Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting September 5, 2018

Frank Giampa N9QPD Chairman opened the meeting at 7:05 PM.


Leo Ribordy N9NBH Ken Krzywicki KD9HIJ Cliff Sowka K9QD
Danny Kafka KB9HIL Chris Brewer AC9GN Frank Giampa N9QPD
Russ Schmidt KC9NUV Kent Ochs W9KAO

Treasurer’s Report

Chris Brewer AC9GN reports: beginning balance $5,132.94.  Income was $45.00.  Expense was $56.35 for data line.  Ending balance $5,121.59.  Paid membership is currently 66.

President’s Report

Matt AC9IG not present but provided the following:  

  • The roster got a lot of use and updated info. Great work by Chris for making this possible. Chris and I fielded some tech support questions for a few members and made several tweaks as we found some operational issues.


  • I got a report from Rob of Newsline playing at 10pm on Monday 8/20. I have not received any other reports of it playing. Do we want to consider changing the code to play Newsline? All previous net control operators have this code.

Web site (or new business):

  • Chris will request access as the secondary administrator for the web site, this will replace Kent’s access who previously had this role. Chris will be able to post articles and make back-end changes as needed. I am good with this change.
  • Chris will lead a discussion on who gets access to what information on the roster including who can add new members, update dues and send emails. We’ve discussed this extensively so I’m good with his suggestions.

New business:

  • Who has access to set up voicemail forwarding to the SARC number at 224-698-1072? Was it Kent? We should contact him for the credentials to update it.


Dennis KD9HIK not present.


We continue to electronically log transmissions through the repeater.  Note interference by using the link at the bottom of the web site [note date / time].  Our current ARRL/FCC QRM effort remains active and we’re collecting the required data.


No Report


The following were responded to via email/phone during the month of August:

8/5   David Romz   KD9LEV

8/16  Roberto B.   WA9E  (requested membership form info)

8/21 Brad Aronson  (no call) looking for info on how to sell his father-in-law’s (SK) radio gear

8/23 George Miller (no call given)  looking for info on upcoming General Class classes to be offered

Bob Benwitz


Membership Committee Chairman

SARC Repeaters  

We’re looking for MI reports to support the FCC process.  If you notice interference please note time/day.

Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Approval of Meeting Minutes as published on our website.


No Report.

Construction  Project

Impromptu CP Meeting September 8th

Since there are only two remaining Hamfests for 2018, there will be a special CP event this coming Saturday morning.  We’ll meet starting at 7AM and try to finish the effort before Leo’s General Class begins at 10:30 at the Library.

Goal is to cull the recent SK equipment donations, select eligible items for internal discounted sales to Members in good standing,  and then have the ability to sell the remaining items during the Peoria and Belvidere Hamfests later this month.

Preliminary inventory list at this moment:

Brand Model Description
Heath Kit Vector Scope Analog Color TV scope
Rubicon Model 1052 Wheatstone Bridge
Bogen DB-130 HiFi Audio Amplifier
Aerospace Ind NS-B Noise Generator
Leader LDC-822 Digital Voltmeter
Triplett 630-NA Volt Ohm Meter VOM
Wavetek Model 111 V-Cntl’d Generator
HP 200-AB Classic Audio Generator
Western Electric Cradle Desk Phone Dial 1950s vintage
B&K Precision Model 3025 Sweep Generator
EICO Model 324 Signal Generator
ESI Model 250DE Lab Impedance Bridge LRC
Motorola TEK-21 Pocket Pulse Generator
Motorola TEK-31 Pocket Tone Generator
Stancor Plate Transformer 1,800 Volt at 250 mA (2 pcs)
 HP       5314A       Universal Counter
Fluke     8000A       Digital Multimeter
Staco     171       Variable Transformer
Motorola            Signal Generator
Triplet     310       Multimeter
Tekroc    453 2100      
Standard    80R       Signal Generator
Motorola       RF Alignment Meter     
Weston     1250       Frequency Counter
HP    1744       Storage Scope
1 Can Power Transistors
2 Cans  Relays
1 Can of Fuses
3 Cans of Resistors
1 Can of pilot lights and holders
4 Cans of Mixed Vacuum Tubes
2 Can of Swtiches  
3 Cans of Misc connectors and components
19 spools of solid 12-24AWG



Robert Kocourek W9RKK not present but previously reported he has organized this year’s ‘Pilot Pete’s’ institutionalized club social event at Lou Malnati’s for September 8th 5PM and we shouldn’t linger past 8PM.  Robert communicated specific advance-order details they have requested before the end of this week.


