Schaumburg Amateur Radio Board Of Directors Oct 4, 2023

Board of Directors Meeting October 4, 2023

Robert Kocourek W9RKK Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00PM



Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Shofield AC9JS Bill Riess KW9WR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Cliff Sowka K9QD Kent Ochs W9KAO
Don Dewar KD9NJR Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK John Douglas AC9JS

Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  September BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG; Danny KD9HIL moved to approve, Robert W9RKK seconded.  Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN not present but provided the following report:



Month:                                                                          September 2023


Checkbook Balance 09/31/2023                                                 $7,177.12


INCOME MEMO                                                                                      $   295.00


09/05/23 Zelle                                                                                   $     30.00

09/11/23 Zelle                                                                                   $     30.00

09/11/23 Collected checks/cash                                                $     25.00

09/22/23 Collected checks/cash                                                $   155.00

09/26/23 Zelle                                                                                   $     30.00

08/25/23 Collected checks/cash                                                $     25.00


DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                                              $   182.82


ACH 09/11/23 AT&T DSL                                                                $     62.82

Check 1288 09/25/23 Tennis Club antenna parts                 $   120.00


09/31/2023 Account Balance                                                       $7,289.30

09/31/2023 Bank Statement                                                        $7,289.30

Checks Outstanding                                                                        $       0.00

Adjusted balance                                                                             $7,289.30

Checkbook balance 09/31/2023                                                 $7,289.30

Petty Cash 09/31/2023 Current balance                                   $   110.00


Funds Available                                                                               $7,399.30

105 active members in roster

Cliff K9QD moved to approve, Don KD9NJR seconded. Adopted.

Public Service 

 Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.


 John Zietlow K9WIC EmComm Chairman not present.


 Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.  Kent Ochs W9KAO informed our 2M Exciter upgrade has been successfully accomplished.  Allstar has been updated from Rev 1.5 to Rev 1.7.  Robert W9RKK has been briefed on the system’s firmware and has a good understanding of the code’s operation.  Repeater’s Image backup performed and stored into removable memory for safekeeping.

Kent W9KAO requests equipment upgrades:  Case for Pi 4, need associated power supply, three (3) Rack-Mount industrial shelving units for the repeater cabinet, associated hardware for securing thing correctly, and expects the total cost could be something less than $300.


  • Cliff K9QD moved to provide the Repeater team up to $300 headroom for needed upgrades. Danny KD9HIL seconded. Adopted.


Construction Project (CP)


Cliff Sowka K9QD reports CP is back in session and attendance during our first event of this season hosted 27 attendees.  Club members are asked to think of appropriate projects that we could entertain.  No suggestions at the moment but Kent W9KAO suggests maybe there would be interest in a kit such as a Bluetooth speaker to get some momentum underway. Al KD9FIA has diagnosed and repaired the Schaumburg Park District’s (SPD) broken Wave Siren Module.


  • Dennis KD9HIK moved to reimburse $28.02 Centralab Selector Switch expense to Al KD9FIA for his effort in repairing SPD’s Wave Siren module. Bill KW9WR seconded.

VE Testing:

John Schofield AC9JS reports there are five (5) candidates for testing this coming Saturday October 7th.

John Schofield

Session Manager



 Don Dewar KD9NJR Chairman needs volunteers willing to take a session.  Log-ins have been abundant but participation in NET dialog is limited.  Maybe need some new ideas for interesting topics.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG 

 Mike K9KMV No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman has authored an historical summary of Schaumburg’s development that places emphasis on the Park District’s support for our club’s activities.  Executives within SPD have approved his article and publication will be accomplished shortly.


 Need Chairperson.

In the interim, John Douglas KD9KSH has offered to manage and secure a venue for our January Holiday Party. The Holiday Party is usually an event where we are able to sit down, talk with our friends and make new friends.



SCHAUMBURG   Phone:  847-891-7777

Date:         SUNDAY JANUARY 21, 2024

Time:         4:30 to 8:00PM — in place of Jan meeting.


CHICKEN VESUVIO – -including Mostaccioli, Garden Salad, Butter Rolls, Coffee with Pizza as an appetizer and cupcakes as dessert.

