KD9NJR and Rob Glowacki N9MVO explained our CP events to new members. Bring your equipment for calibration, repair, and programming. Coffee and pastry are usually somewhat okay but the solder smoke is wonderful. BTW: Don has provided 6-foot-long tongs for donut retrieval (meets the present iteration of minimum social distancing requirements) at the-ready for those who wish to practice safe conduct in public. |
VE Testing:
Steve Karson AC9EM and John Shofield AC9JS discussed the recent declining trend in student candidate testing demand. We’ve observed only one candidate for some of our testing sessions this year.
Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):
Bill |
Davies |
Steve |
Karson |
Ed |
Lishka |
John |
Schofield |
Barry K9FMB Net Chairman reported he is looking for a list of alternative hosts for the first Tuesday of a month.
Radio Hill Gazette RHG:
Mike K9KMV No Report.
Recurring Calendar:
Absentee Ballots for the November Election will be mailed this week with SASE that needs to be returned to our PO Box in time for receipt before the Third Week of November.
Darryl Jenks KB9RHR has requested leave and we’re looking to find someone to carry this important role.
Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chair not present.
John KD9KSH is researching potential venues for our annual event this coming January.
Leo N9NBH has obtained confirmation with the Hoffman Estates Library and reports plans for a 10-week Technician course to begin January 8th, 2022. Leo has received offers of several volunteer instructors. Class will be from 10:30AM to 12:30PM.
Separately, CW education utilizing the Long Island CW Club resource is underway. Members wishing to join the classes are to contact G4FON Long Island CW Club.
Robert W9RKK and Cliff K9QD presented a brief demonstration on Standing Waves. We are in need of a presenter for our November Business Meeting to facilitate the idle time experienced during vote-counting.
Old Business:
New Business:
New Logo
John Scrip N9IJS has been keeping the membership abreast of his graphic design efforts through the use of SARC-ALL to potentially update our ‘Official Logo’. After receiving much commentary and performing some of our member’s suggested edits, John published several improvements. Additionally, Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW took it upon himself to display a few Logo examples applied to some trinkets tonight utilizing John’s most recent edit.
- Steve Karson AC9EM moved to retire the two SARC ‘Official Logos’ and replace the club’s Logo with John Scrip’s design. Leo Ribordy N9NBH seconded. So Moved.
Once the artwork is officially received, I will update the Letterhead used for Meeting Minutes and our website will be updated as well.
8:34 PM.
Submitted October 22, 2021. Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary
Sample Ballot
Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club
General Election
November 2021
Club Officers and Board of Directors
Bylaw Change: Fiscal Year
All Offices -1 Year term Board of Directors-3 year terms
Vote for One Vote for two
John Zietlow K9WIC Chuck Bolvin K9RPL
Mason Trimble K9TIV Paul Burkett KD9FMN
Geoff Stevens KD9QGH Bill Reiss KW9WR
Russ Schmidt KC9NUV
Burt Schultz AB9CV
John Shofield AC9JS
Vice President
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Special Recognition Awards
On Hiatus for this cycle
Barry Friedman K9FMB
Chris Brewer AC9GN
Cliff Sowka K9QD
Bylaw Change:
Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Fiscal Year shall be July 1st to June 30th
___Yes ___No