Leo N9NBH reported plans for a winter General Class with the Library District are in place.  September 8th through the end of October at the Hoffman Estates Hassle Road facility, same as last fall’s Technician class.     

VE Testing  

John Shoefield AC9JS no report.


No Report.


Chris AC9GN and Matt AC9IG working on a few updates:  Some information moved over to the new site needs to be updated such as Ham Resources, DX Spotting,  APRS Beacon Page for 2M. BOD voted to grant Chris AC9GN authority to go ahead with the new edits.


Chris AC9GN moved to allow our Membership Chair database access and the authority to send an automatic email application to new members.  Passed.

Public Service

Rob N9MVO not present.  


Cliff Sowka K9QD:   September presentation is not yet confirmed but Dirk W0RI may be able to prepare a digital mode presentation.


Steve AC9EM no report.

Ebay Sales

None.  There are two large hamfests in September and it would be good to cull the surplus SK equipment donations received over the past several months, build a list with suggested values, and offer for rapid internal sale to membership.  Any unclaimed inventory could then be taken to both Belvidere and Peoria for sale. Time is tight to have equipment decisions made and available for these two Hamfests so there will be a special CP meeting this coming Saturday to clear our storage cabinets of eligible items.

A separate SARC-ALL Email will be published announcing this coming Saturday CP effort.

Old Business

By Law Committee Report:  Dirk W0RI prepared another amended Code of Conduct document.    

The November election night is targeted for any By Law changes to be presented to the membership for ratification.  There is a required 30-Day notification period and therefore initial September RHG publication is the current goal.

Russ KC9NUV restated his objection to this entire By Law change being proposed.  His case is simply these new regulations will not preclude BOD’s convicted offenders (as determined by a proposed change requiring BOD super-majority vote) from attending club functions or using club resources such as our repeaters.  Discharged members would suffer lost voting rights as well as lost access to any current SARC-ALL email distribution list, but not blocked from attending SARC functions.

Cliff K9QD discussed hearing political dialog (proposed to now become offensive behavior) during K9IIK Repeater morning drive-time.  This situation would become grounds for dismissal but curiously some of these transmissions appear to be originating with non-member(s) utilizing our open (to licensed Hams) machine;  any such proposed By Law-mandated punishment for political/religious conduct by members in good standing would be superfluous because offending non-members would not be affected by definition.

New Business  

Russ KC9NUV will Chair this year’s Nominating Committee and prepare a candidate list by October’s Business Meeting.

Cliff K9QD moved delinquent membership renewals will lose access to all Membership benefits after 90-days.  Leo N9NBH seconded. Motion passed.

Chair N9QPD requested the proposed By Law changes be read into the BOD Minutes tonight:

Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM

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SARC Board Meeting August 1, 2018

Two emails were received for proposed changes between July 11, 2018 and July 30, 2018. Which are included in the attached.

Russell Schmidt II, KC9NUV objected to entire new COC and By-Laws Article IX.

August 1, 2018 Board meeting discussion of requested revision per respective sections.

August 2, 2018, updated sections per Board Meeting discussion, Document now version “4.1”. Committee review prior to release of FINAL version to all Board and Officers


  1. Article IX and Code of Conduct (By-Law, COC Committee)



Motion to accept


  1. Article X: New Membership (Dirk Smith)



Motion to accept


  1. Article XI: Permanent Voting Rights (Cliff Sowka)



Motion to accept

Section to be inserted by Board Chair into present By-Laws

Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM

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Presented to SARC Board Meeting on July 11, 2018, August 1, 2018, discussion of proposed changes

August 2, 2018 revised per Board Meeting

UPDATES to the “Code of Conduct” and addition of “Article IX” to the SARC By-Laws was necessary to allow the Board of Directors to properly and fairly process any complaints or grievances brought forth for the protection of SARC.


By Law and COC Committee:

Leo Ribordy N9NBH, SARC Board Director,

Peter Maziuk N9POL, SARC Board Director,

Dirk Smith W0RI, SARC Board Director


Additions to By-Laws, new sections:

Article X: New Membership

* D.Smith 7-12-18: The general membership to vote in new members at the next general meeting, with a simple majority YEAH-NAY vote. SARC Reserves the right to deny membership applications.