  • Note: The Pizza will be set up as a buffet since there will be various types of toppings.

Any drinks other than coffee will be the responsibility of the individual customer.

A deposit of $100.00 is required along with a minimum of 25 people.  The room holds 45 people.

  • Price per person:  $27.00 which includes tax (12%) and tip (20%)

Those attending would have to pay two weeks in advance and the checks could be sent to John KD9KSH made out to SARC.  That will allow him to keep track of who is coming, the number of people, and send responses with our thanks for attending.  John will get the checks to Chris AC9GN prior to the party so he can issue payment to Riccardo’s.  John will pick up the cupcakes from Costco or another store and bring them to Riccardo’s along with paper plates and napkins.    The price from Riccardo’s was increased by $1.50 to cover the cupcakes.

  • Danny KD9HIL moved to authorize John’s plans outlined tonight. Robert W9RKK seconded.


Leo N9NBH not present.  Possibility for a Fall Session late in 2024.


 Don Dewar KD9NJR finding willing presenters difficult but we’ll continue to invite club members to contribute.  Planning to display a video during November’s Election counting process.

FOX Hunt:  Jim Campbell KB9RGU no report.

 Old Business


 New Business

Don Dewar KD9NJR proposed updates to our Constitution and Bylaws during the September meeting.  He presented valid reasons to edit six Articles that have become outdated (such as TVI Committee).  The Board reviewed his suggested text changes and we’ll publish the proposed updates in time for the inclusion on the Ballot in November.

  • Don KD9NJR moved in September to place proposed Constitution Updates on our November Ballot. Ed Lishka AC9SD seconded.  Motion Adopted
  • Bill KW9WR moved to approved Don’s Bylaw revisions as presented. Danny KD9HIL seconded.  Adopted under authority granted to the Board of Directors.

Therefore only the Constitution Revisions will be on the November Ballot since the Bylaws are adopted tonight.  Such revisions will be published to SARC-ALL for membership review.  The Ballot will ask for an Up-Down vote.

Adjourn 8:28PM

Submitted October 5, 2023.    Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary


SPECIAL SESSION: Board of Directors Meeting October 4, 2023


Robert Kocourek W9RKK Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:29PM



Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Shofield AC9JS Bill Riess KW9WR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Cliff Sowka K9QD Kent Ochs W9KAO
Don Dewar KD9NJR Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK John Douglas AC9JS

A Special Session is hereby called to Order for Consideration regarding Bylaw Revisions as provided-for in our Constitution.

  • Danny KD9HIL moved to accept Don Dewar’s KD9NJR Bylaw Revisions as submitted October 4, 2023. Robert W9RKK seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Adjourn 8:32PM

Submitted October 5, 2023.    Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary


Schaumburg Amateur Radio Business Meeting Oct 19, 2023


Business Meeting October 19, 2023


Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.




Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Thornton KD9VZJ John Shofield AC9JS
Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ Paul Burkett KD9FMN Leo Ribordy N9NBH
Roberto Beltramelli WA9E Charlene Treve K9CMZ Don Dewar KD9NJR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Danny Meyers K9LDM Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK
Bill Riess KW9WR Bob Benwitz N9JAX Rob Glowacki N9MVO
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Rick Dickens KY0Q Cliff Sowka K9QD
Chris Brewer AC9GN Jim Campbell KB9RGU Joe Barela KB9RCR
Ed Lishka AC9SD Sid Puri KD9OLI  


ZOOM Attendees:


Daryl Jenks KB9RHR Pierre Berube K9EYE Scott DeSantis KB9VRW
Steve Karson AC9EM Robert McIntyre W9DXR Carl Peterson KB9WCA
Kevin Willard KB9QVX Ganga Jayaraman KD9SBL Bates Noble N9UVI
David Binkowski K9IBM    


Secretary’s Report:


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  September Business Meeting Minutes were published in the Radio Hill Gazette (RHG).


  • Danny KD9HIL moved to approve Robert W9RKK seconded. Motion Adopted.