Article XI: Permanent Voting Rights, Officer

* C. Sowka 7-13-18 email: I will propose a new By-Law and have it ready/in compliance to be decided in November:

“Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) of the club shall be permanent voting members of the Board of Directors.” Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM

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Article IX: By-Law, Code of Conduct supersede any version/edition of

the Roberts Rule of Order


All SARC Members shall during all Club functions using all club communications methods incl. electronic / digital forms such as repeaters and email reflectors will be CONSIDERATE. Never knowingly operate in such a manner to lessen the pleasure of others and conform to FCC Part 97.


Offer loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs, the IARU Radio Society in their Country, through which Amateur Radio is represented nationally and internationally.


Members keep station up to date. It is well build and efficient. Member’s operation practice is above reproach.


Members operate slowly and patiently when requested, offer friendly advice and counsel to beginners, offer kind assistance, cooperation and

consideration for the interests of others. These are the marks of the amateur spirit.


Radio is a hobby, never interfering with duties owed to family, job. School or community.


Members are responsible for respecting the integrity and dignity of EVERYONE. Members are committed to making the club a more inclusive organization based on mutual respect and appreciation for the diversity of the social network. Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM

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Members will respect the subject matter or the persons(s) position being discussed either in verbal or in written form, without prejudging any position or content.


Members communication must be in a professional and factual manner without prejudice.


Political and/or Religious statements shall be abstained from being mentioned during any SARC club function, event or meeting.


No Member shall act in an official capacity on behalf of SARC, UNLESS having prior approval by either two (2) Board of Directors or one (1) Board of Director and two (2) Officers.


A member’s character and actions are a reflection of the Club’s reputation.

A Member shall not conduct themselves in a manner that adversely affects the reputation of the Club or within the community. Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM

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Article IX: By-Law


A SARC Member or Associate Member shall at all times, especially during all type of club functions, on the AIR, any other communication methods either Electronics, Digital, Repeater, Social Media forums or reflectors be courteous.

Any complaints and grievances are to be submitted in writing to the SARC Board Chairperson or acting Chairperson and be recorded in the next SARC Board Meeting. The person(s) having a complaint or grievance reported against them, will have the opportunity to state their position in person and/or may be called in front of the SARC Board. If they are Officers or Board Members they are to be excused from the discussions or decision making process.

The Recording Process:

Complaint or Grievance submitted in writing to current or acting SARC Board Chairperson.

SARC Club Chairperson to reserve time at next Board Meeting for discussion.

Board Chairperson to read all written Complaints or Grievances

Board Chairperson may appoint appropriate committee members to investigate Grievance or ask for a simple solution during Board Meeting.

If applicable, Board Chairperson may ask Board Members for immediate warning, censure, etc.

Board Chairperson to communicate final results/findings to Board Members at the next Board Meeting.

Board Chairperson will write the response for the final results/findings that will be published in the respective Board Meeting minutes.

VOTING: Super Majority of Board and Officers (7 of 9). If super majority is NOT achieved, members in good standing will be asked at the next general meeting to vote on the motion, a simple majority is needed.

Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM

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It will be the responsibility of the SARC Board of Directors to find a resolution and provide a statement of its position on any grievances or complaint(s). All disciplinary action will be given in written form either via email or through the Postal Service. A thirty day grace period is in order from the date a warning has been issued to correct the action(s) in question.



Be treated fairly, equally and with respect by the Club, its Board of Directors, Officers and Members in good standing.

Socialize in an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination.

Privacy and confidentiality.

Be informed and actively involved in all Club events.

Voice their opinions, requirements and suggestions to the Board of Directors/Officers.



Treat others with respect and courtesy

Behave legally, responsibly and conduct themselves in a manner which will not harm the reputation of the Club.

Only publicize material that is tasteful and upholds the integrity and dignity of the Club, determined by a vote of the Board of Directors.

Not harass others in any form, (verbal or written)

Report any inappropriate behavior of any Member to the Board of Directors. SARC-ALL Reflector, social media or other communication modes is not the appropriate means of communication.

Abide by and uphold the By-Laws and Code of Conduct of SARC.

Pay any fees in relation to an event, or offering which that Member has committed to. Regardless of whether the Member attends the function or not.

Notify Club President and Treasurer of any changes to emergency contact information, call sign, address or other information.



Will be investigated, discussed and an appropriate course of action will be taken by the Board of Directors or as assigned by Board Chairperson, which may include a warning, suspension, up to revocation of Membership.

Definitions: Member in good standing = Current on dues – with voting rights, active participant, no active or pending disciplinary actions.

Adjourn  8:54 PM

September 6, 2018  Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting September 20, 2018

Frank Giampa N9QPD Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Rebecca KA9EFE brought Chocolate Cookies; Even the Front Desk partook!


Leo Ribordy N9NBH Danny Kafka KD9HIL Cliff Sowka K9QD
Anthony Willard AB9YC Don Smith K9UD Frank Giampa N9QPD
Varum Devulapalli VU3DVS Mahathi Devulapalli VU2DTR Bharathi Devulapalli VU2RBI
D J Traxler WA9UBR Chris Brewer AC9GN Robert Kocourek W9RKK
Larry Burke K9FLT Peter Maziuk N9POL Terry Jarholm KD9LEU
Bob Benwitz N9JAX Dick Mitchell Orson Baker AB9WQ
Tim Manwell KD9LAI Bob McIntyre W9DXR Rob Glowacki N9MVO
John Douglas KD9KSH Edward Lishka AC9SD Doug May KD9CER
David Romz KD9LEV Bill McGovern W9WEM Jim Campbell KB9RGU
Ken Krzywicki KD9HIJ Dennis Calvey KD9HIK John Douglas KD9KSH
Burt Schultz AB9CV John Zietlow K9WIC Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ
Bob Schwerdlin WG9L Bill Crockett KD9AUP David Romz KD9LEV
Kevin Willard KB9QVX Dennis Calvey KD9HIK Rick Cook KC9PLO

Treasurer’s Report

Chris Brewer AC9GN reports: beginning balance $5,132.94.  Income was $45.  Expense was $56.35.  Ending balance $5,121.50.  Paid membership is currently 66.

President’s Report

Matt AC9IG not present but provided the following:

I’d like to remind every to look for a proposal to the changes in the bylaws in October’s RHG. Please be sure to read it as we will likely have a lengthy discussion of it during November’s election and meeting.

W9DXCC was last week.  I’ve very much enjoyed the conference in the past, but was unable to attend this year.  We were able to send two members on a scholarship this year. If anyone who was there would like to tell us about what new or interesting things you learned please make yourself known.

I’d like to thank all of our volunteers who are helping with the opening and closing of construction project. It resumes this Saturday.

I am very excited for tonight’s guest VU2RBI and the discussion of the Amateur Radio situation in India that she brings us.

I hope to be back for October’s meeting.  If you have any questions or comments for me I am available via email or phone.  Please check the roster or the web site for that information.


Dennis Calvey KD9HIK previously reminded the membership to bring items of interest for public announcement.

SARC Repeaters  

Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ and Rob Glowacki N9MVO have teamed-up to become our new Chief Engineering talent to control our three repeaters.  Software and Hardware talent is now aboard to handle duties to be vacated by our previous long-time Chief Engineer Kent Ochs W9KAO.

Don’t forget: we are logging all transmissions through the repeater.  If you hear interference please use the link at the bottom of our web site to note the date and time it occurred.  Log any MI reports that help us continue the ARRL OO/FCC process. FCC has reduced the number of volunteer monitors and is now utilizing Official Observers (OO) with more targeted activity so concise logs are imperative.

Membership Bob Benwitz N9JAX provided previous report:

The following were responded to via email/phone during the month of August:

8/5   David Romz   KD9LEV

8/16  Roberto B.   WA9E  (requested membership form info)

8/21  Brad Aronson  (no call) looking for info on how to sell his father-in-law’s (SK) radio gear

8/23 George Miller (no call given)  looking for info on upcoming General Class classes to be offered

Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Approval of Meeting Minutes as published on our website.


John Zietlow K9WIC will take command of our EMCOMM Committee.  October 6th is the Schaumburg Open House to be held at Fire Station 51.  Rob N9MVO and Cliff K9QD will organize our club’s presentation table for Bill Clark’s request to have SARC representation for the day.

There will be a state-wide DARK WEB EMCOMM Exercise held October 25, 26th.  John will be providing more information to help us organize SARC participation.

Construction Project (CP)

There are currently five members:

Rob N9MVO,  Russ KC9NUV,  Leo N9NBH, Bill W9WEM, and Dave KD9JKG  on the CP Committee to insure we’re ready for the Second and Fourth Saturday events that begin later this month and continue through the later weeks of Spring 2019.  

Our first session for the Fall of 2018 will be held this coming Saturday with W9WEM opening and making coffee.  Several other club members will be attending the Belvidere Fest and miss this first session of CP.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK organized this year’s Pilot Pete’s at Lou Malnatis and reports 16 attendees.


Leo N9NBH reported winter General Class training attendance of 10.  Series/Parallel theory contained in the initial course material has been a challenge but success is in the offing.