Treasurer’s Report: 


Chris Brewer AC9GN reported:




Month:                                 October 2023


Checkbook Balance 09/31/2023                                                 $7,177.12


INCOME MEMO                                                                                               $   295.00


09/05/23 Zelle                                                                                   $     30.00

09/11/23 Zelle                                                                                   $     30.00

09/11/23 Collected checks/cash                                                $     25.00

09/22/23 Collected checks/cash                                                $   155.00

09/26/23 Zelle                                                                                   $     30.00

08/25/23 Collected checks/cash                                                $     25.00


DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                                              $   182.82


ACH 09/11/23 AT&T DSL                                                                $     62.82

Check 1288 09/25/23 Tennis Club antenna parts                 $   120.00


09/31/2023 Account Balance                                                       $7,289.30

09/31/2023 Bank Statement                                                        $7,289.30

Checks Outstanding                                                                        $       0.00

Adjusted balance                                                                             $7,289.30

Checkbook balance 09/31/2023                                                 $7,289.30

Petty Cash 09/31/2023 Current balance                                                 $   110.00


Funds Available                                                                               $7,399.30


105 active members in roster


  • Danny moved to approve, Rob N9MVO seconded.  Adopted.


Public Service


Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  No Report.




John Zietlow K9WIC:  Not present.




Rob N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ, no report.


Construction Project (CP) 


Cliff Sowka K9QD:


Reminded membership of Visitation/Funeral for Ted Lester AB9SZ this coming Saturday.  Ted was a long-time SARC Member and held roles as Technical Resource and Host of Construction Project (CP).  A YouTube video of Ted’s participation during CP was recently posted to our N9RJV.ORG home page.


Wheaton Hamfest (Held at DuPage Fairgrounds) has been announced for Sunday January 14th.


2M SSB Squalo build interest appears to be around 5 (6 antennas) at the moment.  Don KD9NJR has studied current materials costs (~$30 and will post to SARC-ALL) and if we obtain firm commitments, it would be prudent to have our build schedule set before snowy winter months.  We don’t want to sweat copper pipes in the facility and will therefore do our soldering outside.


VE Tests Results for October 7, 2023


Name Call Class
Sheng TBD Technician
Thomas KD9ZAM Technician
Darwin KD3LYA General
Dasthan KD9ZAE Technician
William KD9YSN General
Nathan KD9ZAF Technician


Dasthan, KD9ZAE, is 10 years old and is the youngest person tested in memory.  Congratulations to Dasthan and his father, Darwin.


The people, upgrading their licenses to a General, had their information in the FCC ULS system by Tuesday, 10/10/23, at 11:20 AM even though Monday was a federal holiday.


Most of the Technician licenses were in the FCC ULS system by Wednesday or Thursday.


Technician 4
General 2
Extra 0
Total 6


Thanks to the participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):


Bill Davies K9WKD
James Migalla KC9UFB
William Riess KW9WR
John Schofield AC9JS


Next examination date:  November 4, 2023.


John Schofield

Session Manager





Don Dewar KD9NJR: No Report


Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):  


Mike K9KMV:  Not present


Special Events:


No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW: No report.



Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK informed us of ARRL effort to preserve our frequency allocation within 60M.  Comment Period remains open at the moment. FCC is considering High Power, High Speed trading 2M through 25M with power of up to 20KW.


Dennis will communicate upcoming Solar Eclipse April 8th on FB.


Social:  Chair open.




Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No report.




Don KD9NJR presented a video on Digital Voice.


FOX Hunt: 


Jim Campbell KB9RGU:  Next Fox Hunt is scheduled for October 28th 2:15PM with launch at 3:00PM.


Old Business:


Bill Riess KW9WR Nominating Committee Chair announced Absentee Ballots have been transmitted as planned.


Constitution updates:  Don Dewar KD9NJR will publish several editing proposals to SARC-ALL before Election Night.  Members will be asked to vote UP/DOWN.


New Business:  None


Rob Glowacki N9MVO described his recent experience with a Coil-Shortened Dipole on 75M. It works.


Pierre K9EYE reported really nice 10M band opening recently.


Adjourn:  7:42 PM


Submitted October 20, 2023

Cliff Sowka  K9QD Secretary