VE Testing   

John AC9JS reports Results for September 2018

Name Call Class
Marzelli, Michael KD9LRN Technician
Mastenbrook, Mary N8DKK Extra
Libner, Eric KM6VON Technician
Technician 2
General 0
Extra 1
Total 3


Next examination date:  October 6,2018


Matt AC9IG previously added a feature-set to our new website that allows extemporaneous article submissions with reasonable editing capability.

Public Service

Rob N9MVO said we’ve finished our Public Service duties for the year.  



Cliff Sowka K9QD:   Bob Schwerdlin WG9L introduced special guest speakers for tonight:  

Mrs. Bharathi VU2RBI and her family hosted our program tonight to speak about Ham Radio in India. 

She informed us of India’s Amateur Radio activities, Governmental support, regulations, clubs, and special events occurring in her country and her experiences during world-wide travels.




17 log-ins during last week’s Net.     

Ebay Sales

No eBay sales to report but we were somewhat successful in Peoria.  The impromptu Construction Project meeting last week yielded several tables-full of Silent Key donations that were offered to membership internally and sold.  Final accounting of the internal sales isn’t completed yet but appear to be around $450 or so. Sold items are in the northern-most cabinet and ready for pickup.  Un-sold items then took the trip to Peoria. $124 sold. Peoria Hams consumed only about a third of the inventory so we’re hopeful Belvidere this weekend will allow us to find new homes for everything that remains.  

Old Business

Nominating Committee:  Russell Schmidt KC9NUV will manage the candidate nomination process this year.  Please make your intentions known to Russ so that we can continue to have dedicated leadership for the coming year.

New Business

Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW would like to gauge interest in building a J-pole Antenna at Construction Project.  Quick poll of audience in attendance tonight indicates at least 5 are interested.

Adjourn  7:42 PM

Submitted: September 21, 2018  Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary.



Proposed Code of Conduct By-Law Changes

Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM


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SARC Board Meeting August 1, 2018

Two emails were received for proposed changes between July 11, 2018 and July 30, 2018. Which are included in the attached.

Russell Schmidt II, KC9NUV objected to entire new COC and By-Laws Article IX.

August 1, 2018 Board meeting discussion of requested revision per respective sections.

August 2, 2018, updated sections per Board Meeting discussion, Document now version “4.1”. Committee review prior to release of FINAL version to all Board and Officers


  1. Article IX and Code of Conduct (By-Law, COC Committee)



Motion to accept


  1. Article X: New Membership (Dirk Smith)



Motion to accept


  1. Article XI: Permanent Voting Rights (Cliff Sowka)



Motion to accept

Section to be inserted by Board Chair into present By-Laws

Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM

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Presented to SARC Board Meeting on July 11, 2018, August 1, 2018, discussion of proposed changes

August 2, 2018 revised per Board Meeting

UPDATES to the “Code of Conduct” and addition of “Article IX” to the SARC By-Laws was necessary to allow the Board of Directors to properly and fairly process any complaints or grievances brought forth for the protection of SARC.


By Law and COC Committee:

Leo Ribordy N9NBH, SARC Board Director,

Peter Maziuk N9POL, SARC Board Director,

Dirk Smith W0RI, SARC Board Director


Additions to By-Laws, new sections:

Article X: New Membership

* D.Smith 7-12-18: The general membership to vote in new members at the next general meeting, with a simple majority YEAH-NAY vote. SARC Reserves the right to deny membership applications.

Article XI: Permanent Voting Rights, Officer

* C. Sowka 7-13-18 email: I will propose a new By-Law and have it ready/in compliance to be decided in November:

“Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) of the club shall be permanent voting members of the Board of Directors.” Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM

3 of 6


Article IX: By-Law, Code of Conduct supersede any version/edition of

the Roberts Rule of Order


All SARC Members shall during all Club functions using all club communications methods incl. electronic / digital forms such as repeaters and email reflectors will be CONSIDERATE. Never knowingly operate in such a manner to lessen the pleasure of others and conform to FCC Part 97.


Offer loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs, the IARU Radio Society in their Country, through which Amateur Radio is represented nationally and internationally.


Members keep station up to date. It is well build and efficient. Member’s operation practice is above reproach.


Members operate slowly and patiently when requested, offer friendly advice and counsel to beginners, offer kind assistance, cooperation and

consideration for the interests of others. These are the marks of the amateur spirit.


Radio is a hobby, never interfering with duties owed to family, job. School or community.


Members are responsible for respecting the integrity and dignity of EVERYONE. Members are committed to making the club a more inclusive organization based on mutual respect and appreciation for the diversity of the social network. Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM

4 of 6



Members will respect the subject matter or the persons(s) position being discussed either in verbal or in written form, without prejudging any position or content.


Members communication must be in a professional and factual manner without prejudice.


Political and/or Religious statements shall be abstained from being mentioned during any SARC club function, event or meeting.


No Member shall act in an official capacity on behalf of SARC, UNLESS having prior approval by either two (2) Board of Directors or one (1) Board of Director and two (2) Officers.


A member’s character and actions are a reflection of the Club’s reputation.

A Member shall not conduct themselves in a manner that adversely affects the reputation of the Club or within the community. Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM

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Article IX: By-Law


A SARC Member or Associate Member shall at all times, especially during all type of club functions, on the AIR, any other communication methods either Electronics, Digital, Repeater, Social Media forums or reflectors be courteous.

Any complaints and grievances are to be submitted in writing to the SARC Board Chairperson or acting Chairperson and be recorded in the next SARC Board Meeting. The person(s) having a complaint or grievance reported against them, will have the opportunity to state their position in person and/or may be called in front of the SARC Board. If they are Officers or Board Members they are to be excused from the discussions or decision making process.

The Recording Process:

Complaint or Grievance submitted in writing to current or acting SARC Board Chairperson.

SARC Club Chairperson to reserve time at next Board Meeting for discussion.

Board Chairperson to read all written Complaints or Grievances

Board Chairperson may appoint appropriate committee members to investigate Grievance or ask for a simple solution during Board Meeting.

If applicable, Board Chairperson may ask Board Members for immediate warning, censure, etc.

Board Chairperson to communicate final results/findings to Board Members at the next Board Meeting.

Board Chairperson will write the response for the final results/findings that will be published in the respective Board Meeting minutes.

VOTING: Super Majority of Board and Officers (7 of 9). If super majority is NOT achieved, members in good standing will be asked at the next general meeting to vote on the motion, a simple majority is needed.

Version 4.1, August 2, 2018 Last Revision: 8/29/2018 9:03 AM

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It will be the responsibility of the SARC Board of Directors to find a resolution and provide a statement of its position on any grievances or complaint(s). All disciplinary action will be given in written form either via email or through the Postal Service. A thirty day grace period is in order from the date a warning has been issued to correct the action(s) in question.



Be treated fairly, equally and with respect by the Club, its Board of Directors, Officers and Members in good standing.

Socialize in an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination.

Privacy and confidentiality.

Be informed and actively involved in all Club events.

Voice their opinions, requirements and suggestions to the Board of Directors/Officers.



Treat others with respect and courtesy

Behave legally, responsibly and conduct themselves in a manner which will not harm the reputation of the Club.

Only publicize material that is tasteful and upholds the integrity and dignity of the Club, determined by a vote of the Board of Directors.

Not harass others in any form, (verbal or written)

Report any inappropriate behavior of any Member to the Board of Directors. SARC-ALL Reflector, social media or other communication modes is not the appropriate means of communication.

Abide by and uphold the By-Laws and Code of Conduct of SARC.

Pay any fees in relation to an event, or offering which that Member has committed to. Regardless of whether the Member attends the function or not.

Notify Club President and Treasurer of any changes to emergency contact information, call sign, address or other information.



Will be investigated, discussed and an appropriate course of action will be taken by the Board of Directors or as assigned by Board Chairperson, which may include a warning, suspension, up to revocation of Membership.

Definitions: Member in good standing = Current on dues – with voting rights, active participant, no active or pending disciplinary actions.


President’s Report September 2018

This month’s RHG will be fairly brief. As you know I’ve been busy outside of Ham radio for the last month or so and this publication and the less frequent web site updates show this. I have been able to keep tabs on the club through meeting minutes and SARC-All and I’m very happy to see the club has continued to keep busy.

I’d like to thank everyone who helped clear out a lot of equipment from our construction project location, as well as those of you who toted it to two hamfests and organized our online auction for the items. I’d also like to thank Bob WG0L and Peter N9POL for bringing in VU2RBI as our guest speaker at this month’s club meeting.

Don’t forget that the Illinois QSO Party is October 21 from noon to 8pm local time. It’s an easy exchange in this contest you give your signal report and county, such as “59 Cook.” You’ll get back a signal report and either a state or county. The great thing about this contest is everyone will be looking for you!